Community > Posts By > JustAGuy2112
No mystery there? You sure aren't a very good investigator. You just pick what seems to you to be a more acceptable explanation than "aliens" and get all comfy with that and say "no mystery there."
Heh. That's what they DO, though. They take ANY " explanation " no matter how absurd it may be, and state it as fact. After all....Swamp Gas is a VERY good fallback position. |
" ... And to those who see nothing wrong with having most of the wealth of a nation concentrated in the hands of a few, I say look at Mexico as your future ... " Hold up, Chum Lee ... you talk about Mejikkko as if it's the ONLY place where vast power 'n wealth concentrates in the hands of 'a few' ... What about squalid little cesspools like Venezuela, Haiti, China, India, N. Korea, Myanmar, or Cuba - to name just a very few of the 'concentrations' on the face of this planet IN ADDITION TO Mejikkko ... ? Nothin' wrong with makin' a claim, but to exclude all these other places that are as bad as, if not worse than, Mejikkko, is just so wrong ... Um...I think you are missing his point. If I'm not mistaken, the point is that the " cesspools " ( as you called them ) are the result of having a very few, very powerful, very rich people. They are all the " have's " while the rest of the people ( those who are forced to live in the " cesspool " ) are left with nothing. |
DETROIT -- A 7-year-old girl has died after being shot by a Detroit police officer who was searching a home for a homicide suspect. Detroit police spokesman John Roach says officers with the department's Special Response Team went into the home about 12:45 a.m. Sunday with a warrant to look for a suspect in a Friday homicide. Roach says an officer "had an encounter" with someone in the home as he entered and his weapon fired. Roach says other details about the situation are not yet clear. The bullet struck and killed 7-year-old Aiyanna Jones. Police say the suspect they were searching for was arrested. he entered the home and his weapon fired! I've never heard of a gun that aims itself and pulls its own trigger. There was a physical confrontation with the 49 year old woman when the police entered the house. THAT is when the officer's weapon discharged. Do you seriously think that, even in Detroit, a police officer would wantonly shoot a 7 year old child in cold blood?? Come on, now. |
Judging a book by its cover
Problem is, people always treat me like crap because of it, so trying to see myself differently is a foreign concept. Any suggestions? takes work. You have to be willing to PUT IN that work. People treated you like crap??? Welcome to the club. I was verbally and physically abused the entire time I was a child. It took me a LONG time and a LOT of work to get past that crap and realize that I am worth FAR more than the people who told me I was worthless. The thing is....until you CAN do that, you are, in no way shape or form, READY to be in a relationship because you are still carrying around a load of bullshite. My suggestion....every morning..and I mean EVERY morning...get out of bed and look at yourself in the mirror. Repeat this phrase.... My weight does not DEFINE me. I am better than those who tried to tell me otherwise. Take several deep breaths and BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. You will be starting the day off in a much better frame of mind and it WILL show. |
Judging a book by its cover
![]() To the OP. I, like Mayhem, am not just trying to bust your balls. I am a relatively heavy dude myself. For the longest time, I hated it. But, after a while, I realized that my weight has nothing at all to do with who I AM. I still had trouble getting dates, but that was more my own doing than anything else. The point is, I became confident in MYSELF and didn't ALLOW my weight to be an issue or an excuse. Another thing to keep in mind is that you should probably stop with the " cherish and respect her " stuff on the forums. Believe me. You don't NEED to say that stuff because any woman with any sense at all will be able to SEE it for herself if she takes the time. What that kind of thing screams is " nice guy ". Women DO want a " nice guy " but first and foremost, they want someone with a SPINE. They want someone who will stand up for themselves. They DON'T want the " nice guy " that allows her to treat him any ole way she wants and always says " Yes dear " or " Whatever you want dear ". You do not have to bend over backwards for a woman to know you respect her. All you are doing when you do that is showing that you are weak. I have never met a woman who wanted a relationship with a doormat. |
A Metal God Died Today
Heaven is rockin' tonight. Damn straight it is. ![]() I saw him live on the Holy Diver tour and was utterly amazed at how small in stature he was. It just amazed me that such a HUGE voice could come from a man that small. |
Judging a book by its cover
Edited by
Sun 05/16/10 02:02 PM
This is a problem I've been having my whole life. Women tend to just brush me off because of my appearance and even when I do have the opportunity to show them what kind of person I am on the inside, they still won't let it go beyond a simple friendship just because I'm heavy. Yet I still cringe whenever I see a woman with a guy who (and the worst part is, these guys do it in public where everyone can see) treats them like absolute crap; yelling at them, ordering them around, insulting them. It hurts me so badly to think that women would rather be with a guy who looks good and is in good shape than be with a guy like me who isn't the easiest on the eyes but who would cherish and respect them. Am I completely wrong about this or is the world really that messed up and I just have to deal with it? This is probably the most important thing anyone here will tell you... Women do not pass you by simply because you are heavy. They pass you by because your lack of confidence in who you ARE comes through in your body language and a attitude. Stop with the whiny bullshite and man up. Walk with a straight spine and a confident step. Once you learn to do that....women will start to see you differently because YOU see YOURSELF differently. |
A Metal God Died Today
May you rest in peace, Ronnie.
