Community > Posts By > Mohkam

Mohkam's photo
Wed 04/18/12 09:15 PM
Sounds similar to j coles lyrics, gives you the same feeling! I like your stuff keep it up bless.

Mohkam's photo
Wed 04/18/12 09:13 PM
Thumbs up

Mohkam's photo
Wed 04/18/12 09:12 PM
hmmmm damnnn girl thats niceeeee :)

Mohkam's photo
Wed 04/18/12 09:11 PM
Night after day
I try to find
what i've been missing for years

I weep in sorrow
mourning in pain
but to me it feels kinda strange

what have I lost
did i misplace it
was it ever there
or am i imagining it
whatever it was it's long gone
but yet the feeling is still strong

my ears attentive like a fox
my body stiff like an ox
i want to run, be free
but where lies freedom is it within me

this clueless night brings
back memories
slowly and slowly
sipping on henessy
drowsy become my eyes
losing all senses
ive become sour
the feeling is numb
but I still seek
to where it all begun

I slowly start to remember
it was
i think in mid november
a red toque worn on a cold day
frizzly hair going down to the neck
black long boots and mittens
holding in her hands a latte sipping

she glared at me with her brown hazel eyes
I sunk in like the titanic
the moment of awkwardness
I introduced myself by saying hi
we shared a casual conversation
till we decided to share information

nights became restless
days became long
always waiting and waiting
for a ring on my phone
I was in manic state
it was love
people called it craze
one day we didnt speak
i left msgs and msgs
no reply till after a week
she replied i'm already taken
thats when my world started shaking

i was heartbroken
kanye released an album around the same year
to make me feel better
and day after day
i reminisce and mourn
shredded into pieces
with a soul thats torn

Night after day
I try to find
what i've been missing for years
but its long gone...

Mohkam's photo
Tue 04/17/12 07:11 PM
Okayy will do so thanks!

Mohkam's photo
Mon 04/16/12 08:07 PM
Magnificent, great poem :)

Mohkam's photo
Mon 04/16/12 08:04 PM
My world falls as i recall i try to warn you all/get away run jump duck and never come back/ im living through misery delusional thoughts running through my mind occansionaly/ i lost something so important that mattered to me more than life itself/ it brings pain knowing that its not same on neither sides of the nests/ eyes tear up as i write must have been my pride it backfired twice/ in the air despise the angry flairs/ but now i know who really cared/ felt like each encouter was being watched by a hawk/ scared to get caught so the only time we met was in the dark/ how could i ever forget about those love songs/ you were beautiful i was young/ i screamed your name loud at the tip of my tongue/ i need to know i want to know where it all began/ they say the best things in life are ususally gone by the minute/ by the time you've realized all of this your almost finished/ what wouldnt I give to go back in time and never leave/ but then again i dont think then this will ever be the real me/ despite the hate and the betryals im not proud of being called a player/ it hurts the most when your loved ones are hurting but they dont know each day that im also hurting/ my mind is shallow but my thoughts are deep/ i got all of these different scenarios and i cant go to sleep/ my heart feels like its racing/ images popping in and out that im facing/ like an animal focred to be caged in/ im talking point of view from the same sense/ smile for me baby the time will soon come/ but by then i hope the beat is not coming to and end/ inhale exhale breath and see/ that the only love in life is living happily with your family/ someday ill go back and look at those foot prints/ cry for a little bit and then close my eyes and think/ maybe she's in it for the same/ so i better not hesitate ill see you on that train/ this is where we all meet right up in our dreams/ its hard to believe but this is where she lives/

Mohkam's photo
Mon 04/16/12 07:58 PM
So much emotion and anger, I feel you girl!

Mohkam's photo
Mon 04/16/12 07:55 PM
This bridge is helb by strings,
attached at the core of many things,
there are no locks nor a door not even a hinge,
an imaginary obstacle created with the unique power to connect people to link,
I walk upon this path driven to seek the importance of love around the globe,
on this journey of mine I venture I walk with knowing that I carry hope,
my soulmate is yet unsure of this bridge,
I yet am unsure if she lives or shes dead,
sometimes I begin to think maybe im not normal,
I talk with faith and honesty maybe im not so formal,
I carry secrets hidden beneath the core,
maybe im not attractive I bring boredom,
maybe im not that guy which the crowd defines as normal,
my lord im appealed as a useless man torn apart to shred,
im probably doing this carrying by my side a piece of bread,
this imaginary bridge is being held for a purpose,
im leaving behind dilated pupils and entering a new orbit,
on the other side lays much more facinated souls in the search of perfection,
a naive man yet tells me its all about bringiing affection,
somtimes this life of mine seems like a story of fiction,
seems lke I have been striked with a venemous injection,
sometimes I thnk this bridge will collapse and fall to ashes,
only then will they consider it to be massive,
persuaded by the thought of differenciating between good and bad,
step by step I walk forth driven with fear looking back,
those dilated puplis glare and mourn in anger wanting me to come back,
but it seems not to worry me anymore I walk this bridge to seek answers,
I live this life of mine on a dead end bridge in the search of of adventure.

Mohkam's photo
Mon 04/16/12 06:53 PM
Edited by Mohkam on Mon 04/16/12 06:54 PM

I do not rateflowers

Welcome to Mingle2

Thank you!

Mohkam's photo
Mon 04/16/12 06:50 PM

You have several pictures, which is a good thing. However, your profile doesn't say much about you.

Ohhhh I c, well i thought you could open up a little when the person is interested in knowing you. Anyhow thank you love.

Mohkam's photo
Mon 04/16/12 06:49 PM
I appreciate that soufie, I guess maybe I should take it up a notch lolz :p

Mohkam's photo
Mon 04/16/12 10:30 AM
I'm new to mingle and it seems very disappointing to me that not a lot of women out there are checking out my profile, i'm actually starting to doubt maybe i'm not that good looking of a guy maybe just okayyy!

So please all you people out there, let me know how I look, rate me! Thank you c ya!