Community > Posts By > SergeyDolin

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 07:35 AM
What is your take on communism vs capitalism Sergey?

Communism has won. In USA :)
Really, i used to say "I did not migrate to USA, i just returned to USSR". Massachusetts is very-very like of the south of Soviet Union.

This the reason why i "more catholic then Pop".

Since you have lived in that system I think you could share some valuable insight.

My opinion (i used to think about my self as having a good sound of Marxist theory) is what Soviet Union has a strong state-capitalism system. Which had a very few of "real" Communism features.

The key is "public property". Corporations is mach better implementation of this concept than state-ruled economic.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 07:08 AM
Edited by SergeyDolin on Sat 08/09/08 07:08 AM

Bush's reaction to this is similar to when 9-11 occurred.
Instead of a school though, he is sitting watching the Olympics 2 ft away from Russian leader Putin yucking it up!

Ha-ha-ha!!! The many Russians say the very same in almost in very same words. "Instead of ... Putin is sitting watching ... near Bush"

The only difference is what Russians also mentions "another small president" Medvedev - he has a vacation now.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 06:56 AM

Actually, we can win in a nuclear war

Are you ready to replace your F-150 with Yaris?

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 06:51 AM

Recently they have been expediting the citizens of that separatist state toward Russia citizenship and attempting to annex the area.

This is a typical sample of a lie.

_Anybody_ who had Soviet citizenship prior to 1992 can get Russian citizenship. Georgia already started an invasion in South Ossetia in ealy 90th (i had my military service there in that time). Ossetians hate Georgians and will never get Georgian citizenship.

It is the very same situation as in Kosovo. And Russia warned what admitting Kosove as independent state would raise separatism in Ossetia. But nobody wanted to hear. It looks like somebody (USA?) want to establish drugs traffic route from deep Asia to Europe.

Did I mention they weren't happy with Bush pressing to add them to NATO?

Nobody is happy with what crazy plans. Europeans rejected in the last meeting to pay money for this American useless toys.

I do not understand why Bush forces this stupidity. I do not believe he is doing this for sake of any harm to Russia - anyway in case of real war that pathetic limitrophe countries will be smashed and will betray as they always did (and of course they will take a chance to cut off their Jewish - they love this doing). I see no any good reason but establishing The Great Drug Route.

I have been saying for month's Bush is about to single-handily reconstitute the Cold war!
We can not win a conventional war against Russia.

Why don't you think vice verse? Might be it is Russia which lures USA in a trap of the Cold War? Things are changed. USA at the moment is like USSR: stupid government, lying press, week economics... And Russia meanwhile reassembles a Reagan time of USA.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 06:31 AM
Edited by SergeyDolin on Sat 08/09/08 07:09 AM

It's in our best interest to have Russia bogged down in conflicts just as it is in their interest to see us tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You are wise woman :)

Especially about Afghanistan. That country of Islamic drug-farmers always was a pain in ass for USSR and Russia. Now American soldiers have to die defensing Russian south border. Much thanks to stupid US presidents, American oil companies and CNN, ABC, BBC and all that lairs.

Though i prefer to see schools, industries and farms as they are during "Soviet invasion". But the West Part of the World prefer "to bomber to stone age"... Well it is your choice.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 06:22 AM

I assume that Georgia is a member of the UN. Where does this stand on that? Is it "legal" for Russia to invade?

Well, i would say what American news agencies once again demonstrate their ignorance, stupidity and lie, but as far as Georgia is a small country far-far away it can be forgiven.


1. Georgia attacked South Ossetia ( They bombed cities and villages with bombers, guns and rockets. There were a lot of victims in the very first night ( see from 55th sec)

2. Russia has peacekeeper forces with UN mandate there. These forces was attacked too. It is a crime violence.

What is going on right now.

Nobody knows what to do. The militaries of both sides and armed ossetian men fight against each others, politicians babble on and on and tray get as much benefits as they can, journalists lie. All is as usual.

How it touches USA.

It is another big (i'd say huge) gain of American reputation in Russia.

Saakashvili ( is USA's puppet which was brought to president chair by CIA agents via coup (also known as "Revolution of Roses" much likely as they did in Chili in 1971 and failed to do in Venezuela.

Even so-called "Russian opposition" (most of them are brain-damaged Jewish which prefer to get money from American taxpayers rather to earn them with their heads and hands) have to admit what USA made an awful mistake by supporting this paranoid man.

It is a grief to me. I love America. I believe none economical crises can ruin this country. But the lie is what can. American news on TV are much like the ones in last years of USSR.

What is needed to be taken in consideration and _nobody_ will say.

Georgian organized crime is one of the most power criminal organization in modern Russia (and it was most power in USSR time). As any dictator in any time Saakashvili started his rule from doing away any opposition including criminal authorities. Part of them were put in jails in Georgia, but most run in Moscow. I believe (It is _my_ opinion) they are behind the scene of this tragedy.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sun 07/13/08 10:56 AM

I am thinking that you have seen many summers since that time.

But none of them were so hot. Ok-ok... I'm going to switch read-only mode once again :)

SergeyDolin's photo
Sun 07/13/08 10:54 AM

I had no such nice summer since i was born.


Every one?
Or were you just born this spring?

The summer in Russia is quite cold. I never had more than few days above 80 degrees in all my life.

I think your English is impeding your ability to comprehend posts and convey your message!

Oh. It is my big problem. Really.So i'm leaving this nice place for sake of reading O'Henry and listening WTKK.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sun 07/13/08 10:25 AM

Are you lost?

No.I'm just working and enjoying this incredible weather :) I had no such nice summer since i was born.

So it is a little bit bore to spent time in internet. :)

SergeyDolin's photo
Sun 07/13/08 10:19 AM

lol not really that much diff apart from the schools are better, u act get snow and ur beaches and lobsters r ace lol we get to drink from 18 though loldrinker bigsmile

Mass is very like a south of Russia too, but we get to drink from 15 :)

SergeyDolin's photo
Sun 07/13/08 10:17 AM

T-90, Nice Tank!

both of them :)

SergeyDolin's photo
Sun 07/13/08 10:15 AM

This is as new news as you can possibly get, so we do not know the exact details yet.

Russia says a ratifying of a US-Czech Missle Pact will force a "military" response.

Suggestions are they might just point missiles, including nuclear missiles at the Czechs and Poland.
laugh Another Condaleeza Rice failurelaugh

Really indeed. She is pretty nice,probably clever woman, but as politic... at least according to Eastern Europe and Russia she sucks. Alas. I like her.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sun 07/13/08 10:11 AM

As far as the statement of if we have it so do they. Ok you show me their abrams tanks, cobra and apache gunships, f-35/f-22 fighters, not to mention all the crew served weapons that the plants are in the US and their for they couldnt have large amounts of these weapons, ie the m134 minigun, and various other weapons.

Boy, don't go wrong way of Hitler. He said the same. Actually Russians was not able to show T-34 in 1941. But you remember 1945, don't you?

Russia is Asia. Don't try to treat it as Canada.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sun 07/13/08 10:03 AM

They are responding to a threat initiated by Bush, and since NATO 's main supporter and Russia's Cold War adversary was NATO and the US, they are saying hey,
remember us?

You are naive :)

Putin said "hey, Russians, see - i'm great!".

SergeyDolin's photo
Sun 07/13/08 10:00 AM

So, the fact that Russia has flown long-range bombers over Norway and other countries in Europe is nothing?

It is less than nothing. That old flying crap was taken up just before last election to show off Russians themselves.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sun 07/13/08 09:54 AM

as a ukraine immagrite. i have lived here for 43 years. but will always consider myself russian,i get news from my family in ukraine and russia. russia is not going to allow missles in chek repubic. even if it bring them to war,

Hi, guy! I'm from Russia less than a year. Time changed. The current Russian government will allow everything. Just pay for it. In very last years the price become rather high, but you can still get all what you want from all that thieves just putting one of them in jails, getting rid any of their children off from American or English college.

All this buzz is for internal politic. Russians politics want to look as being "patriots".

But i do not understand what all those rockets are for. To defend Israel? Why should i pay taxes for that people which are not able to live with their neighbors in peace?

SergeyDolin's photo
Sun 07/13/08 09:41 AM

We need the economic partnership for our own economy to survive. They fall, we fall. That's what happened when everyone wanted to be interconnected.

Sounds good, but in practice it is not exactly what you are expecting.

Everyone should keep in his mind what

a) Russians used to think Americans forced the economical crisis in Russia in 90's and USA bombed Serbia without any reason. So they will hate USA and will not believe any attempts "to cooperate". Bush (previous) and Clinton made Russia the enemy of USA. It is fact.

b) Eastern Europe is a land of betrayers. They betrayed Soviet Union - they will betray USA. As they did ages before.

c) Every time when somebody is thinking about Russia he should keep in his mind Israel. Russia is under big influence (i'd say it is under rule - but it can be argued) of Jewish.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sun 07/13/08 09:09 AM
>I believe the thought is that Ukrainian women are especially attractive -and therefore- more desirable. The same thing is often said of ladies from Czechoslovakia as well.

>I've been to neither countries

Oh! To see Ukraine girls you can travel to Canada - there's a lot o then there :)

This mess of Slaves and turkish are very pretty women indeed, but there's a region in Russia near the Volga river called "Samara" where most beautiful girls are living. At least Russian used to think so. There's a very-very light influence of Tatars which makes women to have charming eyes, hears and skin.

...but as for me they all are too far from American blacks :)

SergeyDolin's photo
Tue 06/24/08 07:46 PM
> ok i got it... it took 5 reads.. but here it is...

Thanks, it is exactly what i meant. Besides:

> saw in a local paper

I saw it in an advertisement placed inside a small shop:

>is it so common in the US that only the local papers would cover it....

Actually... three small children being lost at once... It looks like a horror movey.

SergeyDolin's photo
Tue 06/24/08 05:50 PM
> hes done nothing to prove himself to america, he has never been in the military , and he is half black, obama has the ability to speak,

I would be awfully bore repeating once again, but i really wonder what Obama is like Gorbachev.

We, Russian, described Gorbachev in the very same way.

...though for "ability to speak" for Gorbachev in the Russian there's a word.. hmm... "to waffle with c*nt". I do not know would it fit to what Obama says...