A Metal God Died Today
Ronnie James Dio Dead at 67
Ronnie James Dio, the metal god who replaced Ozzy Osbourne in Black Sabbath and later piloted the bands Heaven & Hell and Dio, has died aged 67, his wife and manager say. Dio announced last (northern) autumn he was suffering from stomach cancer. He was being treated at a Houston hospital, according to his website. "My heart is broken, Ronnie passed away at 7:45am," said a statement by Wendy Dio posted on Sunday on the site and confirmed by publicist Maureen O'Connor. Wendy Dio said friends and family were able to say their goodbyes to her husband, and asked for privacy. She concluded: "Please know he loved you all and his music will live on forever." |
Nope. No racial profiling there.
Move along folks. Move along. Nothing to see here. |
Where the hell IS everyone??
Barenaked Ladies reference. Nicely done.
Howdy TJ |
I personally don't care what kind of car they have it is just material things it is the heart that matters the most Right up until some dude tries to pick you up in a '76 Pinto...lmao |
I hear ya .. it's a complicated thing this dating site scenario ![]() It's not complicated. You find someone to go out with. You be yourself. It either works or it doesn't. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 16
Totally not single.
![]() |
Boycott Mexifornia
What gets me is that not ONE of the people who are screaming racism and racial profiling can point to ONE SENTENCE of that law that shows any of it. They just keep repeating the " talking points " and figure reading the law and making a coherent argument is completely unnecessary. here is the controversial sentence(s): B. FOR ANY LAWFUL CONTACT MADE BY A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL OR A LAW 21 ENFORCEMENT AGENCY OF THIS STATE OR A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL OR A LAW 22 ENFORCEMENT AGENCY OF A COUNTY, CITY, TOWN OR OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF 23 THIS STATE WHERE REASONABLE SUSPICION EXISTS THAT THE PERSON IS AN ALIEN WHO 24 IS UNLAWFULLY PRESENT IN THE UNITED STATES, what would REASONABLE SUSPICION of non documentation be exactly? they have since amended it to be more specific and states that this SUSPICION cannot be based solely upon race,, and that request of proof is only permitted in the execution of some ACTUAL violation which is being investigated... if I , having attended mere state colleges, could see the potential for profiling in such vague wording,, its not odd to me that a Harvard Grad and constitutional law teacher may see it too... Perhaps. Too bad your favorite Harvard Grad never read it before he started running his mouth and siccing the lapdogs.I don't really believe he actually read it. After all...even his Attorney General didn't read it until just a couple of days ago.same thing he did with that cop case a while back. He made a knee jerk statement without knowing the facts. And do you think he's read it since then?? Or is he too busy chewing out the BP execs? But hey. Obama is beyond reproach, right?? Everything he does is perfectly excusable and if not....why they'll just skirt the issues and find ways to soften the edges from the things he does. It isn't possible to think he flat out screwed up. Even with that case I mentioned...he didn't actually do anything wrong. Right? |
I heard on a discussion last night that the law even allows citizens to racially profile folks too. Takes this country back to the "good ole racists days". Sick. PROVE IT. Pick out ONE LINE in that law ( which of course means you'd actually have to READ it ) that says any such thing. You CAN'T because it doesn't exist. All this hand wringing is nothing but an obvious attempt to distract the people of this country from the REAL problem of Illegal Immigration. Even Eric Holder ( one of the most high positioned people in this country ) was degrading the bill before he even READ any of it. This coming from the Attorney General for christ's sake. Obama called it " misguided " without READING the damn thing. This is utterly and completely ridiculous. READ the damn law. THEN take a god, long look at your arguments