Community > Posts By > ImRu2

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 09:14 PM

Well everyone better get ready for bed cause I need some peace and quiet for a change.

but I am not tired..I found a stash of giant pixie stixs

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 09:12 PM

I can not be negative when asked.

^^^^^ See, that was quiet a negative statement! ^_^

hmm if i am not mistaken that was a double negitive... so doeant that make it a positive statement?

Well, if two wrongs don't make a right.

Two negatives, shouldn't make a positive.

Quick, dip me in your tea! laugh

but according to my prealgabra teaches 2 negitives make a positive

Well, ok then :) what positive has come out of this? ^_^

that i kept you out of my tea..

and I have a ?
are you a english biscuit or a american one?

An english one :) You can't beat a good old, yorkshire biscuit :wink: laugh

Thanks for leaving me, tea free! :D

kk so your a cookie

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 09:08 PM

And what in the heck is going on around here?

just the usual.. weird krupta beast being made pets of... orangatangs in your jammies. luv going pea happy..

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 09:05 PM
its a wonder they didnt charge her with use of a potenionally bio hazardist fluid..

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 09:01 PM

Copy and past the page and fill it out Gearhead.flowerforyou

I wanna see what you say!:tongue:

Are you sure? devil MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHApitchfork

you heard the lady

surprised Oh, great. Now she has her sisters ganging up on me. It's because I was late coming home tonight, isn't it? grumble grumble

Come on Uj, You know if you don;t She'll just keep bugging you.

yea you know you will just fold like a cheap card table..might as well get it over with

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:59 PM

new daddy?
Luv gave up on you coming home and went to bed.
I know nothing about any animal

She's not allowed to go to bed without her nightly spanking! devil :wink: *Goes into her room and.......*

Suuuuuuuuurrrreeeeee you don't know anything about any animal. Jut like nobody knew anything about the bear in the pool....

in the pool thought it was in the dog house??huh what

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:57 PM

I can not be negative when asked.

^^^^^ See, that was quiet a negative statement! ^_^

hmm if i am not mistaken that was a double negitive... so doeant that make it a positive statement?

Well, if two wrongs don't make a right.

Two negatives, shouldn't make a positive.

Quick, dip me in your tea! laugh

but according to my prealgabra teaches 2 negitives make a positive

Well, ok then :) what positive has come out of this? ^_^

that i kept you out of my tea..

and I have a ?
are you a english biscuit or a american one?

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:55 PM
it wasnt so much failed as it was about as real as her ninja power ranger princess wand ..and a dress.

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:52 PM

I can not be negative when asked.

^^^^^ See, that was quiet a negative statement! ^_^

hmm if i am not mistaken that was a double negitive... so doeant that make it a positive statement?

Well, if two wrongs don't make a right.

Two negatives, shouldn't make a positive.

Quick, dip me in your tea! laugh

but according to my prealgabra teaches 2 negitives make a positive

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:50 PM

Copy and past the page and fill it out Gearhead.flowerforyou

I wanna see what you say!:tongue:

Are you sure? devil MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHApitchfork

you heard the lady

surprised Oh, great. Now she has her sisters ganging up on me. It's because I was late coming home tonight, isn't it? grumble grumble

no its becouse she tried to give ma a lobotomy with her turle watsits

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:47 PM

SURROGATE Daddies are cool too...go get him back sister Luv....he's a REAL fun Daddy.....I miss him!!!sad

He should be here anytime.:tongue:

He comes around the same time every night for the last 3 years!!:heart:

I'M HERE!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: I would have been home sooner, but there was a funny antelope looking beast in the driveway and wouldn't let me out of the car! Now would any of you happen to know anything about that???????

oh i do its a kurpa or some such thing that luv found

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:46 PM

What? I'm getting in touch with my feminine side!

yes I have heard that about you..

there have been rumors you know..

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:43 PM

Copy and past the page and fill it out Gearhead.flowerforyou

I wanna see what you say!:tongue:

Are you sure? devil MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHApitchfork

you heard the lady

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:41 PM

Midget clown porn?!? is there a link?

yes lots... google it

you just need to make a fella work for it, huh?

is it permissable to post a link?

No... er, yeah sure... I don't fuggin know... go to the help forum... er, take a chance and see what happens...

kk so you do it first... if you are still here tomorrow...

Haha, chicken-****... post it don't be so negative.

have to be thats what the topic is..

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:39 PM

I can not be negative when asked.

^^^^^ See, that was quiet a negative statement! ^_^

hmm if i am not mistaken that was a double negitive... so doeant that make it a positive statement?

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:38 PM

I'm a midgit too... 6'4" just can't compete in pro basketball... I need a lawyer.

or a over nighter on a midevil rack

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:36 PM

Sometimes people use tall folks like a truck on moving day.

I feel so used.

and thats a bad thing why?

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:35 PM

Midget clown porn?!? is there a link?

yes lots... google it

you just need to make a fella work for it, huh?

is it permissable to post a link?

No... er, yeah sure... I don't fuggin know... go to the help forum... er, take a chance and see what happens...

kk so you do it first... if you are still here tomorrow...

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:32 PM

I'm 4'10 and proportionate so technically, I can be considered a midget. rofl

O.D.D is 5 foot even her nicname is midget,, well one of them any way

ImRu2's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:31 PM

Midget clown porn?!? is there a link?

yes lots... google it

you just need to make a fella work for it, huh?

is it permissable to post a link?