Community > Posts By > Hornitos

Hornitos's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:54 AM
laugh As long as she goes back to Mexico and has her kid over there You just might be safe...:wink:

Hornitos's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:47 AM
laugh Acording to a recient Study on The Tin Foil Hat,Aluminum increases Radio Conductivity,Copper Magnifies it and Lead stops it Dead,so you want to line your crash helmet with lead,then replace all the protective padding...:wink:

Now something for them sleeping Australians,The US NAVY and The US Air Force have been perfecting their Wingless Aircraft in Australia fot the past 40 years in cooperation with The Australian Minestry of Defence, all this has been going down in conjuction with a Heuge underground Facility near Alice Springs,but then some one might have to leave the beach to check that out...laugh

With Star Wars up and running, meaning that The US Government is Shooting at and destroying Extraterestrial Space Craft, what people are seeing these days, is local stuff, meaning it was produced here on terra firma... glasses

Hornitos's photo
Sun 11/04/07 03:37 PM
:wink: Hazing is nothing new to the new person on the block,but blatent attacks are, another NEW THING is a special Web-Site that coaches people on how to get member of web-sites banned...

I was amazed as I saw one of these sites pop up,I was even more amazed when I say people that I thought I new join these sites...

Now when I see what is advocated on these sites impleminted here???

Well,most of you can't even get on POF because their Bans are perniment...

But I had a set to with The owner of POF last week and what he said made quite a bit of sence to me: "Listen you, I do own POF and what I say is the LAW,that you breake it is on you,had you been doing more harm than good over the past 7 years,you would have recieved a perminant BAN,not just a few weeks or months" So banning us is meant to teach us respect,The other point that Marcus made was that these web-sites are not meant to be our whole life,They are just a deversion...:smile:

JustSayHi is just a deversion...

If you make new friends??? Cool

If you meet the LOVE of your life???

If you don't like another member,avoid them...

These web-site's are a form of recreation and meant to be fun...

So have fun...

Fighting and harassing other members may be fun to you,but it only hurts the other person,So that sort of fun is not permitted...

I like to go forward,NOT backward,So I do not dwell in the past...

Nore should YOU...

I have tried to be clear,as such there is nothing more for me to say on this subject...

Hornitos's photo
Sun 11/04/07 03:06 PM
:wink: BLACKWATER is getting a Free Pass,because BLACKWATER Iis Americas New National Police FORCE,
you really should be reading more often...

The other Zinger of the Year is that Blackwater started the San Diego Fires to Quell Opposition to their new 50,000 acre Traning Facility on The Mexican Border...

You got to connect the dots and see the money trail leading right back to Poppy Bush...:wink:

Hornitos's photo
Sun 11/04/07 02:10 PM
noway Well Yes and NO...

Under bushco Jr. the youth of tomarrow are expected to become No Smarter the our current President,this dose not bode well for the future...

But quite a few parents have opted to Home School their own kids
So there is hope,But not much because they tend to send Home Schooled kids to the front lines in Iraq
or they are targeted and killed long before they even grow up...drinker

Hornitos's photo
Sun 11/04/07 01:36 AM
I have seen this in several places...

Some people becom semi perminent fixtures and start to act like The OWN the WEB-SITE when in fact they are just players...

I once would CAMP in one web-site or another, now I am active in 6 or I read and watch Movies...

But every now an then I run into these players that think they OWN the web-site that they are on...

The only thing I can Compare it to is When you walk through a Casino,often you find some lady that has adopted 25 or so Slot Machines and she is playing them all,but she is ready to kill anyone else who even looks at HER SLOT MACHINES...

I Know That This Web-Site Belongs to Mike and Van and the new guy, NOT ME!!!

This is why I don't fight,I will not respond to you if you try to start a fight with me,I will just switch out to another web-site,because I can...

I feel it is a Bad Thing to get too wrapped up into your Deversion, that you loose your moral composier...:wink:

Hornitos's photo
Sat 11/03/07 10:35 PM
laugh Well Fanta if this helps you out any,I was talking to a 38 year old gal the other day,who was trying to decide weather she wanted to Date me? or move in with an 18 year old boy,she went with the 18 year old boy,because she likes to dominate everything and she can educate him as to how she likes things...laugh

:smile: The Gal already had one son from another 18 year Old Boy,who is now all signed up for Child Support...:wink:

Hornitos's photo
Sat 11/03/07 05:07 PM
laugh Because This Case involves MEXICO, one might feel that the reason they Flead to Mexico is because the young Stud knew something that is not illuded to here,That being The Age Of Consent in Mexico is 13 so in Mexico they broke NO LAWS and were there leagly...

So by crossing The International Border into Mexico,the case became much more complex,not to mention that The Woman did not force herself on The Boy as the woman can only recieve,the male must be excited...blushing

laugh So her only crime is consenting,as other then that she was just along for the ride...:tongue:

Hornitos's photo
Sat 11/03/07 04:23 PM
:angry: How about addig INSULT TO THAT INJURY???

