Community > Posts By > myteemouse
Ugliest Actor/Actress
Pretty is as pretty does.
What Should I Do?
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I take it you got this out of today's Dear Abby/Ann/Sally/Sophie/Freddie/Frank/Beauregard column, as it's hardly what you would post for yourself. So in that vein: Good grief. You've been putting up with this for two years? Or you are so guilt-ridden that you ASSUME that anything she says is associated with your own two-year-old guilt? Flog yourself with a cat-o-nine-tails. Throw yourself into a pit of fire. Sounds to me like you're wanting your fiance to wave her magic wand and undo the things you did. Ain't gonna happen,, Boo. Accept what you did....YOU accept what you did...and quit punishing HER for what YOU did. And then SHE can quit thinking about what YOU did. There's an Eagles song you should listen to. It's called "Get Over It." |
What Should I Do?
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i read just yesterday that the 'V' sign in a pic means something other than this true? but, welcome! ![]() |
Is It Possible?
![]() ![]() Sure it is. Just turn on As the World Turns, Young and the Restless or All My Children if you don't believe me. (You don't think they make that stuff up, doya??!! ![]() |
What I Want In A Man
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To Catch A Thief...
Walk in with a 12-gauge shotgun and tell them where your dog is if they don't wanna end up whistling when a stiff wind starts blowing.
Yeah, that method works really well...just ask O.J. |
First thing I'd look at in this paper:
Did you spell "sociology" correctly? Trusting that you submitted it more than nine minutes before the deadline, I'd shoot it back to you so you could at least make that correction. But you might want to spell check the whole thing just in case. |
So guys (or gals, for that matter)...what do you do when: You see one of your friends getting P-whipped? Do you turn a blind eye...turn your back on them...or try to knock some sense in 'em? My best friend (a male-type person) and I had an agreement that if either of us got involved with someone just wrong for us, we'd tell each other. He started dating this total bioch who hated everything that he loved, including his family and friends. I risked losing the friendship, but I honored my agreement with him and sat him down and carefully outlined the reasons why so-and-so just seemed to be the wrong choice. He thanked me for my honesty...and proceeded to do what he wanted. He ended up marrying her. Now he is no longer "allowed" to have contact with his family or friends, nor is he "allowed" to participate in the many activities he used to love. Everything is all about HER family and HER interests. Sad sad sad. You can only give it your best shot and hope a light bulb goes off over their head. It probably won't do a bit of good, but at least you'll know you tried. |
I was the remote control for the tv ![]() I was the dishwasher and the trash compactor and the Roomba. |
For teens, there is no greater joy than graduating high school. Shaking off the shackles of education and claiming that hard-fought diploma is truly an epic day. Unfortunately, for several students at Bonny Eagle High School in Maine, their natural exuberance has led to some surprisingly serious problems. On Friday night, when the senior class was waiting to graduate, excitement began to grow. Students bounced a large inflatable rubber duck. The noise level rose. And then came "the kiss." When called, one student walked on stage to receive his diploma and blew a kiss to his family. The school administrator, clearly not the sentimental sort, sent the student back to his seat ... sans diploma. The seemingly harsh punishment has sent the Web all aflutter. Searches on "student denied diploma" and "bonny eagle high school" are both through the roof. Additionally, blogs and news papers are chiming in with opinions on whether or not the administration overreacted. The student's mother has given interviews and is quite upset at her son's treatment. According to an article from Fox News the outraged mother said, "A bow, a kiss to your mom is not misbehavior." But the administrators feel they were just enforcing the rules that students agreed to. At a meeting following the debacle, school superintendent Suzanne Lukas said that "if a student doesn't adhere to the expectations, then the consequences are clearly spelled out." This isn't the first time that rambunctious (dare we say "fun"?) behavior affected a graduation ceremony at Bonny Eagle. "Four years ago we had some issues with silly string and beach balls," said Lukas. These administrators would have had apoplexy at my high school graduation. There were 600 plus of us, and you could hardly hear the speakers for the sound of liquor bottles hitting the floor and rolling down the steps. Then there were the number of folks wearing nothing under their graduation gowns. |
Virgin Posters...
"Man, I've been on this site three whole days and haven't met the love of my life. Wassup wid dat?"
Are we Arrogant?
It's been my experience that those who DEMAND respect do not get it. Those who COMMAND respect do.
Are we Arrogant?
Edited by
Sun 06/14/09 09:09 PM
Humbleness is a trait i respect more than arrogance.
Now that you mention it, Danno...The folks I know that brag ad nauseum about having served their country generally served stateside in some kitchen. The ones that saw the real my uncle in WWII or my other uncle who spent years in a POW camp or my dad in Viet Nam...will speak of it only when begged to do so...and then do so with great humility. |
5type over 100mph
100 miles per hour? Wow, and I thought I was fast merely typing 120 words per minute! |
When you just Hate to
I haven't flown since like 1982 or something...when one of the Priewe brothers took me up in one of their crop dusters and decided to demonstrate his best dusting techniques. Besides that, I knew that it was a matter of time before someone took one of those fancy tin cans and turned it into a weapon. Humanity did not prove me wrong. the time I drive to the airport, wait at the airport, fly on the plane, wait at the airport to retrieve my luggage and drive to my destination...I could have driven, so why not drive and enjoy the scenery along the way? |
Ye of little faith..
Closing my eyes very tightly and repeating: "I do believe in Dan...I do believe in Dan...I do I do I do I do I do believe in Dan!" And if that doesn't work, I'll just click my heels together three times and poof myself home. |
i think i have the swine flu
or have an irrational fear of having your house blown down?
Is there some sort of mingle Best Post of the Day award? Because I want to nominate this! |
No photo
Unfortunately, employers wishing to cut their staff down due to budget issues, etc. are resorting to using online behavior as Exhibit A as to why people can be fired and why those people should not be able to draw unemployment. I have a close friend who has just gone through this with no apparent recourse. Fair? Nope. Reality? Yep.
Happy birthday, lilbug!
Happy Birthday, Robin! I baked you a cake! Now if you will please come eat it, as I surely don't need to. (I could do like Erma Bombeck did one time...she said she'd just cut out the middle man and slapped the cake right on her hip!)
Have a wonderful birthday. And don't worry, being 30 isn't so bad!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |