Community > Posts By > MikkiB

MikkiB's photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:06 PM
Dating didn't seem so scary 20 years ago. Now it seems like everyone is just 'talking' or 'friends with benefits'...but both just mean sleeping together without even having to go out to a movie or buy dinner first. It used to be more black and white, didn't it? Maybe it's just been so long my memory has faded!

MikkiB's photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:11 AM
I appreciate the responses I've received. Thank you...even the ones that stepped on my toes about my attitude. OUCH!;)

You are right. I do need to work on the negativity. I spent a long time being told repeatedly how utterly useless I am...I guess I've grown to believe it to the point that I am having a hard time seeing why anyone would ever want me around. I heard that from several of your respnses as well. It seems many relationships are full of negativity.

As for the question about no'Prince Charming' (a comment in my profile)...I have decided I need to stop believing in fairy tale princes...there are alot of frogs out there (male and female alike) I wish people looked beyond the physical and saw that there are alot of amazing people not getting a chance because they don't look like Barbie or Ken! I want a nice man who can love me in spite of...and maybe even because of my imperfectios and give me the chance to do the same...more fairy tales I guess.

Does happily ever after really exist? Again thanks!

MikkiB's photo
Tue 04/08/08 05:42 PM
you have 5 besides the one GWBush is eating in the picture? Besides, I have one very spoiled and very selfish house cat. He's enough cat to qualify me. You're lucky men get better with age...women just get old.
I just feel like the whole idea of starting over again is stupid. I am too old to learn a new game.

MikkiB's photo
Tue 04/08/08 05:36 PM
I'm not. I gave up fairy tales long ago.

MikkiB's photo
Tue 04/08/08 05:35 PM
What is a mutual match post?

MikkiB's photo
Tue 04/08/08 05:34 PM
What do you mean? I'm sorry. I am afraid I am abit technologically challenged. I tried repeatedly to post a picture. I think it realized how awful they were and rejected them.

MikkiB's photo
Tue 04/08/08 05:30 PM
I's hopeless, right?

I'm 38, rather shy, and spent 19 years married raising kids. I never expected to ever be doing this again and have no clue how or where to meet people, how to interact with them after I do, or how relationships work these days. I am becoming convinced I'm too old and ugly to even think I'll ever even find anyone to spend time with...let alone anything more. Beyond giving up and becoming the crazy old cat woman, is there any hope? If not, please honestly just say so. Thank you.

MikkiB's photo
Fri 11/30/07 01:56 AM
Is anyone ever on here from Central Texas?

MikkiB's photo
Fri 11/30/07 01:47 AM
Thanks. This all makes me feel rather dumb. I even had to stop and think what JSH stood for! My teenage kids would be rolling their eyes at me by this point. I a a cyber-novice!--M

MikkiB's photo
Fri 11/30/07 01:40 AM
Hi. I am new to all this and not sure how it all works, exactly. I read the rules and such but am still not just real sure of it all. What if I mess up and don't get something to post in a timely manner? What if, after rereading something, it really doesn't fit in that forum well? Is this as rigid as it seems? Do people actually meet people that they can enjoy conversations with on these things? Does anyone have any helpful advice or suggestions?--MikkiB

MikkiB's photo
Thu 11/29/07 03:38 AM
I have resent my verification e-mail twice. It does not show up in my primary e-mail and nothing is in bulk mail. I am new at all this. It is probably something I am doing wrong. I can't get a picture to upload on it either. Can anyone offer any suggestions? I would appreciate any help.--M

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