Community > Posts By > Simon1978UK
Never a believer...
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Wed 09/14/11 01:11 AM
they should have a term like they do for sexuality when people have been into one gender but are 'curious' about another,,, they call it bi curious I wonder what would be a trem for those who had one belief/non belief system, but become curious about another,,,lol good luck on your attempts to find out more,,,, We should coin a new word for it... binostic ambithesis lost <-- lol Why do you have to label it though? That's my point, we're trying to label everything. Leave it simply as, interested or curious. Or use my word 'lost' instead But yes, I am really interested to find out how those made a decision to believe, when they didn't before. |
Never a believer...
Then I am correct in classing myself as Agnostic, as I simply don't know... not that I am skeptical, but neutral. I am wondering about those didn't know, but now do I'm trying to understand that leap.
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Tue 09/13/11 11:47 PM
To attract attention, it takes a few things, not just an informative/funny profile.
The 1st people see is your main profile photo, so make it a happy, good quality smiling photo. The more photos the better too! 2nd have a creative or accurate nickname, something like monkeylover wont help lol 3rd the profile should contain a little about yourself, why you are here and make it lighthearted. This is my 3rd day here as a Mingler and I've had 7 profile views, which isn't many at all. So I'm a fine person to give guideance lol. I'm doomed! |
Admin questions...
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Tue 09/13/11 11:39 PM
When I've sent a message, but it's not marked as read, can I delete it before they receive it? If I make a typing error or wanted to correct something for example. Or does it send the message twice?
When a message is marked as read, does that mean as of that second? Or is there a delay? Same with showing somebody on or offline. Is that live or a delay? Also if I lose connection to the internet, what is the timeout on here until it shows me offline? Thanks |
Christian Attitude
I see this originally got posted a little while ago, but actually this isn't really specific to religion. So I can throw in my view
If you're being verbally or physically abused, or the (ex)partner is fooling around with somebody else. Going out of their way to cause harm/distress to others, then they deserve what they get. When things are mutual and simply not working anymore (just arguing a lot), the best thing is to sit down and talk about the issues. Rekindle the romance if it's not too late. Some people can't do this and use marriage councellors to intervene. I'm not Christian, but I'm a believer of equal rights. At first I hated the fact that my ex has started dating other guys, after our 6 1/2 year relationship, even though I ended it and came back to England. Then afterwards I realised, it doesn't concern me anymore, it's her life now. It's just a human response to hate something that meant so much to you, then afterwards you can sit back and realise, actually it's for the better. Just remember, if it's not going to work out, you can't change a person. So only after you've both tried a lot to talk things out, if it's still not working. Then say that. Normally this is the wakeup call, when a partner says this isn't working. It can normally open their eyes and realise they or you haven't actually been working on the relationship. That's my 2 pence |
Never a believer...
jrbogie seems to be off...
1st he says I am wrong regarding the definitions between the 2 words, which as you've quoted above is the correct version as I know it aswell, or is the dictionary wrong? 2nd he says you've slapped me with the religion book, when all you did was provied a website link? Strange. I requested information on how people can actually be converted or come to realise on their own accord (later in life) about the exsistence of God. Instead we go off talking about Nascar and the other woman gives her opinions about you can't be born again. Nobody has actually given me their own story about finding God. Also try and put across something without capital letters or exclamation marks!!! It's just a civil conversation |
Well call them silly things, collectors items just to have an excuse
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Tue 09/13/11 02:18 PM
I've lost track of who I'm meant to be rating, due to the bickering going off lol. I`ll just say Snooki is trying to eat our sun! Get her, quick!
Never a believer...
Thanks I`ll have a look. I think we're just trying to put labels on everything, when each religion will abide by different ethics and values. We're just trying to say this is the right way, that is wrong. But that needs to stop, each person to their own. It's like if I pray to myself, I could name the person Dave or anything. Society is labelling that belief all the time, even though it's my belief Anyway, I'm blabbering away. I`ll see if anyone else posts their stories here, of how they were converted or changed their own views.
Doesn't a girl have enough boots or handbags?! Why is there no limit?! You see rich women with walk-in wardrobes PURELY for their shoes... that's an illness ladies, you just don't know it lol. What if your partner collected comics or something along the same lines... you'd call him a freak lol. Double standards!
Never a believer...
Thanks for the clarification. All I know is religion causes quite a few heated debates, as people truely believe THEIR experience/version is the right and only one, yet everyone words their encounters differently.
