If Big Labor Would But Fight
Yes, really, the economy has YET to be destroyed ENOUGH before your "great deal" is put on the chopping block.
Once their power is consolidated, your Labor masters will throw you under the bus and dispose of you... Once they don't need you anymore, you will be the first to go. Read your history Guess our Lord and Saviour will need that second term to finish it all off. I already know how you will be voting. In the meantime, big labor and the communists who have taken over the Federal Government will continue to rape the taxpayers in favor of Union support to stay in power...GM ring any bells? Oh, and when the entire sh@thouse finally DOES come crashing down...we will only hear how capitalism has "failed." Enjoy your 1000$ weekly paydays, hour lunches, multiple breaks, pension and cadillac medical while you have them... they won't last very much longer because parasites always kill the host... |
If Big Labor Would But Fight
Trumka is a Marxist DIRTBAG. The labor elite are using the workers as useful idiots.
Yes, Good bye Walker...enjoy your statewide decline into corrupt, union-backed crony-capitalism, Wisconsin. Only a few more short years until your entire state looks like Detroit.
I have been here two years and have yet to meet anyone in person.
Seems many here want an ideal match really fast without having to go thru any effort to really get to know someone. Friends keep telling me that I'll get better results on pay sites...but I sort of doubt that. |
Love needs sacrifice
My definition of LOVE is placing someone else's needs above mine.
I can only do that when I am strong within myself. Does that count as a "sacrifice?" No I am sharing my strength. And it is given freely by my own choice. |
My grandson needs prayer
Wow, he REALLY doesnt want to see his Mom...
Please find and consult with a GOOD family attorney. ITMT, Prayers to you and him. |
why love every where?
pass the dutchie , mon.
Poorly worded question...a whole person is an individual. Mankind is the label given collectively to all humanity which is living or has lived in the past.
Demonology And Dementia
I think on an unconscious level, we have access to many more resources than of which we can ever be conscious. We have virtually an unlimited number of characters and personalities we may access from these vast unconscious resources, but we are lazy and unaware, so we just settle in on one fundamental personality and identify with it. It becomes who we are...Demons? Malevolent aspects of ourselves we until presently, just haven't really accessed and expressed.
Trying Mingle2 Again
Great Profile...very succinct, to the point... until the last line.
"Life is about taking chances...wanna take a chance with me?" Might tend to attract people who on some level view love and relationships as a gamble (taking chances). Can't speak for you, but those aren't the type of people I'd want to attract. |
Edited by
Sun 03/04/12 06:57 PM
Yes...and the radical clerics governing Iran want to "bathe the World in blood" to fulfill their twisted prophecy and bring back the 12th Maddhi, not to mention the NUMEROUS times they have already threatened to "wipe Israel from the face of the Earth", close the Strait of Hormuz and sponsor terrorism in Europe.
Israel wants to send our sons and daughters to die? Really? Well, Iran wants to kill you and your entire family in your own home as well as destroy your way of life. Yeah...its the evil Joooooooooos who are really the troublemakers.... What's that smell? The stink of anti-semitism. |
what is good and bad
Correct, I dont understand what it means or why you posted it...THAT is why I ask.
I am a complete stranger, so seriously doubt if you can know if I am ignorant or not...isnt that what you call, "jumping to a conclusion?" So, if I steal 5 cents from you is that the same morally as if I steal 1000$? Is that what you mean by morality is relative? On a moral level the two acts are equal in severity? You were the one who put the "morality is relative" statement out there...are you unable to answer the question? Hint: Just because someone doesn't understand you, doesn't mean they are ignorant... |
what is good and bad
Edited by
Sat 03/03/12 07:13 PM
Nobody has jumped to any conclusions, except perhaps to conclude that morality is relative.
I asked a question which is completely different from a conclusion. And BTW the question was sincere, not intended to be antagonistic: If you conclude "morality is relative," does that mean that there is never any instance or circumstance in your life where you would have to make a value judgement...or all things considered, is everything really "equal?" Perhaps you would like to provide some evidence or facts to support your "conclusion" that morality is relative... or perhaps not. |
what is good and bad
Edited by
Sat 03/03/12 12:22 PM
"Morality is relative. What was good 100 years ago could be bad today and vice versa."
So there are NO areas or instances in your life where you feel it is necessary to make a value judgement? Interesting... |
what is good and bad
Your "reality" is only an internal mental representation you create for yourself as outside information comes into and is filtered exclusively thru your five senses..."Reality" a sensory experience...we can not experience it directly...what we mistake for "reality" is actually our own internal representation of sensory information. There is NO big, single, definitive "reality" we all can use as a common reference: it is an illusion...there is only our own internal re-presenting of sensory input to ourselves that we identify as "reality." And everyone does it arguments about what is "good or bad" are about as moot as those about what is "real."
Projection is perception and all evaluation is suggestion. |
Edited by
Fri 02/24/12 12:53 AM
Because I have yet only achieved limited success in understanding my own mind?
Edited by
Sun 12/11/11 11:43 PM
What's more disturbing is that he is obviously playing clueless and lying about it to you.
For me, that would be the real issue. Who cares whether your account is active or deactivated if someone cant just be straight with you. But then, my standards are pretty uncompromising on this subject; and that's probably why I'm single now, lol. |
Beavis & Butthead
I thought it was LAME.
Call your Congressperson,
This isnt a JOBS bill...its yet another "redistribution of wealth"from the US taxpayers to shore up support for Dear Leader's UNION base moving into the 2012 election season.
GOVERNMENT doesn't create ANYTHING...much less JOBS. It only TAKES. |
my grandmother
Prayers up for your Grandmom and her speedy reunion with your Grandad.