Community > Posts By > delrose

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:36 PM

*Notices the high elf and the human enter the Inn a nods*

"Hello to both of you. You both look familiar yet I am not sure we have met I am Thogeon"

"I am Sundirra. We were in each other's company two nights past here in the Inn, but there were no words between us and it was my first visit. It is a pleasure to meet you." She smiles and thinks to herself, this is a handsome human warrior. Perhaps he will be good company and conversation.

"Yes it was much busier in here that night. It's a pleasure to meet you as well. would you care to join me in a drink before I leave to take care of business in town."

Of course, but better you join me as I have just received my supper. Have you eaten? Boromir has plenty more, I can quite assure you." She tastes the fare and finds it delicious. " Mmmm you will really miss an excellent opportunity if you pass on dining with me this eve.

"Yes I will join you for a few moments I have already eaten though and it was good. I would love to join you for a drink. May I get you anouther glass of elvin wine."

You may. It is a very relaxing drink for the end of the day. Too bad you have late business to tend to.

"Borimor A glass of elvin wine the lady and I'll have anouther brew"

*He joins Sundirra at her table*

"yes I unfortunately am constantly trying to figure out my past and have to meet some friends who may be able to help me. I can not remember anything about it and these constant nightmares I have don't help matters any"

Tell me about this forgetfulness. Do you continue to forget the past as new things come to be in the past? Or is it your younger years you have lost?

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:33 PM

"Yes I will join you for a few moments I have already eaten though and it was good. I would love to join you for a drink. May I get you anouther glass of elvin wine."

Caratacus, having overheard the offer from his position stationed at the bar, looks in the direction of Sundirra and Thogeon, he raises his eyebrow and then speaks, addressing Thogeon, "I ask pardon for the interruption, my warrior friend, but did I just hear you offer the beautiful Elvin Lass a "Glass" of elvin wine? What pray, is this "Glass" that you speak of? It sounds as tho' tis a vessel of some sort, but I have only experienced the type of glass that is found on the side of volcanic mountains and although it is shiny and hard, it is also lumpish and black in color. I cannot imagine our Elvish Damsel friend wanting to drink such a fine spirit from such a material...surely the taste of the vintage would be ruined?"
The Druid spreads his hands out apologetically, then shugs as if mystified by his own question.

Hmm. A dark glass vessel for drinking wine. Dear Druid it sounds rather romantic. What an idea you have had!

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:30 PM

Oh, were you near the Pixie Woods, then? I wonder if you saw them. I promised to come visit the dears and my business kept me from it today

I'm afraid I saw no pixies today. I was looking toward the ground most of the day.

*Again Leu chuckles to himself. Partly due to his experiences that day, and partly due to pure exhaustion.

Well it seems you have had enjoyment. I myself have a lonf history of becomming familiar with the subtleties of nature. Could you share a bit of your humor from the day?

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:28 PM

*Notices the high elf and the human enter the Inn a nods*

"Hello to both of you. You both look familiar yet I am not sure we have met I am Thogeon"

"I am Sundirra. We were in each other's company two nights past here in the Inn, but there were no words between us and it was my first visit. It is a pleasure to meet you." She smiles and thinks to herself, this is a handsome human warrior. Perhaps he will be good company and conversation.

"Yes it was much busier in here that night. It's a pleasure to meet you as well. would you care to join me in a drink before I leave to take care of business in town."

Of course, but better you join me as I have just received my supper. Have you eaten? Boromir has plenty more, I can quite assure you." She tastes the fare and finds it delicious. " Mmmm you will really miss an excellent opportunity if you pass on dining with me this eve.

"Yes I will join you for a few moments I have already eaten though and it was good. I would love to join you for a drink. May I get you anouther glass of elvin wine."

You may. It is a very relaxing drink for the end of the day. Too bad you have late business to tend to.

"Borimor A glass of elvin wine the lady and I'll have anouther brew"

*He joins Sundirra at her table*

"yes I unfortunately am constantly trying to figure out my past and have to meet some friends who may be able to help me. I can not remember anything about it and these constant nightmares I have don't help matters any"

Interesting, you are the second soul I have spoken to in two days who spoke of being tormented by nightmares and now Morgan comes in having dreamt of mysterious rubies. Mayhaps there is some relationship developing here in all of this.

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:18 PM

*Notices the high elf and the human enter the Inn a nods*

"Hello to both of you. You both look familiar yet I am not sure we have met I am Thogeon"

"I am Sundirra. We were in each other's company two nights past here in the Inn, but there were no words between us and it was my first visit. It is a pleasure to meet you." She smiles and thinks to herself, this is a handsome human warrior. Perhaps he will be good company and conversation.

