Community > Posts By > SergeyDolin

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 06:55 PM
Edited by SergeyDolin on Sat 08/09/08 07:03 PM

1)- If it's a question you use one of these (?)

I did.

It's not the same as the journalist killed for disagreeing with or writing something that exposes a truth

Why do you claim somebody is killed because of "saying truth" without having any evidences? Why are you hiding what most of them were killed by thier "friends" - homosexual partners, Chechens or simple criminals? Note: there are two question marks.

Serbia was committing genocide.

Why? Serbian did not do anything else what Georgians makes with Ossetians. Why there's a difference? And do you know what late exhumation in Serebrintsa proved what there was no civilians in the mass grave? Your "free" media did not show it to you? What's a pity. That miserable Russians have more information than proud Americans limited to see three (or four?) news channels ruled by Jewish.

You still did not answer why the very same situation leads to very opposite reaction?

The intervention into that conflict was a NATO intervention authorized by the UN.

Don't lie. That bombing was not approved by UN. Russia and China put veto on it.

It was not a US intervention.

Sure! And F-111 which was shot down by Serbians was not American. And hundreds of civilians were killed by bombs of aliens from Mars. And thousands of Serbian killed by Kosovars it is not a genocide. It was a "fight for independence". Do you think people other the world are so stupid to believe this fair-tales?

4.)- Anti-semantic feelings are never OK. Some Americans do possess them , but they aren't cool, and are usually considered a type of racism in this country.

I know it. Before Jewish start to ruin another country they disable to blame themselves. It is a wise policy.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 06:26 PM

The pictures you showed are of Georgia civilians killed by Russia airstrikes on the Georgia City Gori!

yawn. This is another lie. (I am not surprised anymore)

There was one bomb dropped to military depot, all of injuries caused by explosion of Georgian ammo.

The Russians ask: did American advisers made Georgian to build this depot inside civilian city?

The more photos from the Ossetian capital with victims of the night attack of Georgian (don't follow the link if you don't tolerate blood and dead bodies):

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:52 PM

The majority of regulars in this forum are obviously of a liberal mindset.
Wonder why they are single and on a dating site. lol.

It is not the worst. In Russia most of liberals are gays :)

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:23 PM

The truth!!!
Cold and hard!

Holbrooke blames Russia

Oh... Jesus... Tomorrow morning all of the russians so-called "patriots" will start to woe "Hey! That Americans are against us! Let's show them Kuzkin's Mother once again".

What for? What is benefit for America to produce that noise which turns people to enemies?

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:16 PM

Holbrooke blames Russia

Oh... America is ruled by lairs.. It is not Cold War. It is beginning of the end of USA. We (let me think about myself as russian-speaking american) will have no robust allies any more.

The Clinton laying about Monica was the beginning. He made people other the World laughing. Next he made Americans bombed Serbians and people started to afraid USA. Next Americans invaded to Iraq what causes half of the World to hate USA.

The worst is what Americans have no chance to know about it...

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:03 PM
Edited by SergeyDolin on Sat 08/09/08 05:16 PM

Meanwhile investigation showed what Politkovskay was killed by her "freinds" from Chechnya. But _none_ of "free" media announced this. Why?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Tell us again sergy,
Why did Russia invade Afghanistan, and what part of that reason did the US have?

Hm. Don't try to jump to other theme.
Questions are:

1.1. Serbians bombing separatist are war crime and Americans bombing Serbians are peacekeepers
1.2. Georgians bombing separatist are peacekeepers and Russians bombing Gerbians are agressors

Why there is such difference?

2.1. You see what there were more than five times journalist killed in Iraq than in Chechnya.
2.2. You blamed Putin, KGB and whatsoever they killed Politkovskay without _any_ evidence. But killers were found and the reason is the money she had got from chechnya criminals and was not able to return.

Why you discovers only half of truth? What for? Do you think you will make America stronger in this way?

I'm noticing you are trying to avoid answers. It is typical Jewish behavior. You can count me as anti-semitic, but if i'll notice once again you carry on to not answering any question and playing a role of all-knowing-all-the-truth-all-the-world i'll stop arguing with you. It is useless.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 02:58 PM
Edited by SergeyDolin on Sat 08/09/08 03:01 PM
A dead man lays on his back:

He get tired and turned around:

His disconsolate friend meanwhile changed clothes and become ready for another nice shot:

Bravo Reuters!

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 11:43 AM
Ha-ha-ha. Might be it should came to humor.

