Community > Posts By > leahmarie

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Sat 03/22/08 10:34 AM
I like everything except your pictures. Why would you put your foot on the peddle as a main pic? Also, the cigarette in your hand? I get the impression that you are into nothing but cars and smoking. Why don't you get rid of those two pictures and just post pictures of yourself so that the women can see what you look like?

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:30 AM
I like everything about your profile, except your mentioning the thing about playing games, that you've been there done that, got that t-shirt, beer bottle and keychain. It makes you sound as if multiple men have been making a fool out of you. One wonders what is wrong with you that so many men are able to make a idiot out of you? I am sure that probably is not the case, but it reads as if it is. So, get rid of that. Otherwise, everything else is perfect.

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:24 AM
Edited by leahmarie on Sat 03/22/08 10:25 AM
I like your pictures. However, you need to put down what you like to do, that is, movies, walks, concerts, whatever.

Also, you put you smoke frequently. How about trying to cut out the smoking since that is a turn-off for a lot of people? This way you can put down that you smoke occassionally and open yourself up to a wider range of men.

Omit that business about your 19-year old marriage and the fact that you don't like liars or bull****ers and that you have had enough lies from your husband and are not looking for more. This makes you sound bitter and angry. No man wants a woman who is angry and bitter before he even meets her.

However, I like the rest of your essay; it is absolutely wonderful. Good luck to you.

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:06 AM
Edited by leahmarie on Sat 03/22/08 10:09 AM

If he acts like a Bushie, walks like a Bushie, talks like a Bushie, he's a Bushie!!!

4 more years of failed policies, cronyism and corporate greed?

I'll pass. noway noway noway noway noway noway


Conservates stay on topic. Liberals like you go adrift since you have nothing factual to say. All you do is Bush-bash, and go anti-American and anti-Military and play the race game.

Do you really believe that?????noway noway huh huh huh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Yes, I do. Go through mnhiker's posts and you will find they are mainly Bush-bashing. He rarely has anything constructive to say.

I don't consider myself a liberal and I have never been personally bashed nor lead astray more than by those who claim to be conservative, so I cannot agreenoway huh


I did not throw you into the above. My statement pertains to people like mnhiker. If you read his posts they are bash-Bush and run. He says nothing constructive other than hate-anti-American posts. Although I do not agree with what you post, most of the time your posts have substantive. You state something and give your thoughts and reasons.


Most conservatives do not do the anti-American thing. We realize Bush is not perfect, but because of that we do not hate America or hate the Military. My complaint about Liberals is there is too much hate and anti-Americanism in their posts.

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:01 AM

By the way....
North America
Central America
South America....

I AM an American...

Wait, wait, wooooo, slow down!!devil
Dont you think we should consummate this relationship first?:wink:laugh devil devil

touche' touche' .....

Hey it worked for the Hatfields and McCoys, although for the Montagues and the Capulets it proved deadly!!:cry: :cry:

But it made Romeo and Juliet famous!

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:56 AM
Edited by leahmarie on Sat 03/22/08 09:57 AM

If he acts like a Bushie, walks like a Bushie, talks like a Bushie, he's a Bushie!!!

4 more years of failed policies, cronyism and corporate greed?

I'll pass. noway noway noway noway noway noway


Conservates stay on topic. Liberals like you go adrift since you have nothing factual to say. All you do is Bush-bash, and go anti-American and anti-Military and play the race game.

Do you really believe that?????noway noway huh huh huh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Yes, I do. Go through mnhiker's posts and you will find they are mainly Bush-bashing. He rarely has anything constructive to say.

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:44 AM

said he'd never run as anything but a Republican. My kinda guy! He's not going anywhere, but he's a stand up guy for his party. (and mine). Ron Paul's THE MAN! But McCain & the straight ticket'll have my vote.

If he acts like a Bushie, walks like a Bushie, talks like a Bushie, he's a Bushie!!!

4 more years of failed policies, cronyism and corporate greed?

I'll pass. noway noway noway noway noway noway


The topic is Ron Paul. Stay on topic. You always attempt to hijack the threads by Bush bashing the way you are doing now. Once again, stay on topic. Quit bashing Bush. The thread is Ron Paul.

As far as Ron Paul is concerned, he never had a chance. I will say that I have noted that the people who are for him are extremely loyal.

I was responding to yashafox. And how come you never ask the conservatives in these threads to 'stay on topic'? huh


Conservates stay on topic. Liberals like you go adrift since you have nothing factual to say. All you do is Bush-bash, and go anti-American and anti-Military and play the race game.

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:41 AM

Oh, course, Republican candidates are the ONLY perfect, little angels. laugh

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<laugh flowerforyou

OMG Dragoness..... You are such a smart person to see the truth and realize that Republican candidates are the only perfect little angels. bigsmile

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:39 AM
Edited by leahmarie on Sat 03/22/08 09:40 AM

Drew ....

You bring up a lot of good points. The thing that troubles me is that he can recall one racist incident about the grandmother that raised him and still loves and supports him, but he cannot recall anything about Wright being racist when he has known the man for over 20 years. The man is not creditable.



You are bored because you don't want to hear Obama consorts with racists and is one since you go along with racism. Well, I am bored with your attitude.

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:37 AM


Why the U.S. wins wars & will win the war on terror.

