Community > Posts By > delrose

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:17 PM

dear one, your focus, your longing, your questions, your emotions. They swirl around you as you want your answer so dearly. It forms as an eddy in flow of the energy that thickens in this place. Thing are gathering. It is not yet clear for what.

*again, Leu hears the words of the High Elf and recognizes the wisdom. These were the same things that Leah had always spoke of. Leucippus was much wiser than most would think of a bard. His wisdom came from his life with Leah. She had taught him much of the wisdom of the High Elves.*

He tilts his goblet toward Sundirra in recognition of her truth.

Feeling satisfied her words have been heard and understood suddenly the High Elf is overcome by the relaxation brought on by her multiple cups of Elvin wine. She realizes the crowd is getting roudy and it does not fit her mood. It is time to retire, she tells herself. She rises and moves to the door touching the Bard on the shoulder as she passes, speaking a gentle,"good night".

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:03 PM

The energy gets thicker by the day. It is as if some kind of vartex is forming around us all. And you pull it to you in your desire to know. It is as the old Elfin saying, be careful what you ask for, it will come to you.

*Leu hears the words of the High Elf*

Yes, this is so true. But there are also ways of freeing yourself from its influence.

*He winks at the high elf. He knows that evil is always present in the world whether one is currently being affected by it or not. He also knows all to well, that evil can strike your most precise loved ones. But he has also learned, with some resistance, that life must go on for those who survive. He walks back over to the bar and take another drink from his goblet*

Leu's wink does not go unappreciated. It is as if there is a deeper understanding between Sundirra and he now, deeper than things spoken of. She smiles to him.

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:56 PM

*Alatariel enters the inn*

*looks around. has an exhausted look on her face*

*heads to her usual table in the back*

*pulls out her parchment and starts to read it*

"hello" to Alatariel. "reading the parchment again? You do look tired"

Hello yes I still can't make out what this says here.

hmm i am just weary i guess.

oh, its all seeming par for the course here. I feel your answer is coming sooner than you might expect.

and what makes you say that

The energy gets thicker by the day. It is as if some kind of vartex is forming around us all. And you pull it to you in your desire to know. It is as the old Elfin saying, be careful what you ask for, it will come to you.

I pull it to me huh?


dear one, your focus, your longing, your questions, your emotions. They swirl around you as you want your answer so dearly. It forms as an eddy in flow of the energy that thickens in this place. Thing are gathering. It is not yet clear for what.

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:49 PM

*Alatariel enters the inn*

*looks around. has an exhausted look on her face*

*heads to her usual table in the back*

*pulls out her parchment and starts to read it*

"hello" to Alatariel. "reading the parchment again? You do look tired"

Hello yes I still can't make out what this says here.

hmm i am just weary i guess.

oh, its all seeming par for the course here. I feel your answer is coming sooner than you might expect.

and what makes you say that

The energy gets thicker by the day. It is as if some kind of vartex is forming around us all. And you pull it to you in your desire to know. It is as the old Elfin saying, be careful what you ask for, it will come to you.

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:43 PM

*Alatariel enters the inn*

*looks around. has an exhausted look on her face*

*heads to her usual table in the back*

*pulls out her parchment and starts to read it*

"hello" to Alatariel. "reading the parchment again? You do look tired"

Hello yes I still can't make out what this says here.

hmm i am just weary i guess.

oh, its all seeming par for the course here. I feel your answer is coming sooner than you might expect.

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:41 PM

*Looks back at her*

Normally good lady I would agree with you. However, I have had quite possibly the worst two weeks of my life. All boiling down to the fact I am terminally ill and no matter what I do I will be dead before the next cyclone is over. OH! and I am entirely wasted to boot, probably due to the loss of blood. If I don't make myself laugh right now. I will probably lose what is left of my close to shattered mind

"Then drink and make merry as you wish, dear human. Perhaps tomorrow . ." Sundirra's mind now filled with things other than her own self pity. It can't be normal even for this place. So many oddities. People with nightnmares, people without memory, poisoning, robberies, this ring that took a finger and now to hear that Jericho will die, magic that defies the spell of Barbus. There must be some consulting to be done.

I intend too

*He says as he raises a glass*

"may I join you then? I will purchase a round for the room - for all who will drink you!"

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:36 PM

*Alatariel enters the inn*

*looks around. has an exhausted look on her face*

*heads to her usual table in the back*

*pulls out her parchment and starts to read it*

"hello" to Alatariel. "reading the parchment again? You do look tired"

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:34 PM

*Looks back at her*

Normally good lady I would agree with you. However, I have had quite possibly the worst two weeks of my life. All boiling down to the fact I am terminally ill and no matter what I do I will be dead before the next cyclone is over. OH! and I am entirely wasted to boot, probably due to the loss of blood. If I don't make myself laugh right now. I will probably lose what is left of my close to shattered mind

"Then drink and make merry as you wish, dear human. Perhaps tomorrow . ." Sundirra's mind now filled with things other than her own self pity. It can't be normal even for this place. So many oddities. People with nightnmares, people without memory, poisoning, robberies, this ring that took a finger and now to hear that Jericho will die, magic that defies the spell of Barbus. There must be some consulting to be done.

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:25 PM

Oh my, Jericho, what happened here then? Your hand!

"He was looking around for something he can't handle", Leu quips

I guess he just hasn't quite found it yet.

*Leu laughs as he takes another gulp of ale*

*Raises his glass to the bard and laughs Downing yet another mug*

Perhaps this is not the time dear fellows, but my instincts are a tad more serious than the mood you two are in. What think you, Calliope?