"Yes it was much busier in here that night. It's a pleasure to meet you as well. would you care to join me in a drink before I leave to take care of business in town."

Of course, but better you join me as I have just received my supper. Have you eaten? Boromir has plenty more, I can quite assure you." She tastes the fare and finds it delicious. " Mmmm you will really miss an excellent opportunity if you pass on dining with me this eve.

"Yes I will join you for a few moments I have already eaten though and it was good. I would love to join you for a drink. May I get you anouther glass of elvin wine."

You may. It is a very relaxing drink for the end of the day. Too bad you have late business to tend to.

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:12 PM

*Remembers the bard from a few nights ago. Unfortunately he had to leave to take care of some business didn't have the chance to introduce himself*

"Hello I am Thogeon and you are?"

"and if you don't mind me asking what have you been doing to get those fine clothes such a mess"

Leu smiles at Thogeon's remarks, "I had quite the adventure today learning things of nature"

Leucippus laughs aloud. laugh and then adds,...

I'm sure that warrior like yourself like youself would not find them so remarkable though.

Oh, were you near the Pixie Woods, then? I wonder if you saw them. I promised to come visit the dears and my business kept me from it today

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:09 PM

*Notices the high elf and the human enter the Inn a nods*

"Hello to both of you. You both look familiar yet I am not sure we have met I am Thogeon"

"I am Sundirra. We were in each other's company two nights past here in the Inn, but there were no words between us and it was my first visit. It is a pleasure to meet you." She smiles and thinks to herself, this is a handsome human warrior. Perhaps he will be good company and conversation.

"Yes it was much busier in here that night. It's a pleasure to meet you as well. would you care to join me in a drink before I leave to take care of business in town."

Of course, but better you join me as I have just received my supper. Have you eaten? Boromir has plenty more, I can quite assure you." She tastes the fare and finds it delicious. " Mmmm you will really miss an excellent opportunity if you pass on dining with me this eve.

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:06 PM

Sundirra glides through the door of the Inn quite animated today. She has come for food and company and is immediately a bit disappointed with the sparse crowd therin as the prior evening was quite entertaining. "Good evening, Boromir and Gentlemen.." looking at Boromir, "Hard at work it looks"

"Well I try my fair lady," Boromir replies. "Would you like a elvin wine perhaps to soothe the soul,"Boromir offers.

I thought you weren't going to ask, you are so intent upon your work, Adorable One. Please, some wine and your evening fare - as long as it is not boar.

Boromir serves the elvin wine and brings out garlic rolls to chew on. He then smiles as he serves them.

Thank you, kind sir. Are those new robes you wear? They do become you.

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:01 PM

Sundirra glides through the door of the Inn quite animated today. She has come for food and company and is immediately a bit disappointed with the sparse crowd therin as the prior evening was quite entertaining. "Good evening, Boromir and Gentlemen.." looking at Boromir, "Hard at work it looks"

"Well I try my fair lady," Boromir replies. "Would you like a elvin wine perhaps to soothe the soul,"Boromir offers.

I thought you weren't going to ask, you are so intent upon your work, Adorable One. Please, some wine and your evening fare - as long as it is not boar.

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:00 PM

*Notices the high elf and the human enter the Inn a nods*

"Hello to both of you. You both look familiar yet I am not sure we have met I am Thogeon"

"I am Sundirra. We were in each other's company two nights past here in the Inn, but there were no words between us and it was my first visit. It is a pleasure to meet you." She smiles and thinks to herself, this is a handsome human warrior. Perhaps he will be good company and conversation.

delrose's photo
Sun 05/11/08 05:49 PM
Sundirra glides through the door of the Inn quite animated today. She has come for food and company and is immediately a bit disappointed with the sparse crowd therin as the prior evening was quite entertaining. "Good evening, Boromir and Gentlemen.." looking at Boromir, "Hard at work it looks"

delrose's photo
Sat 05/10/08 09:36 PM
A nod to all, a smile to her host, with Pixie dust trailing Sundirra takes the stairs. goodnight

delrose's photo
Sat 05/10/08 09:31 PM

Always so very dramatic aren't you? Such a charmer.
she takes a sip of the wine and enjoys the taste of it.
Thank you for the wine, handsome.

