Community > Posts By > lizethmarina

lizethmarina's photo
Fri 01/11/08 02:12 PM
Thank you so much, I had this translated, I originally wrote it in spanish.

lizethmarina's photo
Fri 01/11/08 02:07 PM
Edited by lizethmarina on Fri 01/11/08 02:11 PM
Two teardrops fall into the nothing from two eyes filled with sorrow
Where does the pain go when you no longer have the strenght to bear it?
It hides itself in the corners of your soul
Inventing a smile, faking emotions so that nobody knows it still hurts so

Two teardrops that get lost in a sea of sadness
Hiding in the deep waters of loneliness
Losing themselves between the imnesity of the heart
Feeling the bitter taste that your loved one won't come back

Staring at pictures, laughing and crying with the memories
Waiting for the return of your loved one, hoping that the distance won't make him forget what was felt in happier days
Imagining that everything would be the same and that the passion that united us would be just as strong
That the love that I have for you will be enough to carry us both

But the memories are not enough when goodbye is not certain
There isn't a worst punishment that not knowing if you love me
I want to let you go... fly to the highest place and let go of your memory
Sending it to the darkest place in my heart burying it permanently there

But even in that cold and empty place, your love would bloom just like a tiny flower
Filling everything around, making it beat, filling it with life
Do I love you? I have proven that many many times
Do I love you? Even thou the circumstances are against us, even when the circumstances surrounding us are absurd... I love you.

lizethmarina's photo
Fri 01/11/08 01:48 PM
Thanks Wolfeyes58. flowerforyou

lizethmarina's photo
Fri 01/11/08 10:46 AM

lizethmarina's photo
Thu 01/03/08 01:21 PM
Edited by lizethmarina on Thu 01/03/08 01:21 PM
The need to hold you, to have you,
The yearning to feel your lips and your body near mine
To have your eyes look deeply into mine,
While I close my eyes forgetting everything around me

Wanting to hear your voice whisper sweet nothings in my ear
The desire to feel you, to touch you, to feel your warmth surrounding me
The crazy idea that I would want to spend the rest of my life with you,
This feelings that surround me every time we are near each other

I miss you whenever we are apart
I can only count the days, the minutes, the seconds, in where we will be together again
All alone just you and i, even when we are are around everyone else
My world closes into a bubble in where only the two of us live in.

I think of a future with you and wonder why
Before I met you my life already had a path,
Now I am standing in the meadow looking over at different roads available for me to take
I am standing in the middle looking your way wondering if you are the right path for the rest of my life

Even thou you haven't suggested or implied that you would like a life full of me
I feel it in your kisses that it could be a possibility
Even thou you have not professed unconditional love to me
But still I can feel it in your body every time you love me,
I am trying not to confuse the need to feel with feelings of love

But everytime we are together, there is this blanket that wraps me up and I get lost
At that time I am willing to go against the world and scream at the top of my lungs that I want you…
At that time I don't care what the world thinks if anyone sees us together
Because when you are with me, I feel free, careless, enjoying every second of our time together.

Because when I am with you I am aware of every sensation that runs thru my body
All of my senses are alert and awake whenever you get close to me,
And even when you are not, I close my eyes and I can smell your scent, I can see your face clear as day
I can feel your kisses and your hand wrapped tighly with mine.

If this isn't love someone please explain to me what it is that I am feeling…
Because I need you more than I thought I would ever need someone again
I want you more than I thought I would ever want anyone again
Because you came and filled the emptiness in my soul and showed me that I was still alive

You came and filled up my loneliness and my need to feel wanted
Withouth much try you showed me quickly how a woman should feel
I love looking at you when you smile back at me
I love to hear you sigh when you are near me, I love when you hold me tightly…

Baby if this isn't love what we are feeling, then tell me what it is.

"When a heart has been broken you can always put the pieces back together but it's just like a shattered glass, you can see and feel all the cracks, but it still works, it still beats when the posibility of a new ilusion comes around." Marina.

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