There's a "russian" (totally Jewish indeed) radio-station "Echo of Moskow".It often referred as "most democratic radio-station of Russia" or, even, "last democratic media in Russia".

They say (in ruusian:

"The most guilty is upon Kremlin and White House. They can hundred times to predict these all of that, but they are in contest. It is not Georgia and Ossetia fight between each others. It is a war between Russia and USA"

Hi, Guys! Welcome to WWW III.

And that morons are main sources of information for CIA and "free" media.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 11:25 AM

"217 journalists and media assistants killed since the start of fighting in Iraq in March 2003"

A total of 47 journalists have been killed in Russia since 1992

There are those here that will search until they find whatever it is that supports their cause

I got the very top results of Google search and did not tryed to find out anything specific. I just were sure what war is war. And bullets does not know who are they kill. Journalist, soldier or farmer.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 11:17 AM
Edited by SergeyDolin on Sat 08/09/08 11:20 AM

The words scrawled across the giant photograph of Politkovskaya in Pushkin Square, Moscow, said it all: "The Kremlin has killed freedom of speech."

A portrait of Mr Putin bore the words: "You are responsible for everything."

It is very strange what inhabitants of country of lowers is ready to believe to any words painted on any picture. What about "Fanta killed JFK" ad. I will place on my web-site?

Meanwhile investigation showed what Politkovskay was killed by her "freinds" from Chechnya. But _none_ of "free" media announced this. Why?

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:48 AM
Edited by SergeyDolin on Sat 08/09/08 10:48 AM

I can find you a million or two stories just like this and I'll bet you every one of the journalist are still alive.

See how you are confused:

"217 journalists and media assistants killed since the start of fighting in Iraq in March 2003"
A total of 47 journalists have been killed in Russia since 1992

I have found it with few pressing on keyboard in Google. Why did not you do it?

This is the difference between Russians and you - we do not believe anything, we always check everything.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:39 AM
Edited by SergeyDolin on Sat 08/09/08 10:51 AM

“The murder of Alexei Sidorov marks yet another attack on democracy and transparency in Russia and must be condemned as such,” said Mr Matsuura

Hm. How can be connected the criminal reporter and democracy? Yes. Russia is very dangerous country to live. It is true. The city the journalist lived in is automobile-industry center with the very-very high level of crime, like Detroit city (thanks to mafia-boss Berzovsky who is currently hiding in England pretending to be political refugee).

By providing such "information" to western media a few group of people called "russian opposition" beg money and green-cards from American government. And you are very stupid to give it to them.

And this another explanation why the Cold War is getting close. Russian _knew_ who all of this "oppositions" are. But they see what US support them. And started to hate Americans.

Why are you want to pay such high price for handful of jobless Jewish? I can't understand it. My company has a big stuff in Russia, we all earn money for US company, Russia is a perfect huge market for Americans cars. Russians admire big, beautiful, chip, robust Fords and Chevies. The have a lot of oil-bucks to spent for American goods.

Why all this can be ruined for sake of few than hundred loosers?

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:21 AM
Edited by SergeyDolin on Sat 08/09/08 10:50 AM

Oh wait,
There's a black car with tinted windows parked down the street watching me!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Hm... But what about Russians are be-lingual? They can read both Russians sources and foreign, but you are limited to only few Jewish sources?

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:19 AM

The apparent assassination on Saturday of Politkovskaya, Russia's top investigative journalist and a fierce critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin

It is another lie. Polikovskaya was a miserable divorced woman a litle bit crazy about sexual deviants. Try to read her non-since fiction books: they are full with homosexual and sadists acts.

It is funny to believe that Vladimir the Great, who has support among 90% of Russian could be frightened with that stuff.

Well, anyway to get information from people like her is the same as to learn USA by movies of Michael Moore. (btw. many Russians do)

Fanta, you are on a wrong way. Note: i left Russia in Putin's time. I'm not his fan at all. And Putin is anti-communist. So, according to you i have to be on Politkovskay's side. But i can't be on the side of brain-damaged liars. And i strongly prevent you from getting side of people like them.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:05 AM

[I can read what Russia says, the UN, the Pentagon, former Ambassadors, and what Georgia says! They can only read what their gov allows to be printed

It is lie. Absolute.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 09:53 AM

Russia is a very large country and Georgia is not part of their country.

I have to admit you are not very informed too. Georgia is a very poor country so, most of Georgians live all around Russia and a very few of them in Georgia.

These call-to-mother-news-agency is a power information source indeed. The problem is communication lines is damaged right now and there's a no so many news from relatives and friends. Even media have no good contacts with their correspondents right now.

