Community > Posts By > eind442

eind442's photo
Sat 12/22/07 11:45 PM
Edited by eind442 on Sat 12/22/07 11:50 PM

yes i think i will have to agree with you eind

after all how can what

one person did overseas be irrelevant

when at the same time they say

support troops would not have a clue

i would have to think that a body guard

for some one that could afford one

would have less of a clue

I don't entirely understand exactly what you're saying in that post, but I'm assuming you're trying to use some kind of sarcasm. All I'm saying is that just because one soldier says they heard an Iraqi say "I SUPPORT THE US INVASION OF MY COUNTRY!" doesn't mean that the rest of Iraq supports the US presence. It's illogical to assume that. There country was at the very least stable before we hopped inside their country. Saddam was not a good guy, but he kept everything in order, far better than we've been doing.

I don't doubt that a few soldiers might hear some Iraqis say they support the US presence. Regardless of whether they support the US led Iraq invasion to oust Saddam, what I'm saying is that the overwhelmingly logical conclusion is that Iraqis do not want a foreign presence in their country.

You wouldn't want that in your country. I wouldn't want that in my country. Why would anyone want a foreign military in their country. It makes zero sense. Which is why I don't think this argument should even continue.

Regardless of foreign support, we need to support our own troops by getting them home. The soldiers are getting screwed by our country by redeploying soldiers over and over again that have already valiantly served their country... come on... any Patriot worth anything would see that's wrong.

I refuse to fight anymore about this. Your argument has been disassembled and analyzed. No hard feelings towards you, I don't doubt whatever soldier you're referencing experienced what you said, but if you think about it logically, as you should be (as you probably are... hopefully) it only makes sense for the majority of the Iraqis not to want us there. I will give you a freebie though, that the Kurds might want us there as a buffer with Turkey, but other than that, I can see no majorities wanting the US presence there, and only minorities and single isolated cases where soldiers happen to get electricity and water pumping into a neighborhood (or other services). But how many neighborhoods have been leveled in comparison to those that have been repaired. The ratio is skewed. Refugees are everywhere.... there are far more children growing up without parents that will eventually turn into terrorists. The more innocent lives that get taken the more future US hating terrorists you create.

You must understand now, and if you don't, God in heaven, please help us, because I don't think we can make it any simpler and clearer than that.

eind442's photo
Sat 12/22/07 02:15 AM
Monster's Balls
Ed's Wood
The Fast and the Bi-Curious

eind442's photo
Sat 12/22/07 02:00 AM
Edited by eind442 on Sat 12/22/07 02:06 AM
Well, the one flaw I see in the contested statement is this:

Why would an Iraqi that dislikes US Soldiers be having a calm, civilized conversation with a US Soldier? I highly doubt they would even speak to someone they disliked, much less give even one soldier a bulleted, itemized list of things they dislike about the US occupation.

If you live in Iraq and are pissed off, you either are angry and trying to trod through life, or you're trying to kill US Soldiers. Either, or. (Or you're possibly voting in elections...) I wouldn't imagine anyone that is angry would calmly verbalize their issues with the occupation to soldier, for fear of getting locked up or shot (regardless of whether or not that would actually happen).

Soldiers aren't stupid; they know exactly what's going on. They know they're just police in a civil war now. They're not dumb.

I'm sure the Iraqis are glad Saddam is gone, but the country as a whole was not mature enough to try and liberate themselves. You cannot force a liberation upon people unwilling to die for their country, themselves. That's why we're in the situation we've got. You cannot force a new system of government on people. It just doesn't work. Like all revolutions, you're going to have to be willing to die for a new tomorrow, and clearly the Iraqis were not ready to do so. Maybe sometime in the future, but now wasn't the time. And politically they're dragging their feet. Expecting the US to just fix the coutnry is not a reality. A 3 way civil war is going to break out (...officially) and they'll probably divide Iraq into three states. And those three states will have perfect chances for getting some crazy dictator as a ruler, since people in need are willing to give up their rights. And now you're back to square-one, back in 2002, except now you've got 3 seperate states instead of a partially unified Iraq, all of which hate each other even more because of violence during the Iraq war.

Yeah, with a future like that I'm sure they'll all just support us alright. The Kurds maybe, but that's it.


eind442's photo
Sat 12/22/07 01:17 AM
You remind me of the babe. What babe? The babe with the power. What power? The power of voodoo. Who do? You do. Do what? Remind me of the babe.

eind442's photo
Fri 12/21/07 01:32 AM
Happy B-Day.

eind442's photo
Fri 12/21/07 01:29 AM
Huge Cowboys fan here. :)

eind442's photo
Fri 12/21/07 12:06 AM
hehe, hey that's pretty good. Sonic actualy is my best friend though. just saying.

eind442's photo
Fri 12/21/07 12:02 AM
Dallas area here. :)

eind442's photo
Thu 12/20/07 09:44 PM
oh man, you're in a quite a sticky situation.

Tactful honesty is the best policy.

eind442's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:44 PM
Hi. :smile:

it seems to me like this community is pretty friendly.

eind442's photo
Thu 12/20/07 04:47 PM
Edited by eind442 on Thu 12/20/07 04:48 PM
well, I view it like this. If some foreign army came into my country, would I want them there? Sure I wouldn't. In this case the US military is the only chance of stabilization before a political reformation in Iraq, so whether Iraqis want the US there or not, they realize that the US presence is required so progress can be made.

But seriously, everything is way more complicated than having support or not having support. Multiple ethnic groups have varying reasons for supporting anyone in Iraq, so saying that "Iraqis" don't support the US is a bit misleading because plenty of groups either support, hate, and merely tolerate the US presence. It's a mixed bag of support. Blanket statements will never get anywhere in the middle east. It's way more complex than that.

eind442's photo
Thu 12/20/07 04:38 PM
Yeah, totally. It depends on the woman in question. Short hair looks great sometimes, as does long hair.

eind442's photo
Thu 12/20/07 03:35 PM
hi everyone. Yeah, I'm doing good. Still getting used to how this place works. :)

eind442's photo
Thu 12/20/07 02:40 PM

Hello New guy ^^ Have fun and use protection :)

haha, oh I'll try.

eind442's photo
Thu 12/20/07 02:28 PM
Howdy. ^_~

eind442's photo
Thu 12/20/07 03:05 AM
Edited by eind442 on Thu 12/20/07 03:07 AM
Hey! I'm just seeing if there are any ladies that are in Dallas (or nearby). I'm new to this site and figured that this would probably be a good way to meet new people that are active on the site. :smile:

haha, extra word in the thread's title. Awesome. Throw in a "/" and I guess it'd be good, but alas...

eind442's photo
Thu 12/20/07 03:01 AM
you know, I can't remember. It's boring, I know, but I think that I progressed through the years and just kind of figured it out. It was a smooth transition; nothing too dramatic, just a mild-mannered progression. :wink:

eind442's photo
Wed 12/19/07 01:01 PM

Right on, though, with this thread! Chicks have their tongue out or they're doing the pouty lip thing... haha. I have no idea why, but they do it... it's crazy. hehehe.

Must be instinct because so many women do it.

it's like a giant Zoolander competition. haha. ^_~

eind442's photo
Wed 12/19/07 12:53 PM
Edited by eind442 on Wed 12/19/07 12:53 PM
just hangin'


maxin' and relaxin'


i'll stop now.