Community > Posts By > sugardaddi

sugardaddi's photo
Tue 12/29/20 12:49 PM
Tom, you make a lot of good points. We are constantly pushed to buy, believe, or do as we are told. But keep in mind that advertising, or propaganda if you prefer, works best when it goes along with human nature. Going against the grain gets you very few converts or customers.

Greed or acquisitiveness, is hard wired into our brains and into all animals and living things. Animals must constantly look for food, they often look for mates or territory as well. Those that didn't look very hard died off or were not able to raise the next generation. Those who survived worked hard to acquire what they wanted.

The best propaganda goes with the flow, it tells you how to get more wealthy, how to have more fun, more mates, etc all the toys and goodies we want. To push political propaganda they tell you their guy will give everyone a huge handout, never mind who will pay for it. And they say the other guy won't give you anything.

Today we get lied to all the time. The new norms presented on media are very strange looking to some but some adopt the new ways easily. They may be the sheep you spoke of

sugardaddi's photo
Tue 12/29/20 12:32 PM
Blondey, why do you accuse me of discrimination? I suggested they get a special category that they could choose or not choose. What is discriminatory about that? What makes you think men feel threatened by them? Sounds like an article from oprah or something. No where did I or anyone in this thread say they should have to identify themselves. If they chose to be in that category it would be because they wanted to be. As it is now, they have no such choice

I did not seek out that profile, as I said, someone sent me a nudge so I clicked the profile to see if I was interested. We may have clues to someone's real sex but its almost impossible now days to be sure. If someone presents themselves as a woman looking for a man and is a biological man, he/she should say so in the profile. And also say so in any messages. Otherwise its straight up deception.

Why not post as man seeking man? Because that goes against their self identity, I guess is the answer. So my suggestion would allow them to identify any way they wish and people would understand.

sugardaddi's photo
Mon 12/28/20 05:24 PM
Bastet, that was actually better. You indicated something you didn't believe. I don't think you really want to discuss it, you know how it goes when its about facts rather than feelings. But in case anyone is still reading this thread, I though I would present more facts for everyone to look at.

Here is usa unemployment data from 1948 to present. You will see that trump managed to lower it to 3.5% which is the lowest its been in many years. That does include the obama years as well. Then of course in april it shot up but has dropped dramatically since then. Must be obama who did it right? lol I did hear someone say the sizzling economy trump built up from 2017 to 2020 was due to obama. He was serious too.

And if someone says its a right wing info site so can't be believed, I will endeaver to find another with the data for you.

At least you came out and said something that could be checked on and discussed. That is way better than 'we all believe this so it must be true'

sugardaddi's photo
Mon 12/28/20 04:49 PM
Oh bastet, that is so weak. I present logic and facts, you can only say I should believe reuters and the ap. I'm surprised you didn't say cnn, they are liars too. No, I check up on any news I get, I do not take the word of professional bs artists like those you recommend. I go to sources to see if it checks out.

Why didn't you simply say I don't believe x,y, and z and give me more evidence? Then we discuss evidence and facts. Do you suspect or know that it would go badly for you if you went that route? I've found that leftists, I hope you don't mind me referring to you that way, I've found they operate on feelings and emotion, facts they do not like too much. Is that you?

I hope none of the never trumper crowd does any harm to themselves when trump finally prevails. I can hear it now "he stole it" You know you will say that. I will cackle with glee, we will have another 4 years of no war, the economy will build back up, people will become prosperous again and the far left will be miserable

sugardaddi's photo
Mon 12/28/20 02:46 PM
I'm not looking for discrimination just clarity. Wouldn't a section in addition to the ones we have now perhaps a section for transvestites who want to meet the same be a good idea? As it is now they are discriminated against since the choices now are man or woman looking for man or woman

By not allowing them their own identity and choices, the site is forcing them to either pretend or to put it in the profile. There are those who look for TS people but no way to find them.

soufiehere, if you were still looking would you be pleased to spend time conversing with what you thought was a man, make a date or two and later find out you were dating a woman when that was not your intention?

sugardaddi's photo
Mon 12/28/20 01:52 PM
I got a kiss blown at me today so I clicked on the profile. It was 4 minutes since it was sent and I figured there was a good chance she had deleted her profile already. But no, not deleted yet. She looked a little odd but in the personal info, "she" said she was 6 foot 5. A typo or what?

