Community > Posts By > Secchan

Secchan's photo
Sun 06/12/11 07:00 PM
Well I'm new here wanted to see whats up. I live in the KC area wanted to see if anyone was on here from there.

Secchan's photo
Sun 06/12/11 02:12 AM
Alrighty guys. My body is ready.
Give me your worst.

I feel like I'm on /soc/

Secchan's photo
Sun 06/12/11 02:08 AM
DUBBSTEEP! Its pretty amazing. deadmau5 is pretty awesome too but I just can't get enough of dubstep.

Secchan's photo
Sun 06/12/11 02:03 AM
Edited by Secchan on Sun 06/12/11 02:05 AM
I'm still building my DAW but right now, but I have access to Pro-tools and a massive HD soundboard up at my colleges recording studio. I'm probably going to just buy logic. If ive learned anything its not the software that counts its your plug-ins you get in addition to it. Especially de-essers and compressors.

I compose, perform, mix, and master all my own work. I switch between styles but latley I've been getting into this super aggressive glitchy industrial music contrasting with very light piano/vocal music. I'm bipolar so it kind of depends if I'm manic and my minds racing or not how crazy my music is.

I play keys and sing. I tried guitar but Its just not my thing. Got a damn sexy bass voice though. And I've recently discovered I can do death metal vocals but thats not really my thing. Who needs guitars anyways? I can make nasty poop noises on my synth :D

Secchan's photo
Sun 06/12/11 01:58 AM
I've covered two adele songs, Hurt by NIN, some postal service, some queen, some ludo, um. thats what I can think of right now.

Some of my original stuff is here along with some covers.

Secchan's photo
Sun 06/12/11 01:53 AM
Well. Then barney is a whore and a woman would be too if she did that. Not a double standard really. They are both dirty.

Secchan's photo
Sun 06/12/11 01:53 AM
I feel like I have a right to snoop through my partners belongings. I shouldn't find anything. And because I did find something in my last relationship once which lead us to breaking up :/

Secchan's photo
Sun 06/12/11 01:41 AM
Behold I am potential friend and I have handsome features.

Secchan's photo
Sun 06/12/11 01:38 AM
By age fifty, I think I'd either be dead, or I'd be a famous music producer, and married. But with no Kids. Instead I'd have two dogs, and a cat. One HUGE husky named Hank, one small dog for the wife. And a tiny kitty named Kitty. I call all cats Kitty. Just a habbit. I'd love to be living in Sweden as I do wish I was swedish. I don't really consider myself very american.

Either that or I'd be a a vengeful God through a terrible accident were I gazed into the time vortex and absorbed all its power and knowledge. but I prefer being the music producer. Being a vengeful God seems like... a lot of responsibility. Damn.

Secchan's photo
Sun 06/12/11 01:32 AM
Im under thirty. So hi.
In fact I'm 20 years old and what is this?

Secchan's photo
Sun 06/12/11 01:29 AM
Your friends are with you, Aragorn

Secchan's photo
Sun 06/12/11 01:25 AM
Classical rock is just as musical as most of the music out there right now. In fact people are definitely doing MUCH more advanced stuff with electronic music. From a composing standpoint I'd say its much harder writing a trance or industrial glitch song than a rock tune. The knowledge of sound required for that is incredible. I like classical rock but there's lots more epic stuff out there.