Community > Posts By > Drivinmenutz

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 10/24/13 01:02 PM

mds are underpaid?,,,,interesting

anyway,, those I know haven't left their careers,, not much else that they can make a comparable salary with in this economy or culture without spending another 8-12 years in college,,which would REALLY cost them money

Unlike anything else one cannot look at gross salary as actual income.

Lets do a little breakdown. MD's will make about 200 grand a year median pay. This will net about 125k. Now subtract about 25,000 for malpractice, and about 35,000 (annual student loan payment for 10 years). This will be a take home pay of about 65,000. This is for a 60 hour work week.

If they are not underpaid, they are at the cusp of being not worth the extra 10 years of training. If they are required to accept medicare/medicaid as viable insurance you'll be seeing a lot fewer doctors making 200k a year plus. Couple this with the fact that paperwork is taking more and more time and you have a less rewarding career altogether.

Yep, they've already bankrupted the middle class and senior programs like SS and medicare, only thing left is the young and healthy and the rich.....Obozo exempted the guess who pays?

Yeah, that's the trend I am seeing. Punish those that make a living. Go after those that can afford to raise a family and live independently. Go after the salaries of those who build themselves up from nothing, and give bonuses to those who make millions or a year.

I hate seeing Docs who make 250 a year get lumped in with money hungry CEO's who make more and pay less overhead.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 10/24/13 12:56 PM

The organized campaign of calumny and innuendos against the person of president Obama may backfire with its corrateral damages on the average Americans at the ultimate shakedown.This was exactly how the Nazis started.They were allowed to run freely with their anti-semitic hate in what was supposed to be a democratic Germany and before the normal Germans and the world realized it,they had imposed their evil agender legitimately.History repeats itself if care isnt taken.

huh Dude, let's get something straight right now.

Plenty of Americans are opposed to President Obama's policies because those policies are bad for America. Hate has nothing to do with their opposition.

Indeed sir...drinker

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 10/24/13 12:55 PM

The organized campaign of calumny and innuendos against the person of president Obama may backfire with its corrateral damages on the average Americans at the ultimate shakedown.This was exactly how the Nazis started.They were allowed to run freely with their anti-semitic hate in what was supposed to be a democratic Germany and before the normal Germans and the world realized it,they had imposed their evil agender legitimately.History repeats itself if care isnt taken.

Interesting as the term "Nazi" stemmed from "National Socialist". In fact, under hitler, education, healthcare, etc. were all free for the average citizen.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 10/24/13 09:25 AM

mds are underpaid?,,,,interesting

anyway,, those I know haven't left their careers,, not much else that they can make a comparable salary with in this economy or culture without spending another 8-12 years in college,,which would REALLY cost them money

Unlike anything else one cannot look at gross salary as actual income.

Lets do a little breakdown. MD's will make about 200 grand a year median pay. This will net about 125k. Now subtract about 25,000 for malpractice, and about 35,000 (annual student loan payment for 10 years). This will be a take home pay of about 65,000. This is for a 60 hour work week.

If they are not underpaid, they are at the cusp of being not worth the extra 10 years of training. If they are required to accept medicare/medicaid as viable insurance you'll be seeing a lot fewer doctors making 200k a year plus. Couple this with the fact that paperwork is taking more and more time and you have a less rewarding career altogether.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/22/13 12:55 PM
Wish I could get refund on my medical degree...grumble

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/22/13 12:52 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Tue 10/22/13 12:53 PM

Wanting everyone to have healthcare and food does not make you a communist or socialist or unpatriotic it just makes you a good person.

Now lets talk about all that cash being stuffed into thw for profit private prisons, the NSA spying and war industry.

Agreed. But how we go about it makes 100% of the difference... And that's precisely what gets lost in translation.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/22/13 12:37 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Tue 10/22/13 12:37 PM
so it sounds like the rates keep going up (increases the percentage of yearly income)...

The more I look into this the worse it sounds...

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/22/13 12:25 PM

Yes, what hell it would be for the government also serve its people rather than only the corporations.

There are two ways of breaking this down. You can take from middle class and give to poor, thereby making the middle class poor, and sustaining it all under a status quo. Or you can provide opportunities for people to advance beyond poverty into the middle class where they can be self sustaining...

I have seen neither democrat nor republican go after the wealthy corporations of which you speak. Republicans give them tax breaks, democrats give them taxpayer money and pretend its for the good of the people.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/22/13 12:16 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Tue 10/22/13 12:51 PM

This will be interesting

Quebec French spoken with a Missouri accent.

Without having to get three jobs to get healthcare.

Couple this with doctors leaving the field due to salary cuts.

No idea how im going to pay my student loans...

When calculating salaries/student loans/hours worked/and income, an MD would have to make about 190k a year to break even with nursing staff. And it takes only 2 years to get an RN degree and 12 years to get an MD. Wonder which one people will pick...

MD's are already underpaid. The only way I've seen a few get around it is by opening a private practice and denying medicare and medicaid.

But fear not, as i suppose we can outsource those too...

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 10/21/13 05:17 AM

We live in a republic.. People vote by the emotions that the media stirs and not by learning the facts.

I think this message is worth repeating. Again, and again....

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 10/21/13 05:15 AM

The U.S. Constitution has been perverted enough already. We need constitutional scholars on the SCOTUS, in the White House and as a majority of congress.

We need about 300 Ron Pauls.

Agree completelydrinker

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 10/21/13 05:10 AM

My cousin currently pays about $500 for his family through his employer, once obozocare kicks in he will be paying $900 a month.