I've heard from or seen a few profiles with women over 6' which is very very rare. 6' 5" is pretty much unheard of. Could it be a tranny? Is there a problem with that here? I have no objection to the way people dress or what they call themselves. But on a dating site where people are very specific about what they are looking for, it simply is not right. Opinions?

Should we have a section for transexual people or those who identify that way?

sugardaddi's photo
Mon 12/28/20 01:42 PM
Call it a conspiracy theory, but something is very wrong about this event and the reporting of it. Lots of theories have been spun but the facts are in doubt

They say some guy they identified did it. He filled a camper with explosives and set it off. Why though? It was done in a mostly deserted part of town at a time when people would not be there. A warning was played for several minutes telling people to evacuate. That rules out terrorism, they want the most victims they can get.

Was it even the camper that exploded? One problem with that theory is that there is no crater where the camper stood. That big an explosion at ground level will dig a good size crater. Video of the explosion shows it happening in a different spot than the camper, the other side of the street.

I heard they claimed to have identified the bomber. They searched a city block of rubble, found some tissue, extracted dna and matched it with another person. All this happened in the span of one day which is simply not possible.

From photos I've seen there was little damage to the buildings, some caved in fronts on one area right by the explosion, the att building had very minor damage. If he had a grudge against att why set it off at a distance? Why not drive right up to the front door?

Some say the explosion came from the bottom of a building, some say a rocket came in and exploded. I have no idea but the story being peddled makes no sense and is likely false. Will we ever find the truth? Was it a deep state operation to justify even more draconian restrictions on our liberty?

sugardaddi's photo
Mon 12/28/20 10:56 AM
Edited by sugardaddi on Mon 12/28/20 10:57 AM

How do I know its true? Because he has been credibly accused of many crimes with evidence and witnesses. But none of you care about that. Sexual assault, bribery, many other things

Bribery? - Nope, you’ve been hoodwinked. The video circulating about his withholding
Ukraine loan money was edited to make it appear to be about Hunter Biden’s prosecutor.
However, it was in regards to Burisma, and he went there at Obama’s discretion.

It was edited? lol you folks are grasping at straws. Biden himself bragged about it. What about hunter getting paid $50k to $80k a month plus bonuses on burisma's board? He had no experience in energy, gas, or anything else. Did not speak the language and didn't show up for board meetings or apparently do any work. That sounds perfectly ok to you? Prosecutor was looking into it and daddy biden got him fired but that fine too?

Sexual assault? - Tara Reade’s credibility has been called into question. Her story has
changed several times. I’m all for prosecuting someone on sexual assault, but there first has to be one.

So the slogan is no longer believe all women? Or only those who accuse republicans? She worked for him, was a liberal democrat, why would she lie? She didn't sue for money. What about other women who accused him of inappropriate touching? Many of them were democrats, were they all lying too? What was their motive? There are many photos and vids of him touching children, thats cool too?

Also, Biden suffers from stuttering. I believe he manages this well, perhaps you
can show some decorum when discussing his speech impediment.

Nice try but no cigar. Many of the things he said were a virtual word salad and one struggles to make sense of it. When he is on his meds and reading his lines he is better but he is clearly suffering from dementia. You want a senile president who is not sure where he is at any given time? He has many times indicated he was in a different state or city than what he was in. You want to see some videos of that?

he did leave California to burn. He did blame the Democrats because they didn't clean the forest floors. While it burned he played golf.

Good one, jsf. But did you know that trump has no authority to force cali to clean up the forests? That is governor nuisance's job. And yes, failing to clean fallen tress and branches, not allowing controlled burns, will definitely increase greatly the chances of a forest fire and make it more serious. I will find you some proof of that if you don't believe it? Was gavin playing golf, is that why he let it go? What about the homeless encampments, people doing their business on the sidewalk, is that trumps fault too?

sugardaddi's photo
Sun 12/27/20 03:34 PM
This is so funny. You people do not hate trump because you think he does coke, you hate him because he is a conservative republican but mostly because you have been taught to hate him by the media the last few years. Isn't that right?