As for ramming religion into someone's face, I mean when people come to knock on the door or meet you in the street. They say God is this, God is that... but that is THEIR opinion. God could mean one thing to another, yet something completely different for somebody else. I am personally a believer of what you see with your own eyes, however I don't stomp my foot just on that and that's the end of it. I also believe God is within us, I don't mean this in a spiritual sense. I mean we all say in our heads or alone, please help. These little prayers for some are the last resort to deal with hardship. So as a non-believer, they're actually just not realising something... they're not talking to themself, but their own version of God within. I told you I take a neutral view to a lot of things, but I've never sat down and said actually... Simon, when I spoke out about my Mum whilst alone, who was I actually talking to then?! I am into Astronomy as a hobby, now I am absolutely facinated by it, there is that question that will NEVER be answered. How and why did all of this start, if there was a big bang, where did those 2 primary gases come from. Now if you say God, where did he come from. I understand people saying the universe is God's creation, because it's damn beautiful and mystical. My answer... we don't know & will never find out the how or why. This is what makes us human, always inquisitive and discovery is one mans personal experience, as it is to the next person. I'd like to continue the topic, for those who were never religous and then one day decided to say Christianity or any other religion is for them. How do you say after a long time of your life, you're not sure... then all of a sudden you say "Oh yes, God is real". I'm not after any bible references or a heated debate, purely from a neutral perspective. The reason why I want this opinion from those who found God later in life, is because if you're raised from birth with a religious family, it's simply what you would call 'normal' or the truth, as you know no different. Once again, thanks for the input. |
Its what's for dinner......they should open their borders to Florida hunters and air boats......since there is a lottery on alligator hunting......I am sure that monster would make a lot nice boots hats and feed many people lots of tail meat...... lol typical, a post about wildlife is made and some girl joins in and changes it to boots and handbags |
Never a believer...
Does this go under religion or creative writing? They will probably say don't post this in creative writing! I`ll post it here anyway
A little poem of personal experience. I just wrote it a few moments ago. I hope you like! To experience life for what it is, believe in yourself and talk with him. That quiet moment alone and deep in thought, we all really pray within. You've always lived in hope, but thought talking yourself, isn't that just odd? Doubting something greater for you to explore, unable to imagine there is a God! Those that speak out about their belief, are merely expressing the happiness whilst still quite sane Talking to others will help to guide you, discover there is truely a higher plane. Make the leap of faith, open your eyes and don't be blind. A discovery will be made, people and the Lord are just kind. Give it some thought and open your mind, remembering to take your time. Don't be ignorant of other options, as curiosity is not the crime. The End. ---------------------------- I`ll be honest, I've lived my whole life with no God or any belief. But saying that is a little lie in itself. It's due to my surroundings and upbringing. I am absolutely neutral on a lot of topics. When really upset (like when I lost my Mum this year, ended my 6 1/2 year relationship, quit my job, moved back to England), I do pray to myself. Now keep in mind, if anyone asks me "do you believe in God?", my response will be no. So if I am praying or talking to myself, I guess I am in denial and do actually believe someone/something is there. I also have to mention that I really don't like religion being forced upon others and rammed down their throats. I think discovering for yourself is the better way, because then that person made the choice themself. Anyway, discuss... because I am actually very interested in a civil and meaningful discussion. Just out of clarification, Atheist is an absolute non-believer, but Agnostic means they're open to possibliies or am I wrong? |
Limitless - actually turned out to be a really cool film :-) Limitless was really great - loved it! Glad you agree. It's those films which almost slip through the net, if they don't have massive advertising behind them. So when you go to watch it, you're not sure about it, then it turns out to something suprisingly cool |
Just watched 'The Shawshank Redemption'
If you've missed this classic, it stars Tim Robins and Morgan Freeman. Prisonsers sentenced for life, where the only thing to get them through the decades behind bars, is hope. The dialogue & screenplay probably puts this as one of my favourite films. |
Limitless - actually turned out to be a really cool film :-)
I too, am a Mingler...
Hi, Trying this deal one more time! Crossing my fingers for the mingle website! :) Sum10 Well if you were a 'little' closer, you'd not have to be crossing those fingers for long Damn you attractive girls on the other side of the world! |
I too, am a Mingler...
Another new guy signing up for trouble Oxford, UK |
"Don't venture into the marsh alone at night"...
I'd never set foot into the marsh, day, night, alone or with an army lol. That thing is huge. Shame it's going to be some tourist show instead. btw I also thought of Steve Irwin when I read the article. RIP. |
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Sat 09/10/11 09:58 PM
• Just become single
• Been on the town with friends to take my mind of it • Felt lost in the new world of being single • Had an idea, Google, Dating site found That pretty much sums up what I'm doing here right now I still think looking for other people online is a bit strange, although I've made friends with people online & met them. It has this sort of stigma to it. I am even a computer nerd and worked with computers, but why does looking online for friends/partners feel odd? I mean I go out and have fun with friends, but isn't this easier? You can filter out people in a search and choose which is most appealing to you. It's all very convenient and cuts out the actual dangerous path of approaching someone in a bar lol. I'm too chicken Anyway, I'm rambling on. Wanted to say hi, this site seems interesting and wish my luck! |