PurpleTidbit1972's photo
Tue 12/11/07 11:04 AM
Leave your cookies alone.

And download and install WinPatrol (Google it.)


PurpleTidbit1972's photo
Tue 12/11/07 10:57 AM
Yeah, I agree with George up there, and then as soon as you BACK UP YOUR ORIGINAL FILES TO DISC (duh.) uninstall that pirated version of Stardock (I'm assuming) and delete all traces of it from the HD.

Good call George.

What the hell are all those other yahoos talkin' about?

People! We're here to HELP, not CONFUSE!!

PurpleTidbit1972's photo
Tue 12/11/07 10:53 AM

Dude, if you're actually installing UBUNTU, then the install CD will automatically partition the hard drive and set up the dual boot for you. Something tells me you either didn't burn the ISO correctly, or you aren't using UBUNTU.

First, what did you use to burn the ISO to disc? You have to burn it as an image file and not try to run the installer from explorer..that's just a headache you don't need. Use Nero or some free ISO burner and follow the directions (Google, people.). Then stick the CD in the tray and go nuts.

Really, it's not that hard.


PurpleTidbit1972's photo
Tue 12/11/07 10:48 AM
OK, uninstall Limewire and then go to your Control Panel, find the Security settings, and reactivate your firewall because you don't need to turn off the one built into Windows. I'm fairly certain this problem of yours is a deal with the antivirus you're running, which should be easy enough to fix. Just get into the program, look for your preferences/settings and find out what's going on with the firewall. If you have an additional firewall, kill it.

Now, you'll have to reboot (to reset the registry) and then re-install Limewire (ugh...then reboot) and then run it. It should work fine. If not, screw it, use BitTorrent because Limewire is how all those poor bastards get busted by the MPAA and the RIAA anyway. BitTorrent's a bit of a safer way to be a pirate!

Hope that helps.

PurpleTidbit1972's photo
Tue 12/11/07 10:41 AM
Jeezus. Why do I always have to clean up these little debates?

1. Firefox is a waaaaaaay more secure and speedier browser than IE. IE is gay, end of story. If you want, drag out Opera and try it, it's OK, but I dig on Firefox because of all those cool and useful little extensions you can uhhh, extend onto it.

2. Windows Defender IS installable on the XP although for the life of me, I can't see why the hell you'd want it. It's bloatware at best. You want computer protection? Three letters: AVG. It's free, it's efficient and it does all the hard work for you...and now it even comes with anti-spyware, so there.

3. MissWright--you need to get a registry cleaner probably. If you're running XP or Me, there's a TON of them out there although, for my money, I'd go with CCleaner (Google it). It's a free download and install and pretty much helps to clean your system. But basically, you have an old rig and you need to replace it with something newer and more compatible with today's tech, both online and off. I recommend anything from Compaq no less than a 120GB hard drive (depending on your media saavy), 2GB RAM (regardless of what you do; more memory =fast computer), a dual core processor, which is pretty standard these days and 2 optical (read:DVD-R/W+/-) drives. Run XP with service pack 2 and call it a day.

Anything else, contact me. If for some strange reason I don't have the answer, I can get it.

Good luck.

PurpleTidbit1972's photo
Tue 12/11/07 10:26 AM
And you people call yourselves "geeks"?

Here's what you need. GIMP (free, open source program for graphics nuts, does almost everything PS can do except put a hole in your wallet.)

Adobe PS Elements 2 (been using it for almost 3 years now and I still consider it the best 50 bucks I ever spent, and now it's like, 10 bucks online)

Or...go do a search on Google for "Adobe CS3 Master Edition" torrent and do the torrent thing if you have BitTorrent.

You're welcome.

And stay the hell away from Vista. That thing'll get you killed, man!!

PurpleTidbit1972's photo
Tue 12/11/07 09:24 AM
Uhhh, there's a guy above me, which I would find myself normally NOT ever saying, but here I am.

But OK, screw it, it is the modern age. He's OK. If I were a really gay dude and into bikers, I might let him get to second base...maybe let him tweak my nipple ring IF i had one. See, it would be an alternate reality so you never know.

Anyway, he's like 7...in alternate reality/universes and stuff.

PurpleTidbit1972's photo
Tue 12/11/07 09:17 AM
Hi all.

New here and feelin' all green and stuff. Browsed a bit and I'm diggin' the vibe here.

Oh, and I'm available if any women out there want to like, ravish me or whatever. I saw that in a post, thought it was funny. I'm entirely ravish-proof anyway.

But I do melt in your hands.

Hey look! It's the attack of the killer cliches!!


Oh. A corner! Think I'll go stand in it.