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Topic: Call your Congressperson,
msharmony's photo
Fri 10/21/11 08:15 PM
demand congress do their jobs and vote

More ANTI OBAMA by making sure to DO NOTHING AT ALL tactics,,,,

Last night, Democrats in the Senate tried to pass a simple piece of President Obama's jobs plan that shouldn't be controversial: provide money to prevent further layoffs of teachers, cops, and firefighters at the local level, and pay for it by taxing the income of millionaires an extra 0.5%.

This morning a lot of media outlets reported that the Senate "rejected" or "voted down" this proposal.

But that's not what happened. The measure didn't come to an actual vote.

That's because every single Republican senator filibustered the bill -- meaning they wouldn't even let an up-or-down vote happen. Republicans have unilaterally decided not to allow even that simple majority vote on anything that might help the economy before the next election.

To be clear: This bill would have created jobs, and both parties have supported similar measures in the past.

But, sadly, some in the Congress do not feel any responsibility to act. As someone who has spent a lot of time working in and with the Senate, I can tell you that it's a particularly low moment for the legislative branch of our government.

It doesn't need to be this way. That's why the President and our campaign are focused on fixing what's broken in Washington. Right now, that means we're going to keep the pressure on Congress to act, until every single piece of the President's jobs plan -- the parts to help veterans find jobs and get small businesses hiring more people -- gets a vote.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 10/21/11 08:53 PM
This portion of the bill should not have been submitted.

It does not create JOBS.

It creates government employees. (Which cost us all).

In places that mismanaged their own finances (why should I have to pay for police et all IN SOME OTHER STATE THAN MINE).

It would not have been passed and the submitters KNEW this. (i.e. political stunt).

Bet when they submitt something that IS necessary it will be voted up... (There are some parts of the Act that have merit)

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 10/21/11 09:23 PM

Obama couldn't create a job if he farted and needed someone to wave it away. All he knows how to do is spend money, all Obama supporters should watch the Tom Hnaks classic "The Money Pit"

willing2's photo
Fri 10/21/11 09:29 PM
Some of the Dumbocrats even jumped ship on Barry's plan.
His back-em-up plan is to TRY to get it passed piece-meal.slaphead

Kimoboy's photo
Fri 10/21/11 09:39 PM
This isnt a JOBS bill...its yet another "redistribution of wealth"from the US taxpayers to shore up support for Dear Leader's UNION base moving into the 2012 election season.

GOVERNMENT doesn't create ANYTHING...much less JOBS. It only TAKES.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 10/21/11 10:41 PM

This portion of the bill should not have been submitted.

It does not create JOBS.

It creates government employees. (Which cost us all).

In places that mismanaged their own finances (why should I have to pay for police et all IN SOME OTHER STATE THAN MINE).

It would not have been passed and the submitters KNEW this. (i.e. political stunt).

Bet when they submitt something that IS necessary it will be voted up... (There are some parts of the Act that have merit)

It's not even close to a jobs bill...............

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/21/11 11:16 PM

This portion of the bill should not have been submitted.

It does not create JOBS.

It creates government employees. (Which cost us all).

In places that mismanaged their own finances (why should I have to pay for police et all IN SOME OTHER STATE THAN MINE).

It would not have been passed and the submitters KNEW this. (i.e. political stunt).

Bet when they submitt something that IS necessary it will be voted up... (There are some parts of the Act that have merit)

still no reason to not vote,, if they agree its a yes, if they dont its a no,,, but I get sick of them just doing NOTHING

except complaining about how wrong somebody else got it,,

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/21/11 11:17 PM

Obama couldn't create a job if he farted and needed someone to wave it away. All he knows how to do is spend money, all Obama supporters should watch the Tom Hnaks classic "The Money Pit"

hence, the suggestion to write to CONGRESS,,,,the place where bills are proposed and passed,,

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 10/21/11 11:29 PM
Edited by AdventureBegins on Fri 10/21/11 11:30 PM

This portion of the bill should not have been submitted.

It does not create JOBS.

It creates government employees. (Which cost us all).

In places that mismanaged their own finances (why should I have to pay for police et all IN SOME OTHER STATE THAN MINE).

It would not have been passed and the submitters KNEW this. (i.e. political stunt).

Bet when they submitt something that IS necessary it will be voted up... (There are some parts of the Act that have merit)

still no reason to not vote,, if they agree its a yes, if they dont its a no,,, but I get sick of them just doing NOTHING

except complaining about how wrong somebody else got it,,

Sometimes nothing is the right action.

and they DID vote.

They voted not to allow the bill to go foward. There is a reason whey it takes more than a simply majority to end a fillibuster...

It prevents our politicians from doing something (when nothing is the correct action)

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/21/11 11:31 PM
nothing is not the correct action when complaining about the 'something' someone else has done

as my elders say

'if you arent a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem'

doing NOTHING offers no solution and not what Im expecting out of officials I elect to ACT on behalf of the country

...but thats just me

TJN's photo
Sat 10/22/11 03:00 AM
How about we all call Senator Reid and ask him why the senate hasen't put forth a budget to be voted on in o er 900 days? Seems that would be a priority. But hey what do I know.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/22/11 04:40 AM

nothing is not the correct action when complaining about the 'something' someone else has done

as my elders say

'if you arent a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem'

doing NOTHING offers no solution and not what Im expecting out of officials I elect to ACT on behalf of the country

...but thats just me

Sometimes doing nothing IS the correct answer. Had they allowed it, it would have been "business as usual" with the dem's pushing thru another Obummer plan to destroy the middle class and America!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/22/11 04:42 AM
End foreign aid, get out of the UN, bring the troops home and stop "military" spending (not defense), put a freeze on gov't spending...... NOW THERE'S A JOBS PLAN!