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:23 PM

Long story but it ends in me being stupid, buying a cursed ring, almost dying... AGAIN... and me cutting my finger off to get rid of the ring.

So much going on right now. Is it Barbus's absence or is it nearing time for confrontation in this land?

Things are amiss. Too much for coincidence. My magic stands my hairs on end.

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:21 PM

Long story but it ends in me being stupid, buying a cursed ring, almost dying... AGAIN... and me cutting my finger off to get rid of the ring.

So much going on right now. Is it Barbus's absence or is it nearing time for confrontation in this land?

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:19 PM
she looks to the Hobbit and the Bard with a look of inquiry. What has happened?

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:17 PM

Not a robbery here no, but there was one on the other side of town at the staff shop

Oh my, Jericho, what happened here then? Your hand!

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:10 PM

Jericho thinks for a minute, "Brilliant idea sir"

He walks around the bar and gets two brews. Hands one to the bard and sits back down in his stool and smiles

Thank you very much sir. I see your little incident there hasn't set you back.

*Leu looks around at the charred walls again*

Looks like there was a lightening storm in here last night.

Sundirra looks at the walls and wonders what has happened in her absence. Then notices the Chronicle posted on the wall, "another robbery?" she asks

delrose's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:07 PM
Sundirra walks quietly into the Inn, goes straight to a table and sits only half facing the room. She is relieved the Inn is not full and lively. Since hearing the Bard's song two days hence she has not been herself. He sang her life with his words and the vision she once witnessed in her grandmother Sorcerress's crystal ball suddenly became so very real. It was a vision of the evil killing of her parents at the time of her own birth leaving her to be cared for by Pixies until her stepmother was found and took her to a new home in a land far away. Sundirra has been with the Pixies for two days now weeping and suffering between emotions. First saddness so dark and hopeless, then anger like a vengence against all evil. Coming into the Inn tonight and seeing Leucippus upon arrivel, her melancholy has returned. She smiles slightly to the little group by the bar and turns her head for fear she will shed a tear.

delrose's photo
Mon 05/12/08 08:22 PM
Sweet Leucippus! My heart is moved and now touched by yours. We have lost our loved ones to Evil itself. Your song sings my pain also. I am your ally. I thank you!

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:58 PM
Sundirra suddenly startles and then quickly rises to her feet. "Theogen, I thank you for wine and company. I will speak to you again if you wish of your memory. But now I have a pressing engagement I cannot delay. Forgive me, I must run. To the rest of you I bid good evening." Sundirra moves toward the door.

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:53 PM

*Notices the high elf and the human enter the Inn a nods*

"Hello to both of you. You both look familiar yet I am not sure we have met I am Thogeon"

"I am Sundirra. We were in each other's company two nights past here in the Inn, but there were no words between us and it was my first visit. It is a pleasure to meet you." She smiles and thinks to herself, this is a handsome human warrior. Perhaps he will be good company and conversation.

"Yes it was much busier in here that night. It's a pleasure to meet you as well. would you care to join me in a drink before I leave to take care of business in town."

Of course, but better you join me as I have just received my supper. Have you eaten? Boromir has plenty more, I can quite assure you." She tastes the fare and finds it delicious. " Mmmm you will really miss an excellent opportunity if you pass on dining with me this eve.

"Yes I will join you for a few moments I have already eaten though and it was good. I would love to join you for a drink. May I get you anouther glass of elvin wine."

You may. It is a very relaxing drink for the end of the day. Too bad you have late business to tend to.

"Borimor A glass of elvin wine the lady and I'll have anouther brew"

*He joins Sundirra at her table*

"yes I unfortunately am constantly trying to figure out my past and have to meet some friends who may be able to help me. I can not remember anything about it and these constant nightmares I have don't help matters any"

Tell me about this forgetfulness. Do you continue to forget the past as new things come to be in the past? Or is it your younger years you have lost?

"I remember nothing about my childhood or who my parents are. Nothing about how I was raised. I know how to fight to survive. I have been in so many battles I can not remember them all. Even In my dreams I am constantly battling demons of all forms. They are constantly haunting me. No matter how I try I can not get the nightmares to go away."

So, it is your early life you have lost. And now you fight to survive, you fight to remember and you fight to forget your dreams. It sounds like fighting has lost you your past for you and fighting keeps it from you.

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:45 PM

Interesting, you are the second soul I have spoken to in two days who spoke of being tormented by nightmares and now Morgan comes in having dreamt of mysterious rubies. Mayhaps there is some relationship developing here in all of this.

Morgan speaks to the beautiful elf,

"How would you know of my dreams? I did not mention them to anyone. What kind of magic do you have?

Oh, pardon me. I thought you said . . perhaps it was only the thought I heard. I am sorry. But it was so clear as if you told your dream. My Elvin wine and the romance of dark glass must be weakening my propriety. I will maintain my boundaries from now on.

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:41 PM

Hmm. A dark glass vessel for drinking wine. Dear Druid it sounds rather romantic. What an idea you have had!

"The fashioning of such a vessel is what draws my interest, MiLady. As you may be aware, we Druids tend to prefer to work in either metal, stone, or clay or even wood, being the elemental people that we are. This talk of using a volcanic rock to fashion a drinking vessel intrigues me."

Well, if there are any to advise you it would be the Northern Dwarves. It is said they have fires hot enough to melt the hardest rock. I would be intrigued to drink from your vessel and taste what magic reformed dark volcanic glass.

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