I repeat: nobody knows exactly anything but Ossetian city and villages were bombed over night.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 09:47 AM

1) Why do you think your opinion is clear?
2) It might surprise you, but current Russian propaganda is more anti-communist then any other in the world.

1)Because the government here does not control all forms of media.

It is a myth. Might be in early times it was a truth. But now looks like all of them are ... say... Jewsh-driven (yes, i have seen Borat and remember what Russian are anti-Semitic).

Let's see a last action against China: they all started and finished to woe about Tibet at one time all around the World like they were commanded to.

Let's see how they describe Serbia/Kosovo and Georgia/Ossetia. There's a bad humor in judgment Serbian leader Karaghich for he bombed separatists in Saraevo as war crime, and what tr very same media say about Saakashvili which is bombing separatists in Tshinvalli.
(sorry my bad english: it's not easy to learn foreign language near my forty)

Therefore I am able to view many different opinons to form a more informed and accurate opinion than you in Russia.

Unfortunately they are very same. And i repeat they are getting their info from very same and very bad sources.

In Russia people give up to believe media at all. They uses rumors, internet, forums. Media is used no more than to provide pictures.

Listening to what you say in your comments, the fact that Russians dont is very evident!

Hm. What fact you can argue with? Note: i tryed to avoid any conclusions. I have no enough information to make them - just provided some facts whcih was hided (why?) by western media.

2)- Ridiculous!!!laugh laugh laugh

Take the current conflict in Georgia. Let me ask you a question.
Is S Ostesia not a state within the borders of Georgia or not?
I know the answer, but it would be interesting to know how you can justify Russias involvment!

Well. I promise i'll answer you, but before, please answer me: Was Kosovo not a state within a borders of Serbia or not?

This is an excellent sample of how your "free" media influence you. The made you think about the very same situation in a very different way. Aren't you scared by this? Doesn't it reassembles "The Ministry of Truth"?

And this is not the worst. The worst is what people around of world see it and start to afraid US. Russian, Chinese, many Europeans used to think about Americans as morons which believe in anything what their Jewish say to them. So, while America is strong and its economic has power all of these evil-wishers are silent and hidden, but in case of any troubles America will be thrown apart as an ill lion by jackals.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 09:05 AM

My guess is that he can pick up the phone and call family to say "hey, what is going on"

No. Russia is big country and all that stuff is too far from anybody i can contact. It is like a civil war say... in Salvador from American point of view. And it is all so unpredictable. A few days ago Saakashvili said he did not want any war escalation... and that night become a shock for everybody.

I just described a few facts around the situation.

Might be it was an Ossetian provocation to cause Georgians to start fire. But anyway. The capital of South of Ossetia and villages around it were bombed by Georgian army. Many civilian are killed. This the only fact what can be proven.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 08:56 AM

Your opinion is still rather clouded with Communist indoctrination if you ask me.

1) Why do you think your opinion is clear? Every propaganda is lying, but Russians lived with three kind of them: communists, libertarian and patriotic, so we had to learn to do not believe anybody.

Believe me: American history and current political issues is very primitive and un-honesty. You get your information from the people who get money from American government and say exactly what American government want to see.

Your heads are full with the **** from all that Bukovski, Politkovskaya, Saharov, Bonner and moreover you are served by Polish looser Bzeghinski.

2) It might surprise you, but current Russian propaganda is more anti-communist then any other in the world.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/09/08 08:09 AM

Liberalism is very close to the socialism of the former USSR? drinker

I know what American liberalism is different from European and Russian meaning of this word. But i'm not sure i understand it is quite clear.

So be prepared there could be a lot of confusion.

From my minor knowledge of the subject Russian and European liberals are equivalent of American neocons. And American liberals indeed much close to Europian socialist.

The key difference between socialists (liberals) and communist is they way how public property can be established. Communists insist what the only way is a revolt driven by workers against capitalists, but socialists believe there would be a peaceful way. History shown the seconds are right.

Communists believe what after revolution workers will get state power and property of farms. So public property is to be established.

Socialists achieve the same aim (public property) with different way: democracy and corporations.

So there are similar and different.

Thanks for your insight Sergey!

You have to keep in mind i'm not a very typical Russian. I stuck in Soviet past, left Russia and from russian point of view i'm a betrayer and so on.

If you want to get a broad point of view i advise to spent some time to register on this forum: and use the branch: it is dedicated for english-speaking participants. Though there's no much activity there.

But you can see very-very different points of view there: from nazi to communist. From soccer fans to home-lovers.