If you will remember that before that contract was awarded The Famlies had been purchasing The Best Body Armor that Money Could Buy for their Kid's going into Iraq,But all that stuff had to be scrapped, in favor to the vastly infirior Body Armore that this Clown had supplied... grumble

Hornitos's photo
Sat 11/03/07 03:53 PM
laugh In the End Hitler descovered that he was just another man and he died,However Hitler Scowered the planet seeking ancient wisdome of a far off time when Space People brought High Technology to this planet,just like what bush dose now, in the hope of finding The Key that will enable them ti concur the world and all of mankind...smokin

noway You see this is what bush is doing in Iraq,
The American Military are killing sellected people and groups of people ancient Blood Lines that go back to The Ananuki,The Sumarian Kings...

Hitler searched s well,but bush jr is in a hurry because he is Buldozing Archiological Digg's...

It is True,Bush Jr. is searching for The Star Gate,but he will not find it in time...

The New World Order was hatched in 1772 by Bavarian Jews,
But the bow down to Lucifer,Hitler wanted to usher in A New World Order,GHWB wanted to usher in a New World Order,GWB wants to usher in A New World Order...

:angry: How many times must you be slapped in the face with the same dead fish,to see that you have been Lied to by the very government that YOUR MONEY HAS FUNDED AND BUILT???

Why do you think that we have withdrawn our money and moved away from America that is on the threashold of implosion...

You fools may fight among yourselves as you always have,but in the end you were destroyed by your own arogence and ability not to be able to see the nose on your face...

I bid you GOOD LUCK in all of your folly...ohwell

Hornitos's photo
Sat 11/03/07 03:09 AM
noway Werner Von Bron,Thule Society Scholer,Lucifarian & The Father of Rocketry,Decorated SS Oficer
& through Opperation Paperclip/transformed into American Rocket Scientist


The Proof can be found in a Docmentry called (SECRET SPACE)
what you call UFO are or were ARV's NOW They are X-22A's Manufactured in concert by Northrop/Boing&Lockeed Martin...

Adolf Hitler Died at the age of 99 on his ranch in Montana,who do you think tought america to make Submarines???

Germany still makes The Best Submarines in the world, where do you think Israel buy's their Submarines???

The Jewish Bolshvics killed 120.000000 non-jews in Russia, but for Israel to clense it self of it's own sin, Israel will always inflate the grim truth of WW2 to 6,000000 even though there is NO PROOF...

The Truth will never see the light of day, yet The Zionest NEW WORLD ORDER is also The NAZI 4th Richt...

I am not for them, but at least I took the time to look and find the real truth...

Durring WW2 only The Swastika and The Star Of Zion could fly over Germany, Zion is the ruling party of Israel to this very day...

Things are not as you think them to be and from what I have seen WW2 NEVER ENDED or at least if it did???

The USA Lost the war, because all the key Nazies moved to America an infiltrated our Government...mad

Hornitos's photo
Fri 11/02/07 11:21 PM
laugh I BLUE feel that Posting a Photo is very important...:tongue:

I don't really care exactly what the photo is of,BUT EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST 1 PHOTO...laugh

Hornitos's photo
Fri 11/02/07 10:34 PM

Hornitos's photo
Fri 11/02/07 10:17 PM
laugh Who Commands the day and the night,You Big Head or Your Little Head???

If LOVE is Commanded by your Head,then which one is it??? and if your Head is into it,Is it not LUST???

If LOVE is in your head,then it is not LOVE, it is LUST...laugh

But if LOVE is in your Heart,than it must be LOVE!!!love

Hornitos's photo
Fri 11/02/07 10:07 PM
laugh I went out on an Internet Meet Up Once,
She turned out to be a He...explode

I NEVER trusted Internet Dating again, MASK OR NOT it is very hard to see the real person...

People that I knew and respected for years,tuuurned out to be 100% FAKERS & BULLCHIT ATISTS...

I always felt Hawaian GIrl was real but she is one of the

Hornitos's photo
Fri 11/02/07 09:50 PM
noway Of all the Gin Joints of all the World,Why did she have to come into mine???

noway Davinci,you are not Clules,perhaps just a might lost at times, but you always have a clue and in reality that is all that any of us truly need...:smile:

Hornitos's photo
Fri 11/02/07 07:42 PM
Hitler was born Jewish but he was heavy into The occult,some say that he thought of him self as The Christ, he resented The Zionest for selling him out and he took vngace on he jewish poor, but he did not kill 6,000000 that is a Zionest Lie to mask the fact that the Ryssian Jews killed 120,000000 other people in Russia after WW2...

It's all to cover someones BUTT...

Hornitos's photo
Fri 11/02/07 07:24 PM
noway Star Ships are very real Every Country in the world has a recorded history of them,some human races even came from the stars,what you don't know can hurt you and if your own government has treties with ET this will not bode well for you the people...smokin

Hornitos's photo
Fri 11/02/07 04:18 PM
Oh, that's simple, just own all the CODES to the Dibold Machines...

Only the ameican people are too damn dunb to be getting that old joke...

Hornitos's photo
Fri 11/02/07 04:11 PM
Hay Davinci, got any clues as to what happened to all The DU at The Camp Pendelton Tank and Live Fire playground when The USMC TORCHED IT LAS WEEK???

Shall we say it all went up in smoke and all over California and where ever else those clowds went to...

But I'm glad that you found and saw fit to publish this...


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