Community > Posts By > Matt8947

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:53 AM

I love the cold drinks
I can stand the hot more than the cold, I'm cold naturedso it kinda gets to me lol.

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:53 AM

waving looks good to me.. but why have you had so many surgeries?:thumbsup:
Lol I could mail you all the reasons real quick

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:52 AM too...always look forward to football season but then cringe when I realize the weather it brings along with itohwell
Seriously, GO PATRIOTS lol I guess football gives me a reason to stay home and stay out of the cold weather though.

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:49 AM
Its 60 degrees and sunny out right now and I'm FREEZING, I wish it wasnt almost winter =(

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:38 AM

does phd stand for pizza hut dude?:smile:
Phd? Lol

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:36 AM

You seem pretty straight forward and down to earth to me. drinker
Thanks :smile: :smile:

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:36 AM

YUMMYlove love love love love
Haha thanks

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:33 AM
What do you think of my profile? Honest opinions please :smile: :smile: :smile:

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:29 AM

Are you Comfortable with sharing Food with a lot of peoplewhoa All you can Eatill
Not usually, but if Im hungry enough ,then sure.

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:15 AM

Does your Snooze Button get a workout in the morningsasleep asleep asleep
Ya and sometimes it gets SMASHED in the morning laugh laugh

Matt8947's photo
Sun 09/14/08 05:04 PM

it would be nearly insignificant (the fact you are in a wheel chair)

one cannot help to fall in love to fall in love.
Good answer ,thank you happy

its what i can honestly say. every other factor comes into play like are we compatible, do we have chemistry and on it goes.

you assert confidence and poise, very attractive qualities. sounds like you're already ahead of the game...
Thanks =)

Matt8947's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:31 PM

My sister dated a man in a wheel chair.And beleive me,He was not the one with the disabilaty.Even though not in a wheel chair.She is the one that had all the problems.Point is.Your in a wheel chair.But you sound like a cool dude.There are so many out there with worse than a chair.So never give up!There is someone out there for you.And by all means search for the one that you and her share the same love.
Good luck!flowers flowers flowers
Much thanks bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Matt8947's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:19 PM
As for everyone else, More opinions would be nice but Im gonna go take a nap I didnt get any sleep last night so I'll be back later sometime.

Matt8947's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:08 PM

Well, you're only 20, you have years left to find "the one," as much as I hate that term, lol. Just take your time and talk to girls/women and see what happens.drinker
thanks bigsmile

Matt8947's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:06 PM

lol, I get the same thing. Most of my friends are 35+.
I usually cant hang out with people unless their in their mid to late 20's or above,I just cant fit in with people my own age. lol

Matt8947's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:05 PM

I've never had that situation come up, but I'm with Lily about the head up a$$ disability, I'd much rather a guy in a chair than a guy who's a jerk.
Lol Ive learned never to be a jerk in a relationship, considering every girl Ive been with has either cheated on me or lied to me.

People suck.
Pretty much

Well, you just have to find the ones who don't. I think there's still 2 or 3 left out there...somewhere...laugh
That'll take FOREVER laugh but I know their still out their, only problem is ,the only girls out there that are decent are taken by a**hole guys, most of the time.

Find the ones who don't like a$$holes. Some women like cute nice guys, y'know..
I hope so, I'm starting to give up a little bit lol

Matt8947's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:03 PM

I've never had that situation come up, but I'm with Lily about the head up a$$ disability, I'd much rather a guy in a chair than a guy who's a jerk.
Lol Ive learned never to be a jerk in a relationship, considering every girl Ive been with has either cheated on me or lied to me.

People suck.
Pretty much

Well, you just have to find the ones who don't. I think there's still 2 or 3 left out there...somewhere...laugh
That'll take FOREVER laugh but I know their still out their, only problem is ,the only girls out there that are decent are taken by a**hole guys, most of the time.

Matt8947's photo
Sun 09/14/08 11:58 AM

I'm not full of hogwash when I say this, though some people would say so......simply because they are limited by their own preferences.

I'm more concerned about someone's ability to have a stimulating conversation.

Their desire to grow and become "better".

Their heart and how they treat those around them including complete strangers.

Whether they are living their dream......or simply "existing".

Those kinds of things. Yes, I need to be attracted to the person, but unless they are just absolutely ugly........those are the things that attract someone who thinks like me.
Well considering quite a few people have treated me kinda like crap in my life I know not to do that to others. And people say I'm more mature than what I should be lol, I have a mindset of a 26 year old because I plan ahead in life.

Matt8947's photo
Sun 09/14/08 11:51 AM

room for improvement...yes...and your missing your shirt...did you know???smokin smokin smokin
Ya I know lol and where for improvement?

hmmm...if you really want to get the ladies here...go for Intimate for mesmokin smokin smokin
haha I'll keep that in mind.

Matt8947's photo
Sun 09/14/08 11:50 AM

I can't see limiting myself because of something like that. Though I must admit, if it came to living together/marriage, it would depend on how much they were able to do for themself/how much support there was from others, etc. Just being honest. I have two children, and if I were with a man who needed me to do everything for him, and I got no support outside the immediate would certainly add a lot of stress to things. By no means am I saying this is ur case, as many people in wheelchairs are very self sufficient......just a rhetorical point.

Lol if people try to help me i usually get kinda frustrated so ya I'm pretty self sufficiant.