Community > Posts By > cornman

cornman's photo
Wed 04/16/08 08:36 PM
Thanks for the advice! I eventually got to the site tonight by going through a reference to the site. But, three different times tonight when I tried connecting to "Just Say Hi", I got a welcome to OKCupid, and instructions on how to join for free. I didn't enter anything, but I was wondering if the sites may have merged or will be.

cornman's photo
Wed 04/16/08 08:35 PM
Thanks for the advice! I eventually got to the site tonight by going through a reference to the site. But, three different times tonight when I tried connecting to "Just Say Hi", I got a welcome to OKCupid, and instructions on how to join for free. I didn't enter anything, but I was wondering if the sites may have merged or will be.

cornman's photo
Wed 04/16/08 08:26 PM
Hi, everybody! Has anyone else, when you try to click on "Just Say Hi" get redirected to "OK Cupid"?

cornman's photo
Sat 04/12/08 03:29 PM
Well done and explained! Even though I am "computer challenged", I got this one! Way to go!

cornman's photo
Wed 04/02/08 09:47 PM
Hi, SaraKay! I'm sorry to hear your grandmother has cancer. I found out I have skin cancer two weeks ago, "thin melanoma", one dark mole on my arm that my primary doctor saw in January, and after she saw that one, I told her of a larger one on my back. Because I was getting a hip replacement in February and I had arm surgery in March, I put off going to a dermatologist till two weeks ago, thinking it probably wasn't anything but freckles. Now that I know it's cancer, I hopefully will be cured before it spreads. To everyone out there, if you notice a mole that becomes black quickly, get it checked! I never take my shirt off in the summer, but I did get some bad sunburns as a kid. Good luck to your grandmother, it can only be beat if you treat it!

cornman's photo
Wed 11/28/07 05:56 PM
Just found out my wife of 23 years was having an affair with some guy she met on myspace. For the past year, little signs were occuring, but I never had proof till I found her diary. We raised our son and he is now 18 years old. When I confronted her with the diary, I said I would forgive her if she stopped seeing the guy. I agree that after so many years together, things weren't the same as early in our relationship. She was approaching 50 years old. Appearence was always important to her, and she is a very beautiful girl. I would always tell her so, but I think she wanted to hear it from others. She also says she wants to try living on her own. When we first met, she was very shy and not confident. What I couln't understand ,if she really that way, why did she have to do it behind my back. I believe if I hadn't found her diary I would have been better off, but at the same time, I'm glad I know the truth. The worst part is my son is the innocent victim. So to all you out there consider dating and having sex with married people or people in serious relationships, remember all the pain my family has to bare forever due to a cheating spouse!

cornman's photo
Sat 11/24/07 08:44 PM
Thank you everyone, I feel better already. I guess it's true "misery loves company". Now that I've got that off my chest, where' the party? It's Saturday night! Thanks,again Cornman, I will survive!

cornman's photo
Sat 11/24/07 08:20 PM
Hi,everyone out there in cyberspace. In case you didn't guess, I'm 5 days new. First I want to say your chit-chat has been very helpful in my getting over a very hurtful experience. A month ago yesterday, after numerous signs, I found out my wife of 23 years and girlfriend of 10 years before that was having an affair with a guy she met on a dating site- I don't know which one. For the past year, her drinking had gotten out of hand, and she refused to have sex with me, using the reason "menopause". She always wrote down on calendars each year, her form of diaries. She would leave them around if they were general things, like how long in between dying her hair, lunch dates with her mom and sister, things like that. But, after I found a tube of ky lube that was warming, I asked her what that was for since she wasn't having sex with me. She hesitantly says "masturbating". Combining this with coming home after "four hours of shopping" but one bag, drunk out of her mind and passing out on the toilet and lie after lie, I decided to do some snopping in our bedroom. Under the bed were 3 calenders detailing her affair. Every time she "serviced" him, every time they "made love?" was written in code at first, then outright. I waited till she came home that night(found out she was at a family planning clinic of all places) and confronted her. I've never hit her, never cheated on her and loved her more than anyone in my life besides my son. But, is this what a nice guy is supposed to receive in return? What is my son,18 years old, expected to think about women(he now knows everything) My point here is for all you out there, men and women, realize what infidelity can do. My life is destroyed,but with time I'll have to get over it. You can only go without food and sleep so long. My son has a mother who will always be "the cheater". My wife's family will never see me at holidays and birthdays again. Who knows what my wife is thinking-she's still going to the guys house. Nobody knows who he is, where he lives or what he's capable of in the future. It's too late for me, but if you are ever tempted to mess with a married person, I hope this story helps you make the right decision! Thanks for listening. I hope I didn't bum you out. I just don't wish this on anyone! Cornman