Community > Posts By > Idndiwm136

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 01/10/08 06:39 PM

Hmmm..way to broad of a question. Need LOT more what evidence gives you reason to think he is cheating??

Agreed...easier said then done sometimes, but agreed!!

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 01/10/08 06:25 PM

heres one miss brother met a woman on line a year or so ago she lived in dallas texas,and he lived not to far from where i do in montreal quebec,after just a few weeks of chatting on line,they decided to try it together.and he moved over there to be with was never going to be tight because,he started working not to long after he of the boss at the constuction firm that i work for had contacts in dallas..they have a new home..hes making loads of cash..and a baby on the way...see it can come true,all it takes is knowing when to take a risk....

Unfortunately, that soounds too good to be true...I'm not saying I don't believe just sounds too good to be true!

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 01/10/08 05:32 PM

wow! Reality is harsh sometimes. I think she should learn some politeness!


Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 01/10/08 05:31 PM
Let me know when you figure it out!! :tongue:

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 01/10/08 05:19 PM

OMG...come on people, what your saying is that everyone here would not have a problem and would just spend time with their kids and family?noway
Hmm....I for one would'nt want my kids see me dying, talking about scaring them for life,lol.
I'm sure I would go crazy in those 24 hours and most likely would'nt be good company to start with....

I agree with you. If you were truly gonna die, you'd be so bent out of shape and a nervous wreck. I wouldn't want to see anyone.
Maybe do some praying. Then drink some liquor and take sleeping pills. I'd wanna die in my sleep.

I agree...If I had kids, I would see them early in the day and then go do something else. I would do whatever I wanted to, just to have a good time before I'm gone. :)

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 01/10/08 05:04 PM

the married thing is probably going to slow anyone worthwhile down from saying anything. that and definitely add in a bit more about yourself. Likes/dislikes, or all the cool points that make you interesting. If you are married- horrible or not, perhaps don't say you are looking for a relationship- try friends, first.

The seeking "relationship" with a married woman will just bring out mostly a scumbag contingent. You don't need that kind of hassle.

Agreed! happy Just watch it, you are more likely to find a "mostly scumbag contingent" in just about any situation unfortunately...

Idndiwm136's photo
Wed 01/09/08 08:09 PM
I know what you mean!! Its frustrating as hell! I get messages with guys holding their ****s and ****...then they wonder why i block them. I don't appreciate that kind of stuff at all...

Idndiwm136's photo
Wed 01/09/08 08:02 PM
Thats nice when you actually have friends like that, but I guess I have been screwed over too much to believe that anymore. Actually i dunno what to think sucks when a real good friend that knows everything about you (and vice versa) suddenly decides she's too busy to even call once in a while...: /

Idndiwm136's photo
Wed 01/09/08 07:37 PM
Hey more power to ya if you can get that degree. (Sorry about jumpin in so late in the convo) I was gonna get a healthcare management degree...but then ran into some problems...I won't be able to even think about doing it for a few years, but yea. I wish you luck!! :)

Idndiwm136's photo
Wed 01/09/08 07:16 PM

Love is like a cigarette,
it burns so slow and smooth
filling us with a pleasure
that we cannot elude.

But keep your eye out on the butt
because when it is done
your cigarette can burn your mouth
so smoke another one.

Nothing lasts forever,
the same will go for this,
relationships, they come and go
but hardly lead to bliss

So drink it up while it is fresh
and smoke it while it's here
because in just a wisp of smoke
your love can disapear

Aint that the truth! lol Well said....

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 01/03/08 08:04 PM
I am single because all the guys I end up with are lying asses, who end of cheating on me, lying to me and then blowing me off. Simple as that....hoping to be proven wrong at some point in my life, but I won't hold my breath : /

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 01/03/08 07:53 PM
I'm the same way. Every guy I have been with has either used me, cheated one me, blown me off or a combination of the three. I have wondered in the past if it was something I did. In the end, maybe its just the fact that we are too nice...that is the conclusion that I came to. I'm not gonna let someone take advantage of the fact that I am so nice anymore, because in the end, I end up just getting hurt all over again.

Just remember, as hard as it seems, there is always someone else out there...and maybe, just MAYBE this one won't be a complete ass :)

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 01/03/08 07:48 PM

Dont know that a person can fall in love in a month and 1/2. If its the case that you are in love then ride it out and find another girl to help you forgit the one.
ohwell If its infatuation then you are kinda SOL for the short term (kinda like a drug)until it passes, the medicine is still the same though another girl.
Sorry to break to you this way but it was necessary!

Hope you have fun on your date.

I disagree with the whole not being able to fall in love in a month and a half thing...sometimes it happens. Just because its never happened to you, doesn't mean anything.

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 01/03/08 07:34 PM
Nope not yet!! At least for me....:) Not so sure about it myself...but good luck!!

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 01/03/08 05:13 PM
Prayers to both of you ! :)

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 12/27/07 08:47 PM
Here ya go! :)

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 12/27/07 08:09 PM
I have to say I am a little iffy when it comes to meeting people online. Maybe its just me though. But no matter how long you chat with someone online, you still may not know a damn thing about them. There is just no way to tell....I mean correct me if I'm wrong by all means. I have met 2 people online now, one of them turned out to be married with 2 kids...and the other was just an complete ass. I dunno maybe there is something wrong with me, but thats my opinion...: /

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 12/27/07 08:06 PM
I am willing to believe that there are still good guys out there...I just have yet to see one! Lol...I dunno what else to say about that....guess I've had one too many bad experiences lol

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 12/27/07 12:42 PM
I'm going to do 2 things (or try anyways lol):

Quit smoking once and for all...(again)

And I'm gonna stop being so nice to people. I am tired of people taking advantage of that, so I will just stop doing it :)

Idndiwm136's photo
Thu 12/27/07 10:47 AM
Well I wish you luck! Just be careful, you might meet someone great, but then suddenly somewhere down the line, something comes up and you realize they really aren't the person you thought they were. That happened to me twice...and I'm not telling you to discourage you lol. I am just saying watch yourself and don't let anyone use you. :)