Community > Posts By > lizethmarina

lizethmarina's photo
Tue 02/26/08 09:50 AM
Edited by lizethmarina on Tue 02/26/08 09:58 AM
I would hold you in my arms 'til the world ceased to exist
I would kiss you 'til the storm inside my being is once more at peace
Let you know without words exactly how I feel
Breathing, whispering a love song into your ear

Wake up with me, show me what is love
Wake my heart, revive my tired soul
Loneliness is leaving, being filled by pictures of you
Still reluctant to go but I will make this true

Calm the storm, bring peace to the sea of my love
This I ask, have in return anything you want
Just promise that tomorrow you will love me more

Of this, my heart if secretly afraid of
Don't love me and leave me, tell me you'll stay
Don't pain my heart with silence, tell me you're still there
Because silence has never been a good friend

And if one day comes and you must leave me
Teach me how to forget you and be free once again

For S.A.B.

New light, shining down in the form of a loving man with beautiful blue eyes.

lizethmarina's photo
Sun 02/24/08 04:53 PM
Very, very nice, those are some tears worth crying. Nice write flowerforyou

lizethmarina's photo
Thu 02/21/08 07:55 PM
Thanks KC, we share the same I also like the ending more than anything flowerforyou

LaMome, thanks to you too flowerforyou

Faded, thanks flowerforyou

lizethmarina's photo
Thu 02/21/08 05:29 PM
Thanks MsTeddy flowerforyou

thank you, CrazyPalindrome flowerforyou

lizethmarina's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:55 PM
Edited by lizethmarina on Thu 02/21/08 12:56 PM
I wanted to scream, find an answer, a reason, a why things happen the way they do
Inside the tired empty memories
Inside the loneliness that fills my being
In the uncertainty of the change that is to come, on the feeble feelings that will no longer come to be.

I wanted to cry, find an answer, of where my broken heart would be
I couldn't find anything, only the cruel reality of disillusion and the emptiness that love leaves behind
Inside my hollowed soul where the broken pieces of me could be found
Reluctant to come out, tired of loving you, tired of crying for you

I screamed into the sunset that I loved you, just to see if you could hear me
I just heard my own voice screaming back a thousand times that I loved you
Crying inside the canyons of my soul, still asking why
Alone in the inmensity of everything, I got lost, and your love no longer found me

The walls rose up, and to your love, the entrance was denied
My loveless heart no longer belonging to you
But even then, if the echo calmed my tears, i would have stopped crying for you a long time ago.


lizethmarina's photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:50 AM
Awesome write flowerforyou

I am sure lots of people appreciate the encouragement words you give to them, i know i do. Thanks.

lizethmarina's photo
Thu 02/14/08 08:34 AM
Thanks MsTeddy, I love your picture! flowerforyou

lizethmarina's photo
Wed 02/13/08 07:16 PM
Will most definetely do flowerforyou

lizethmarina's photo
Wed 02/13/08 06:58 PM
:heart: drinker

lizethmarina's photo
Wed 02/13/08 06:37 PM
You are right Lily, maybe that is why I love like I do with no holds barred, prejudices, and wholeheartedly. Thanks flowerforyou

lizethmarina's photo
Wed 02/13/08 05:51 PM
So nice and sooo true walter, thanks for your words and keep looking! Hope is the last thing to die.

Thanks for reading. flowerforyou

lizethmarina's photo
Wed 02/13/08 05:29 PM
Thanks Jimz flowerforyou

Daniel, thank you. flowerforyou

lizethmarina's photo
Wed 02/13/08 02:29 PM
:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

lizethmarina's photo
Wed 02/13/08 01:42 PM
:cry: brokenheart :cry:

I know the feeling and I also have a son OMG! brokenheart

lizethmarina's photo
Wed 02/13/08 12:17 PM

lizethmarina's photo
Wed 02/13/08 10:21 AM
Thanks for reading Orion flowerforyou

mteagle flowerforyou drinker

lizethmarina's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:50 AM
Edited by lizethmarina on Wed 02/13/08 09:51 AM
As I gaze upon your reflection
Of memories embeded in my soul
Moments of such happiness
Remembered in a song

Tears are flowing from my sad eyes
Amped by not knowing if this is goodbye
No answer, not a single word
My heart is aching with every beat

Where are you? Are you okay?
Why did you come back?
How did you make me so happy in such a short while?
I love you, can't you see how much it hurts?

Can't you hear my heart break?
Can't you hear these words I whispered in your ear?
Can't you see how I crumble and fall?
Can't you see that your silence is killing me inside?

I am the one that loves the most
The one that can't deny you
The one that runs to you
Even when I want to walk the other way

I am the ones that longs to wake up in you
The one that wants to take care of you
The one that would mend your soul
Asking in return for only your love

Don't know how much longer I'll hang on
Not knowing what's is going on with our love
Tell me now baby
Am I such a fool to love you as I do.



lizethmarina's photo
Wed 02/13/08 08:39 AM

lizethmarina's photo
Wed 02/13/08 08:18 AM
MsTeddy flowerforyou

pkh flowerforyou

Thanks for your replies.

lizethmarina's photo
Wed 02/13/08 07:23 AM

To love someone is to want pure happiness for that other person even if it means that he will no longer be with you. brokenheart