The Ron Paul gang
did you mean Rupaul
I would like some advice
hang a sign around the dogs neck that says [will you give my master your number he is too shy to ask]
more times than I care to remember It seems I am the messenger for most of my extended family and many friends..I always hold it together until Im alone so everyone feels that Im just cold blooded enough to deliver bad news
Respect or Fear ?
we are rapidly approaching the time of year that they both started to decline rapidly....My sons dont even feel the same way about christmas week anymore...
Free Will
both''''we are given choices and each choice brings new choices all predetermined will just get a headache trust me
who cares ..give them a sucker and tell them to shut up
Respect or Fear ?
respect---the only two people that I ever totally respected.....Damn I miss them both everyday
Should **** Cheney be hung?
dont want to but I got to....Anyone who thinks going to war in another country is not a better choice than fighting it in our own country is an idiot..9=11 was the beginning and would be the normal activity if we werent on their soil fighting the battle.....I lost family in every war since WWI..I lost friends and family since vietnam/// I would never disgrace their memory by thinking any war was a mistake....and any means necessary should be used to extract information when it saves american lives..Bush and Chaney did what they had to do in order to overcome a democrat controled congress more concerned with party lines than doing whats right....After Jan. the democrats control the senate the house and the presidency...Lets see just how bad they can screw the average working joe
Whats your favorite beer?
miller is the favorite I can get to right now
Whats your favorite beer?
lone starr
Weird dude
how did you know my name
nice doggie
who gives a chit we are screwed anyway
Weird dude
I tried to email you a solution but dont meet your criteria...I will tell you this in open forum..Restraining orders are a lot harder to get than everyone thinks..and sometimes involve having to embellish the truth which if challenged could result in charges of filing a false report..If he has done nothing more than you stated you are a long way from being able to do anything legally...Maby you know a cop who would drop by and make a suggestion to him
ELVIRAS little sister
Awww Hell.....
this is easy unless this happens often....Leave her alone until she calls.....Dont over explain..Dont call dont text dont email...If you havent heard in 7 days then send email and ask for a chance to apologize and take her out to make up for sounding like a jerk...wait patiently for her to cool down...If she really cares she has to have time to call all of her family and friends and ***** about you and then she will call you
you would be angry to if you actually believed that this is all there is
kiss kiss hug hug kiss kiss
IN MY PANTS GAME 2 - part 3
welcome to my pants come on in