Her Elfin ears a little warm from the attention given her companion, Sundirra surprises herself with that reaction. She thinks, it must be this wine making me over react, I hardly know him. For all I know there is interest between them. I must take myself to bed. She turns to Rathil and says, "Yes, indeed, the charmer, and handsome as well. Thank you for your hospitality this evening, I have enjoyed myself." she rises to leave

delrose's photo
Sat 05/10/08 09:19 PM

She re-enters the Inn, after having some pressing business to attend to. She looks around to see that things are quite messy tonight. She wonders what has happened while she has been away.

She sits at her usual table and is wondering if a drink is needed tonight.

Ah, Re'anna you have returned. When you are ready for a drink just let me know my dear

smiles a greeting to Re'anna and nods. looks to Rathil saying, "yes, fly one for her and fill mine again as well, if you please"

delrose's photo
Sat 05/10/08 09:15 PM
[*Laughs a bit*

You don't see me counting now do you? I am merely here to oversee and make sure none of my possessions are damaged by those in my employ.

*Leans in and points to Jericho across the room and whispers*

Like that one. Very very clumsy. Had to get him out of my building before he broke everything I owned.

*Jericho turns and for the third time tonight flips Rathil off, once again causing Rathil to erupt with laughter*

Oh, yes, I see what you mean, poor thing even fell off the wall, just a little while ago. Probably broke those antlers too. And if you must make sure your precious things do not get broken how then will you manage another adventure? While it sounds that even as we speak one is in the planning for you.

delrose's photo
Sat 05/10/08 09:08 PM

*Rathil laughs as Sundirra asks that*

I have no typical nights. One of the advantages to being as old and wealthy as I am is that I get to do whatever fancies me best. I am currently on vacation from adventuring. My agents have told me it is time to come home to Sinatorium for awhile and take an inventory of my posessions. Apparantly the people I hired here can't handle them all. A shame but it must be done I suppose.

Mayhaps your vacation will be extended with the counting of so much wealth. Mayhaps so many things to count for one so adventuresome and off adventuring so long is not the best to fancy.

delrose's photo
Sat 05/10/08 09:01 PM

Know I have not. And he had never seen me either. He was just a messenger. He never saw the person who told him to deliver it to me either.

*Jericho asks*

Did he say anything else to you or just drop this off?

He just walked up to me and asked if I was Alatariel Mithrandir?

And I said yes then when I asked where he got it from he said he didn't know the person. All he was given was my name description and where I could be found.

That is strange indeed. *Jericho says with a frown*

Forgive me for prying but is it possible this letter came from the man who killed your father? It seems it never reached your mother and it obviously came from someone who wishes to cause you distress.

It was a woman who killed my father out of jealousy because he loved my mother. It was the dark Elf Esane. She is the reason I have my nightmares also. It is possible that it is her. But why would she want to do this? She has already plagued me enough in my dreams.

Alatariel, your nightmares may be telling you the answer to this very question and from the sound of it your time is getting near. The man or whoever it was that sent the letter know where you are to be found and if the woman killed your mother for your father's love then why not you as well?

delrose's photo
Sat 05/10/08 08:58 PM

But of course my dear,

*Rathil looks behind the bar and spots two glasses. With a flick of his wrist he motions for the glasses to come to him. They fly across the room and land on the table. One in front of each person. He then motions for the bottle of wine and sends it flying to his hand. He pours a glass of wine for each of them*

I will have to pass on the brew myself. My tastes are a tad more refined then my friend over there.

*He says motioning to Jericho*

I see you have refined your skill at levitation as well. Quiet a debonair display. What is it you do for fun on a typical night? I am sure it is not always the antlers, they are much too frail.

delrose's photo
Sat 05/10/08 08:49 PM

*Rathil looks at Sundirra with his one good eye.*

Fear not milady, I did not take it as a threat. Just a simple observation as well that your cloak is covered with pixie dust and that I did not mind it in the least*

*Smiles at her*

Good. Then what would you have me offer as you seat yourself at my table? And what have you in return?

Oh, I am not picky, Surprise me

*Rathil says grinning*

and my resources are limitless my dear.

Then a brew for you and an Elfin wine for me and I will appreciate the company of one so confident, as I am but a stranger here.

delrose's photo
Sat 05/10/08 08:49 PM

*Rathil looks at Sundirra with his one good eye.*

Fear not milady, I did not take it as a threat. Just a simple observation as well that your cloak is covered with pixie dust and that I did not mind it in the least*

*Smiles at her*

Good. Then what would you have me offer as you seat yourself at my table? And what have you in return?

Then a brew for you and an Elfin wine for me and I will appreciate the company of one so confident, as I am but a stranger here.

Oh, I am not picky, Surprise me

*Rathil says grinning*

and my resources are limitless my dear.