Community > Posts By > Monnie45

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Sat 01/12/08 02:29 PM

no but i will and thank you.

Very Welcomeflowerforyou

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Sat 01/12/08 02:23 PM

i also want someone who likee to go out and have fun like playing pool and going bowling and someone who likes kids.

do you have that on your site profile? if not include it,you are young yet lady I am older than you are and am still looking,too damn picky I guess but I can be and so can you,like one guy said,you will fall into it,you sound sweet just hang in there and it will come,faith woman,faithflowerforyou

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Sat 01/12/08 01:38 PM
checking in too,I am damn well addicted myself,hello laci,hope to see ya'll later on tonight,man it is slow on the net today,dayummmmflowerforyou

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Sat 01/12/08 12:39 PM

DAMN Monnie...good morning to ya! flowerforyou

damn cindy right back at you only it is evening now,sorry in and out of the damn houseflowerforyou

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Sat 01/12/08 07:57 AM

Pretty damn quiet in here. Thought I'd drop in real quick and say hidrinker

Hi jura,hoping you are having a damn good dayflowerforyou

So far yes. Its a damn fine day. Get to play in the Jeep all day long. Hope you have a damn fine day as well. Bet I will have more damn fun thoughflowerforyou drinker

Damn it probably so,no I know so,have a good damn timehappy

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Sat 01/12/08 07:53 AM

Pretty damn quiet in here. Thought I'd drop in real quick and say hidrinker

Hi jura,hoping you are having a damn good dayflowerforyou

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Sat 01/12/08 07:49 AM

Damn..reckon I missed everyone..slept in a bit this mornin'

Got some damn work to do around here and a few hours to put in at back later on.

Have a great damn day!!drinker flowerforyou

Damn there you are Robin,I too slept in some,cindy I hope you are having a good damn day,did it get weird in here last night or was it just me?

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Sat 01/12/08 07:48 AM

What is the difference between a blonde and a 747?

No many people have been in a 747.


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Fri 01/11/08 09:35 PM
ldndiwm136 and lilmisspris welcome to the damn gameflowerforyou ,get it moving will ya? we grow sleepy here damn it

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Fri 01/11/08 09:33 PM

Anybody miss me damn it. I had to relieve myself. Took a little longer than expected. Feel so good now damn it.

well damn cuppy thanks for sharing:wink:
This damn time out you need to take on your own, Monnie damn, I am sending you a friend invite.k
I am honored to accept cuppy,although you might regret it when I email you,sometimes I can be damn long winded:wink:

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Fri 01/11/08 09:24 PM

Anybody miss me damn it. I had to relieve myself. Took a little longer than expected. Feel so good now damn it.

well damn cuppy thanks for sharing:wink:

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Fri 01/11/08 09:04 PM

nope damnit!

damn,saw her earlier today before network too a poop but haven't this evening at all

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Fri 01/11/08 09:03 PM

he's a chicken now Monnie damn it. what's your problem. You can't have him damn it. Im the damn doctor. oh no sssssshhhhhhh

damn cuppy,have you been in the drink cabinet tonight woman?laugh

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Fri 01/11/08 08:54 PM

You did, damn that sounds interesting. damn wish I was there.devil devil devil devil devil devil devil

you didn't tell me to save you any,damn sorry I am for thatflowerforyou

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Fri 01/11/08 08:53 PM
hey anybody seen that damn robin?

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Fri 01/11/08 08:52 PM

Damn put my Baber to bed and guess it's time for me to go toyawn ....see ya all in morndrinker

Hold down the fort cuppy, monnie,Cindy:wink: bigsmile

damn it missed saying good night to laci,sorry laciflowerforyou cuppy,I ate the whole damn thinghappy

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Fri 01/11/08 08:12 PM

night tommy:smile:

oops damn
it night tommy

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Fri 01/11/08 08:11 PM
night tommy:smile:

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Fri 01/11/08 07:49 PM

Now I can climb those damn trees

laugh laugh laugh watch out birdie

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Fri 01/11/08 07:44 PM

Damn monnie thought Taco Bell called...or was that to place an orderhappy laugh

naww my sister and her husband brought the damn food home,had to go feed my damn face,I am here and there damn it don't count me out yetflowerforyou :tongue:

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