Community > Posts By > poacher1960
new to nwa area
Rich friends :)
N. Arkansas
Any 50+ girls in Mt. Home?
3thd party for me. They're going to have to learn not to interfere with the nomination process. Ryan has already paid for TV ads to run for the House of Representatives. He knows its over.
He had to be muslim to go to school in Jakarta.
Some of it is natural. If you wanted to buy a refrigerator in 1946, you bought an American one. The rest of the industrialized world was bombed out. Today, we compete with MANY countries. Of course, our politicians have sold us with NAFTA, GATT, etc. But really, you may as well get used to it. It's going to be worse. Any mature ladies in Southern Missouri? ;)
Yeah... good idea... i'm sure none of the people with food ever thot that would happen...
Yeah... it's like all those people who buy car insurance, health insurance, house insurance, income insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, etc... a bunch of paranoid freaks! lol... oh the sheeple ;)
Agreed Metalwing
The show covers how people are preparing for their particular view of how things crash here. There are $16-20 quadrilliion dollars floating around the earth in derivatives. There isn't enough cash to remotely support them when some of them are called in. This country is broke. Congress can't even get a budget passed. Our financial system will collapse. Some people are worried about the solar flares. In the 1850s, solar flares took out the telegraph systems. Think what they would do to today's sensitive electronics. If you believe the Bible, the earth is 6,000 some years old. If you don't believe the Bible, it is a kazillion years old. For all those years excepting the last 100, or so, man has stored food to get through the winter. How much food you have? The solar flares knocked out part of the grid in Canada. I am sure this has happened in other parts of the world too but most of the world is not nearly as developed as the US. I'm not sure how long it took to repair the high lines. A financial collaspe is another matter. The unbacked US dollar will not stand for long. There will be a market crash and hyperinflation just like every known country in the past. Obama is making it happen much quicker. |
The show covers how people are preparing for their particular view of how things crash here. There are $16-20 quadrilliion dollars floating around the earth in derivatives. There isn't enough cash to remotely support them when some of them are called in. This country is broke. Congress can't even get a budget passed. Our financial system will collapse. Some people are worried about the solar flares. In the 1850s, solar flares took out the telegraph systems. Think what they would do to today's sensitive electronics. If you believe the Bible, the earth is 6,000 some years old. If you don't believe the Bible, it is a kazillion years old. For all those years excepting the last 100, or so, man has stored food to get through the winter. How much food you have?
Yeah, Amerikans want to sit here and raise their kids... while their military marches around the earth, unfettered, killing millions. Our violence will come back to haunt us. Do you not think the parents in Iraq wanted to just raise their kids? We killed between 1.5 and 2.5 million of them. And, this military machine (that you gloat of) will be on its last legs. America, the corporation, is OUT of cash.
I agree with the author of the thread. I'm not so sure that we and, what we call, Israel aren't the biggest threats to world peace.
Obama by Default
I will vote for Paul (write in). I am a registered republican but I hate both parties almost equally. If I was voting for the lesser of two evils (with is still voting for evil), I'd have to vote for Obama. All the republicans, excepting Paul, are boasting they'll go to war (actually an ill used Constitutional term) with Iran. I'm sick of it.
Lets all move to Missouri!
I'm down in Gainesville (about 15 miles from Arkansas). I absolutely love Missouri, in particular, southron Missouri. We have no zoning and a plethora of streams. The scenery is beautiful.
Anybody watching the doomsday shows? What do you think of them? Anybody "preppin"? I've been into preparedness since y2k.