By Larry Schweikart

I found it in Barnes & Noble the otherday. If you want LOTS of facts about press distortions; some from other wars; general misinforming of the American people.

I will finish it sometime over the nxt week. Hope those that want real info. will find it & read. Mine was on sale, just under $6.00. A little FYI.

Unfortunately, Liberals do not want to know the truth.

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:36 AM

By the way....
North America
Central America
South America....

I AM an American...

Wait, wait, wooooo, slow down!!devil
Dont you think we should consummate this relationship first?:wink:laugh devil devil

touche' touche' .....

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:33 AM

By the way....
North America
Central America
South America....

I AM an American...


Although your post is not directed at me, I want to comment, touche'....

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:32 AM

Obama has not said anything to incriminate him as being a racist, his pastor did. He also said that he didn't agree with the pastors viewpoint on several interviews. Read some papers, it's all over the net you can even check there...for crying out loud.


The problem with Obama is that he has associated himself with those who are racist. You are known by the company you keep. He said nothing racist? Apparently, you have not heard/read his comments pertaining to his white grandmother .... very racist and absolutely terrible that any man would trash his grandmother, white or black, to save his political ass.

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:29 AM

A friend of obama is saying the white man is responsible for giving everyone here in the US HIV? I read that some white men went to Africa to work and ****ed some strange monkeys and they had AIDS and thats how everyone got it, this happened in 1979 they say. SO will you vote for Obama could be a racist

There are so many stories going around about the origin of AIDS, who knows what is really true? One story is that monkeys were initially infected with it in Africa. Somehow or other, the infection mutated and jumped from the monkeys to the African men. The African men went into the villages and got involved with prostitutes. Then the prostitutes spread it not only to black men, but also to white men. Then the white men brought it to Europe and America and it spread world-wide.

In connection with the above, remember I have classified this as one of the "many stories going around about the origin of AIDS," I am not say it is true or false.

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:24 AM

Once the issues goes from political to personal the debate ceases and the arguments begin, which is what always happens with the political threads.
Its a shame, because there is so much information and so many intelligent people on here that we should be able to discuss things in a respectful way.
Alas this doesnt happen, Ive been called names, bashed, whatever ...all because I have extremely radical ideas...however, I keep showing up hoping that some day someone will be willing to engage in a good debate.flowerforyou

symbelmyne..... Welcome to the club! The people on this site, including Drew, are bashing me, calling me names and the whole nine yards, all because I originated three threads about Obama.

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:10 AM

Let's get back to Obama's arrogance. He delivered a speech a few days ago condemning Wright’s inflammatory remarks as “wrong and divisive.” Obama represents himself as a man of the future transcending the anger of the past, as represented by Rev. Wright. If Obama would have us believe this, then why does Obama continue to attend Wright's church and expose his children to Wright's racist vitriolic divisiveness?

Additionally, why did Obama give $22,500 just two years ago to a church run by a man of the past who infects the younger generation with precisely the racial attitudes and hate Obama claims in his speech to have transcended?

People disagree with other people's points of view. If he says that Wright was being inflamatory and divisive then that is what he says.

I am not religious in the least and I donate to religious organizations that help communities. Churches do do more than just preach.

So what is the big deal?noway huh

Barack is an American citizen and should have loyalty towards our country, and defend it particulary against hate and anti- American radicals. Why would Obama sit silent in a pew for 17 years as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright delivered racist rants against white America for our so-called maligning of Fidel and Gadhafi, and American's so-called inventing AIDS to infect and kill black people?

How could he not only sit there as Wright spewed his venom about "the U.S. of K.K.K. America," and howled, "God damn America!" but also turn around and donate a huge amount of money to the Rev. Wright's cause?

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 09:00 AM

insert remarks flying over head of others emoticon here

??? explain ???

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 08:56 AM
bastet 126...... So Obama is not a bad man? However, he is not an honest man. He delivered a speech a few days ago condemning Wright’s inflammatory remarks as “wrong and divisive.” Obama represents himself as a man of the future transcending the anger of the past, as represented by Rev. Wright. If this is true, why does Obama continue to attend Wright's church and expose himself, his wife and his children to the church's racist vitriolic divisiveness?

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 08:49 AM
Let's get back to Obama's arrogance. He delivered a speech a few days ago condemning Wright’s inflammatory remarks as “wrong and divisive.” Obama represents himself as a man of the future transcending the anger of the past, as represented by Rev. Wright. If Obama would have us believe this, then why does Obama continue to attend Wright's church and expose his children to Wright's racist vitriolic divisiveness?

Additionally, why did Obama give $22,500 just two years ago to a church run by a man of the past who infects the younger generation with precisely the racial attitudes and hate Obama claims in his speech to have transcended?

no photo
Sat 03/22/08 08:46 AM

voilezauer .....

I had to report you before because you were bothering me with all those damn emails. So, cease and dont' start with me again.

Lies, calumnies, delusional accusations, whomever you are, and whatever your purpose, I reported YOU for your false accusations. And if you keep this up I will report you again.

You don't get to spread lies and unfounded personnal accusations on people, as you have done here to mnhiker. FOLLOW THEW RULES OF THIS FORUM. PERIOD!

You are angry because I reported you .... knock it off and leave me alone.

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