A friend looked up how he will be paying for his family, he smokes so his will be $1054 per month.

Sounds affordable to me.

insurers are in charge of what they charge for tobacco, there is no mandate in obamacare requiring them to do so


he must make a good penny too

two adults and three children would be paying 900 per month for an income of 100 grand

which comes to about 12 percent of the income,, which still beats my employers rate of 20percent of mine,,,

Question... If I am making around $200,000 a year (gross income) does that mean i will have to pay $1,800 monthly for insurance?

(Bear in mind, medical malpractice insurance is about 3,700/month, student loan payments are about 2,700 monthly, and taxes are about 7,600 monthly)

no, there is a cap on the percent of income that can be charged,,

anyhow, put the numbers in yourself, I just did

a single person, with no children (who doesn't smoke), making 200000 per year would pay a premium of about 3,661 per year

Interesting, as I've looked up these numbers at i am seeing $3,899.76 yearly (that's about $650 a month for both of us combined), per person in my household at $70,000 a year for an income. This is the "silver" plan which only covers 70% of average costs (This covers less than medicare).

Admittedly its a bit tough to get info though, without actually signing up.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 10/21/13 03:50 AM

You forgot to mention how they are exempt from social security and pay 1% of theirs for a luxury income of not less than $40,000 a year or so for just a short time in Congress. The highest social security is about $2,400 x 12 = 28,800 a year....rant

I thought they received 100% pay for life?

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 10/20/13 01:56 PM

The only thing that would be worse than having only democrats or republicans to choose from, is having either party unopposed. Not a huge fan of republicans, but if they were to disperse, and democrats were the ruling party (without opposition), our country wouldn't last more that a couple terms.

there most likely wouldn't be any terms!

I suspect you would be correct. Eliminating terms would be a very logical first step... Although they'd probably start by attacking gun rights, which would open the doors for everything else.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 10/20/13 01:51 PM
Given the increasing costs of insurance, something did have to be done.

I fail to see how ACA is going to do anything but hurt doctors and/or increase medical costs.

Horrible idea #1. Not allowing doctors to deny insurance (which means they will have to accept medicare/medicade salaries)

Horrible idea #2. Taxing medical equipment and supplies. Is it just me, or is increasing taxing on medical care doing the opposite of making it more affordable?

There were much better ways to deal with rising costs of healthcare, and having this shoved down our throats before we even had time to review what in it is like playing russian roulette. Not sure how anyone could be comfortable with such an idea.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 10/20/13 01:42 PM
The only thing that would be worse than having only democrats or republicans to choose from, is having either party unopposed. Not a huge fan of republicans, but if they were to disperse, and democrats were the ruling party (without opposition), our country wouldn't last more that a couple terms.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 10/20/13 01:36 PM

It`s not really dept, the money goes into improving the country, which again improves the world. So basically, it`s just placing resources more evenly, and therefore making the world more united in the long run. People don`t see it that way, but it`s how it is, we are all working together, every nation, every country, every man.

This is a very beautiful outlook, and one that can actually make the world a better place, under perfect circumstances. The world is imperfect, however, and sometimes "the path to hell is paved with good intentions". Efficiency and effectiveness need to be taken into consideration (and corruption). Sometimes we need to take care of ourselves before others, because if we don't, we will find ourselves having to take from the same hand we were once funding.

It is important in realizing that a Utopia can never exist in this universe. It's mathematically and scientifically impossible. But we should all strive to want to help others.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 10/20/13 01:16 PM
I believe George Washington actually rejected the notion of Congress and the presidency receive any pay at first. He was then convinced otherwise when it was explained to him that only the wealthy will serve in congress and/or the presidency if one does not receive a paycheck. Washington, was the richest president in history, i 've been told, when you adjust his net worth for inflation. However, he supposedly spent a great deal of his own money paying for the revolutionary war. Always respected him for that.

Anyhow, I believe, that congressmen/women should not receive a pay rate larger than the median american salary, They should also have the same health benefits as the rest of the country and have to rely on social security for retirement. Furthermore a law should be made making it illegal to serve in congress at the same time you have money in the stock market.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 10/17/13 09:23 AM

Maybe we could raise taxes to close the deficit even faster. It'd be nice to have a balanced budget, again.

Given the history of taxes, why would one want to raise it again? I'm sure if you added Medicare/social security, federal income tax, state income tax, property tax, vehicle registration, fees for licenses/permits, sales taxes, gasoline tax, and inflation (which is in all actuality, a tax), we are overpaying. Kinda hard to keep an economy stimulated when you are taking half, or more of someone's income in taxes...

This excludes the fact that whenever a new tax is created, is almost never, if ever, gets decreased or rescinded after it's purpose has been served.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 10/10/13 10:30 AM

My cousin currently pays about $500 for his family through his employer, once obozocare kicks in he will be paying $900 a month.

A friend looked up how he will be paying for his family, he smokes so his will be $1054 per month.

Sounds affordable to me.

insurers are in charge of what they charge for tobacco, there is no mandate in obamacare requiring them to do so


he must make a good penny too

two adults and three children would be paying 900 per month for an income of 100 grand

which comes to about 12 percent of the income,, which still beats my employers rate of 20percent of mine,,,

Question... If I am making around $200,000 a year (gross income) does that mean i will have to pay $1,800 monthly for insurance?

(Bear in mind, medical malpractice insurance is about 3,700/month, student loan payments are about 2,700 monthly, and taxes are about 7,600 monthly)

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