I looked at the video and could not see what so called doctor jack claims to see. Then he diagnoses trump without ever meeting him just looking at photos. But we are supposed to believe him because doctors are smart and know a lot right? Or at least he says he is a doctor. I have my doubts about that too. No real doctors I know of have said that.

If biden was accused of doing drugs you people, the trump haters, would deny it or say its no big deal. Now admit it, we know its true. How do I know its true? Because he has been credibly accused of many crimes with evidence and witnesses. But none of you care about that. Sexual assault, bribery, many other things. Biden can hardly make a coherent sentence but some clown on twitter says trumps eyes are dilated so that proves he is an addict? And the invisible cocaine he claims to see?

Biden is a gaff machine, talks gibberish if not reading off a teleprompter and even then gets it wrong quite often. What problem does he have? He touches and sniffs children, is on video bragging about forcing ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was investigating his son, was accused by his staffer of sexual assault, but you want his finger on the button?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm just saying give the real reasons you don't like trump. No one here has said they like biden or think he is smart or competent. What has biden ever done right? So you hold your nose and vote for biden because he is left wing democrat and pretend you hate trump because... the lastest lie is he is on coke.

I don't like many of the things trump has said or the way he said them. I don't like some of the things he has done. I voted for him because he is a smart businessman and honest. Mueller and 18 prosecutors spend some $40 million investigating him and could find nothing. All his opponents are either nuts or crooked or both. I'm registered independent, I don't like him because he is gop, if he was a dem I'd still vote for him if biden was gop. I don't have to make up or believe lies to make me feel better about my decision

sugardaddi's photo
Sun 12/27/20 11:29 AM
Just today I had one that again asked for contact info after I had told her we talk here first or forget it. This time I said talk here or go away. I will block her if its the same thing again

Today alone I had 3 nudges, I went to respond right away and all had deactivated the account. This is a little game some people play. Out of hundreds of messages, nudges etc, I have yet to meet anyone in person. Closest I've come is a few that said if I went to them (far away) they would meet. You are better off going to groups and gatherings but now that is forbidden too.

sugardaddi's photo
Sun 12/27/20 10:52 AM
I have had to deal with it for a number of years now. The mind and thoughts simply will not turn off. Relaxing the body part by part helps a lot. Go back over and any remaining tension let go. I realize this is not enough for most people but it gets you a significant part of the way there

As for drugs, sometimes its needed but look for something natural without side effects. Melatonin works for many people. Try a very small dose at first like 1/2 mg or even less. If that works keep taking it when needed, you might not need it every night

CBD helps, also CBN, those are both derived from marijuana but are legal in usa and most countries. CBD is relaxing, good for health and helps sleep. Its a little expensive though I've found places that are cheaper. CBN is harder to find, some full spectrum cbd contains enough cbn to do the job. Both used together help

MJ itself helps a lot, especially if baked into an edible. This is legal in many states if you have a medical condition, some states anyone can get it. Its legal here and I use it every 3 days. It does the job but my tolerance is going up.

There are other things which are mild but might work for you. Oliamide, california poppy, theanine, and others. Prescription stuff that works but is dangerous include benzos, zolpidem, and others but they are addictive and often stop working and have side effects. There are many other things too

sugardaddi's photo
Sun 12/27/20 10:35 AM
Yes it does, Tanmay. Relaxing the body part by part is a good way to start a meditation. Let go of all tension or stress, focus on the breath. It also helps with insomnia.

If you have anxiety or fears, let them go. You don't need to feel that way. If your mind keeps going to unpleasant thoughts, bring your mind back to your breath. No matter how many times your mind tries to think of negative thoughts, just gently bring it back to the breath.

