Community > Posts By > khan327

khan327's photo
Fri 02/17/12 08:44 AM
Lol..when you attack on iraq on afganistan, libya, kashamir palastien,iran its not errorism.if 2 bomb blast in nigeria its terrorism.

khan327's photo
Fri 02/17/12 05:53 AM
Tel me any muslim that he insult jesus.its show love of muslim for jesus, and you insult mohammad every where. Where you find the chonce you dont loss it..dont teach us how to love

khan327's photo
Fri 02/17/12 05:47 AM
Yes i read the original quran.i chalnge all the world tell me any change in the quran

khan327's photo
Fri 02/17/12 05:42 AM
Song....i believe on jesus QURAN full from discusion about jesus.but there are difference how we are believe and how you are..

khan327's photo
Fri 02/17/12 05:33 AM
Edited by khan327 on Fri 02/17/12 05:57 AM
; are you read the previous text of jhon.what he say about mohammad.we are here just to exchange the idea.dont blaim on me every one check his/her text what you are saying about islam i have right to protact islam

khan327's photo
Fri 02/17/12 02:53 AM
Sin.... its the clear announcment of allah.hell is the place of non beliver

khan327's photo
Fri 02/17/12 02:39 AM
Joy.its order of allah

khan327's photo
Fri 02/17/12 02:37 AM
I am not here to fight with you.i can reject your claim by quran.deny me on bibile if you you can deny me .what you read its not an original bibile.

khan327's photo
Fri 02/17/12 02:30 AM
Colina; yes it was the order of allah

khan327's photo
Fri 02/17/12 02:25 AM
Islam dont allow women to exposue her body.and exposure of the body is not modrenism....if exposure of the body is modrenism then animals are more modren then humen

khan327's photo
Fri 02/17/12 02:19 AM
Islam is the name of love and humaity.and you are just do sex with your socity

khan327's photo
Fri 02/17/12 02:13 AM
Muslim not responsible for 9/2/11 attack. It was just a drama arrange by CIA

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 01:15 PM
Lo! Thou art on sublime morals
johm...this is the say of allah for mohammed

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 12:53 PM
Edited by khan327 on Thu 02/16/12 01:04 PM
And when when jesus son of mary said.o son of isreal!lo i am the messenger of allah on to you.confirming that which was before me in torah? And bringing good tiding of a messenger who cometh after me.WHOSE NAME IS MOHEMMAD .QURAN
here jesus prove that mohammed is messenger of allah.if jesus prove it then you have any right to deny mohammed(PBUH)

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 12:44 PM
The jews and christians say; we are loved one of allah.why then doth he chastise you for your sins.they indeed have disbelieved who say.messiah is son of god.
They surely disbelieve who say;lo! Allah is but the messiah son of mary.and the messiah himself said;o children of isreal , worship of allah my lord and your lord.lo! Whose ascrbeth partners unto allah, for him allah hath forbidden paradise, his abode is the fire.
The messiah,son of mary.was no other than a messenger.messiah not son of allah.
And when allah will say.o jesus son of marry!didst thou say unto mankind;take me and my mother for two gods beside allah?he saith;glory to be thee it did not befit me to utter that to which i had no right

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 10:14 AM
Tnx:) but am no think so :(

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 10:11 AM
Welcome 2 carefull here 70% girls asking for money! so be careful dont send money to any one:D:D:D

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 09:52 AM
If a muslim doing bad!its not mean,That islam allow him to do it.for example gay marriage is common in non muslim socity.we muslim dont blaim on your religion.that your religion allow you to do it

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 09:41 AM
No what you want! your grave waiting for you.

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 09:32 AM
Its not long wait, reward start from grave.