Community > Posts By > khan327

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:27 PM
No i am not a muslim

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:22 PM
Aha its not claim when pakistani news paper post these picture USA get silent after that USA neva say pakistan support taliban

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:17 PM
Stop fighiting its easy to fyt on net but its really difficult to do something practically if u are really a good fighter and have emotion lets fyt with taliban and save your armey.. hahahaha

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:11 PM
Its not claim a month ago jung news paper post these picture

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:04 PM
Calm down GRANDPA we here just for fun not for abuse

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:00 PM
Aha if u want to c the alqaeda top brass picture in white house can search it on or

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 11:49 AM
Sealolony LOL....I send you every text with proof....

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 11:48 AM

Fact are fact ...fact is that'USA claimed that haqqni network is the right hand of ISI but it is not so.....i will prove to you that haqqani top brass has met with US delligation in the white house i can show picture of this show very very old evidence but its fresh news ......i think its not fact for you....LOL

I think you not show anything......I think you not prove anything......I think the Soviets backed the Taliban......which are known for its clandestine developments and meeting over the years itself.....

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 11:43 AM
The afgan women since now they get an education LOL....why in taliban govt women are uneducated who told you that taliban govt give right to women i told you one thing during taliban govt lot of non muslim women visit to afgan and they adoped islam

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 09:04 AM
Edited by khan327 on Mon 02/06/12 09:08 AM
Fact are fact ...fact is that'USA claimed that haqqni network is the right hand of ISI but it is not so.....i will prove to you that haqqani top brass has met with US delligation in the white house i can show picture of this show very very old evidence but its fresh news ......i think its not fact for you....LOL

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 04:55 AM
Ok i check this site its an old data before 9/2/11 USA also support taliban ..taliban and alqaeda is the products of CIA not of ISI.taliban cant beat pak.pak won an every field aganist taliban... and whole NATO cant face taliban its show the strength of

khan327's photo
Mon 02/06/12 02:13 AM
If usa leave afgan its better for USA ..... USA spent lots of money on war its beter you developed african country

khan327's photo
Sun 02/05/12 11:46 PM
Ok iraq didnt let NATO check and verify either....are u find atomic weapon after attack....u just find the oil....LOL

khan327's photo
Sun 02/05/12 11:40 PM
I am also pashtun yes taliban is the sub group of pashton 99% taliban are pashtun.. Pushton nation are very brave and close to religon and the intrested thing is that they are revengeful and this is the custom of pushton u cant change it by war

khan327's photo
Sun 02/05/12 06:47 PM
Ok sadam and osama start it...lets we start from 9/2/11 USA attack on iraq caz usa claim that iraq have atomic weapon USA didnt show any evidence that iraq have atomic weapon ......CIA claim that alqaeda responsible for 9/2/11 attack but USA fail to show any evidence it was just only a drama

khan327's photo
Sun 02/05/12 12:52 PM
U dont believe that US start the war.....then who start the war an afgan and iraq?????

khan327's photo
Sun 02/05/12 08:25 AM
Edited by khan327 on Sun 02/05/12 08:52 AM
Yes pak support taliban but in the past not yet..u say pak support terrorist in kashmir kashmir more then 3 lakh ppl killed by indian army more then 1 lakh women become widow children become orphan its not terrorism:|if dozen kashmiri youths fight for ther freedom its terrorism:oask from obama to solve kashmir problem according to united nation resolution.....who is the founder of taliban and alqaeda CIA.. who bring arab to kabul CIA..when usa were using taliban aganist rusia in those day they were not terrorist but now they are terroris what is it and now you are going to los the war pak responsible for it .......

khan327's photo
Sun 02/05/12 05:01 AM
Pakistan dosnt support aliban its just a perception and allegation....and its universal truth that LOSER ALWAY MAKE PRETENCE....LOL

khan327's photo
Sun 02/05/12 04:57 AM

Taliban stilled hold control...sure.. Afgan govt and usa limited to kabul the rest of country with taliban i am very close observer i think usa gotta lose u ppl just copying the media
Maybe if Pakistan stopped to support the Taliban would be a help too!
It sure has backfired on Pakistan!

khan327's photo
Sat 02/04/12 03:05 PM
Terrorist they are products of CIA iran have right to make atomic weapon to protect iran from USA and israel attack