Don't be angry with yourself for not being able to control the mind, its something we all have to deal with. Our minds are not completely under our control but by gently bringing your attention to something neutral or pleasant, you gradually get away from anxiety or negativity.

sugardaddi's photo
Sun 12/27/20 10:27 AM
Since we are on the subject of depression and mood, I would like to recommend st john's wort. Its an herb, you can get it many places even grocery stores. It lifts your mood and makes you feel better. It doesn't make you high or feel 'too' good or it would be illegal but it makes you feel just good enough to still be legal haha. One cap will help a lot or two if you are feeling way down. I don't take it every day but its nice to have around. Even an angry annoyed feeling gets better on it.

sugardaddi's photo
Sat 12/26/20 08:05 AM
I try to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Not just on special days but every day.

sugardaddi's photo
Sat 12/26/20 07:55 AM
Well, here is a chart showing unemployment in usa, it proves that under obama unemployment was high and went way down with trump until the covid hit.

See that is the difference between some people and left most wingers. The left just claims obama built up the economy with no evidence. I say trump lowered the unemployment rate and I provide proof, not just talk.

The media and dems tried to steal the election but it is being contested and I look forward to 4 more years of peace and prosperity with trump.

Yes, he made peace between isreal and 4 arab countries, a feat no one before him was able to do. With another 4 years there is no telling what miracles he might be able to pull off

Stock market hit new highs, I suppose obama did that? lol

sugardaddi's photo
Fri 12/25/20 04:37 PM
I admire your tenacity, girth. You never give up no matter how badly you are losing. More people should follow that. However, the little fibs are not such a good thing

"it's well documented that he and Epstein hung out often and did a lot of coke"

So you back off the pedophile insinuations but now its coke? I assume you mean the drug not the soda which he does consume. Since its so well documented, maybe you can share a substantial link or bit of proof? You know, to show you didn't just make it up. Also, the only times he and ep hung out was when epstien was at the club which he was unseremoniously kicked out of. That fact is documented

sugardaddi's photo
Fri 12/25/20 04:23 PM
Good old girth back with more negativity and fake info. I see you are into guilt by association, so all those democrats who are on record as having gone to pedo island are pedos? Or only the republicans? There was a john roberts who flew there. But trump never went to the island despite your fantasy

In fact he barred epstien from club mar a lago years ago, kicked him off the premises when he heard about the underage girls. Does that sound like they were friends and plotted things together? Sorry to bore you with facts, facts to a leftist are like garlic to a vampire.

And you worked for someone who said real estate sellers are the worst. Well I guess that proves it right there haha.

As for a "failed" real estate investor, you should be so lucky to "fail" like he did. Despite losing over $1B as a result of running for office, he is still a multibillionaire. Some failure!

You place great stock in a joke he made about shooting someone on fifth avenue. You do realize its an old joke don't you?

Biden has been on the take long before ukraine and burisma. If and when trump wins back the presidency, biden won't be going to the white house but likely will be going to the big house. Kamel hair has wisely not given up her senate seat so the ***** can slither back in when it all falls apart

sugardaddi's photo
Fri 12/25/20 03:28 PM
Rock, I'm sorry to hear that but to blame it on the president is short sighted. The jobs were there, lowest unemployment in decades, family income went up but some fell through the cracks. Hopefully things will get better for you

I did very well the last 4 years. I can't say it was because of trump. I just liked the way he fixed our trade deals, built up the military, helped those in need and so on. He took the crap obama economy and made it boom. Now he gets blamed for the china virus.

sugardaddi's photo
Fri 12/25/20 03:08 PM
darkowl1, I agree, both parties are corrupt and almost all politicians are crooked. That includes gop, dems, libertarians, green, etc. Its the nature of the position that attracts thieves and conmen. You have to raise a lot of money to win and those who help you, want something in return

Trump is not a politician, being president was his first foray into that area. That is why most of us like him so much. I do not support gop, I get begging letters from them all the time and they go in the trash. Trump is the only real president we've had in a long long time.

sugardaddi's photo
Fri 12/25/20 03:04 PM
Rock, you are consistent if nothing else. More slander and sneering but not one fact in a carload. If you didn't hear it on cnn it must not be true, correct? You probably think fox is right wing and I watch it all the time. No and no, not particularly right wing.

There is a custom we have that you far leftists don't seem to like or use very much. We don't call names or scream to show we are right, we dig up facts for you to sneer at. OK, I will humor you with another link

Do you like usa today?

Or are they another "right wing" publication? BTW, if any news organization lies, the others will certainly get on their case, the liberal media for sure. But they are silent.

Facts would be welcome but we know its hard