here. Maybe ( I highly doubt it ) you'll see just how off base and emotionally irresponsible your stance is. Educate yourself about the thing you are arguing about. Until you do, and can back up the **** you are talking, there is no way you can be taken seriously. I mean, seriously, do you even REALIZE, in ANY way, how much of a joke this whole issue is making the Democrat party and screamin Liberals in general out to be?? " The law is RACIST!!! " " Have you actually READ it??? " " it's RACIST!!! " See how stupid that sounds???? Of course you don't. It takes logical thinking to see just how stupid that kind of statement is. Has OBama stated he hadnt read this,,,,,I find that Highly unlikely, its a short read,,,,,,and when he made the statement the bill was still worded in such (question anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant,,,what would cause such a suspicion upon just seeing someone?) a way as to leave open the option to racially profile,,,, I read the bill before and after and I was also opposed before.. Well....considering the fact that he came out and said it was " misguided " what....less than 24 hours after it was signed....and his Attorney General hadn't read it until just a couple of days ago....the likelihood of Obama having actually read it before he started flapping at the lips about it are pretty slim. Ah yes....when he came out against was still worded the " wrong " way. But that the wording has been cleared up...has he made any further statement about it??? Nahhh...he's just sent the lapdogs out to shout their " talking points " which are now COMPLETELY and utterly irrelevant. Obama is SUCH a great strategist. You would figure that a Harvard Educated man would be bright enough to know when it's time to call the lapdogs back and tell them they need to actually READ what they are railing against. But...alas....he made a statement...sicced the lapdogs...and is now sitting back saying and doing NOTHING. What he has done is make himself AND his entire staff look like a bunch of bumbling fools. What a shock. Looks like pretty much the same strategy used for Health Care. |
Does Arizona provide water to LA? I would guess that large ocean right BESIDE california helps quite a bit....seriously,,,I doubt LA, in a state that is right next to the ocean, is depending upon Arizona, a desert state, for water(the geography just doesnt seem likely) Wrong. California, and L.A. in particular do, indeed, get water from Arizona. It gets diverted from the Colorado river. Ocean water isn't DRINKING water. So no matter how much water is " right next door " it's unusable for their needs. It's nice to look at....but pretty much useless to them other than that. |
I heard on a discussion last night that the law even allows citizens to racially profile folks too. Takes this country back to the "good ole racists days". Sick. PROVE IT. Pick out ONE LINE in that law ( which of course means you'd actually have to READ it ) that says any such thing. You CAN'T because it doesn't exist. All this hand wringing is nothing but an obvious attempt to distract the people of this country from the REAL problem of Illegal Immigration. Even Eric Holder ( one of the most high positioned people in this country ) was degrading the bill before he even READ any of it. This coming from the Attorney General for christ's sake. Obama called it " misguided " without READING the damn thing. This is utterly and completely ridiculous. READ the damn law. THEN take a god, long look at your arguments here. Maybe ( I highly doubt it ) you'll see just how off base and emotionally irresponsible your stance is. Educate yourself about the thing you are arguing about. Until you do, and can back up the **** you are talking, there is no way you can be taken seriously. I mean, seriously, do you even REALIZE, in ANY way, how much of a joke this whole issue is making the Democrat party and screamin Liberals in general out to be?? " The law is RACIST!!! " " Have you actually READ it??? " " it's RACIST!!! " See how stupid that sounds???? Of course you don't. It takes logical thinking to see just how stupid that kind of statement is. |