Chazster's photo
Sat 10/22/11 08:30 AM

Obama couldn't create a job if he farted and needed someone to wave it away. All he knows how to do is spend money, all Obama supporters should watch the Tom Hnaks classic "The Money Pit"

hence, the suggestion to write to CONGRESS,,,,the place where bills are proposed and passed,,

Have you ever been a part of any type of government? Hell even student government in college (where I was a senator for IEEE) votes on whether or not they will open up voting for a something. Once you open up the floor for voting you open up discussions and all sorts of stuff. It can take a lot of time. So if enough people are against it for it not to pass why waste all that time?

Chazster's photo
Sat 10/22/11 08:32 AM

nothing is not the correct action when complaining about the 'something' someone else has done

as my elders say

'if you arent a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem'

doing NOTHING offers no solution and not what Im expecting out of officials I elect to ACT on behalf of the country

...but thats just me

I wouldn't consider a jobs plan that requires making government jobs that tax payers have to support when we all ready have a huge deficit "part of the solution" either. Just saying.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/22/11 09:35 AM

nothing is not the correct action when complaining about the 'something' someone else has done

as my elders say

'if you arent a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem'

doing NOTHING offers no solution and not what Im expecting out of officials I elect to ACT on behalf of the country

...but thats just me

Sometimes doing nothing IS the correct answer. Had they allowed it, it would have been "business as usual" with the dem's pushing thru another Obummer plan to destroy the middle class and America!

so, if its not gonna go your way, do nothing?

that sounds like a great democratic society,,,,no wonder we are so slow to recover...

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/22/11 09:36 AM

Obama couldn't create a job if he farted and needed someone to wave it away. All he knows how to do is spend money, all Obama supporters should watch the Tom Hnaks classic "The Money Pit"

hence, the suggestion to write to CONGRESS,,,,the place where bills are proposed and passed,,

Have you ever been a part of any type of government? Hell even student government in college (where I was a senator for IEEE) votes on whether or not they will open up voting for a something. Once you open up the floor for voting you open up discussions and all sorts of stuff. It can take a lot of time. So if enough people are against it for it not to pass why waste all that time?

so, if enough people would vote no, why have a vote?

how about to have it on RECORD what people actually voted,,,,,

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/22/11 09:38 AM

nothing is not the correct action when complaining about the 'something' someone else has done

as my elders say

'if you arent a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem'

doing NOTHING offers no solution and not what Im expecting out of officials I elect to ACT on behalf of the country

...but thats just me

I wouldn't consider a jobs plan that requires making government jobs that tax payers have to support when we all ready have a huge deficit "part of the solution" either. Just saying.

Im all for a jobs plan that SAVES peoples jobs,, whether they are in government or elsewhere,,,

metalwing's photo
Sat 10/22/11 10:26 AM

demand congress do their jobs and vote

More ANTI OBAMA by making sure to DO NOTHING AT ALL tactics,,,,

Last night, Democrats in the Senate tried to pass a simple piece of President Obama's jobs plan that shouldn't be controversial: provide money to prevent further layoffs of teachers, cops, and firefighters at the local level, and pay for it by taxing the income of millionaires an extra 0.5%.

This morning a lot of media outlets reported that the Senate "rejected" or "voted down" this proposal.

But that's not what happened. The measure didn't come to an actual vote.

That's because every single Republican senator filibustered the bill -- meaning they wouldn't even let an up-or-down vote happen. Republicans have unilaterally decided not to allow even that simple majority vote on anything that might help the economy before the next election.

To be clear: This bill would have created jobs, and both parties have supported similar measures in the past.

But, sadly, some in the Congress do not feel any responsibility to act. As someone who has spent a lot of time working in and with the Senate, I can tell you that it's a particularly low moment for the legislative branch of our government.

It doesn't need to be this way. That's why the President and our campaign are focused on fixing what's broken in Washington. Right now, that means we're going to keep the pressure on Congress to act, until every single piece of the President's jobs plan -- the parts to help veterans find jobs and get small businesses hiring more people -- gets a vote.

There is SO much wrong with this post!

First of all, the comment about "Democrats in the Senate tried to pass a simple piece of President Obama's jobs plan that shouldn't be controversial:" is completely untrue. The spending of vast amounts of money by the US government has to stop and the vast majority of Americas know this. Vast spending bills have no chance of passing and the Democrats know this. It is a show being put on for the sake of politics.

The proposed bill is a vast influx of money for local governments to buy votes. It is not the Federal Government's responsibility to provide for local city services which is a stupid thing to consider when the county is broke.

The statement that "every single Republican senator filibustered the bill" is highly unlikely since, if true, would mean they were talking for months ... and that didn't happen.

The implied "truth" that the act of filibustering is wrong goes against the rules of the senate and have been used by Democrats equally. It is nothing new or wrong. It is simply how our government works.

What is the actual truth is that the above is a liberal "hit piece" that is seeped in intellectuality dishonesty and is actually all about class warfare to convince the readers that taking more in taxes and spending more money is the only cure for everything.

The OP piece was not written by Missharmony as would be indicated by the lack of source, but is apparently from

Chazster's photo
Sat 10/22/11 10:52 AM

Obama couldn't create a job if he farted and needed someone to wave it away. All he knows how to do is spend money, all Obama supporters should watch the Tom Hnaks classic "The Money Pit"

hence, the suggestion to write to CONGRESS,,,,the place where bills are proposed and passed,,

Have you ever been a part of any type of government? Hell even student government in college (where I was a senator for IEEE) votes on whether or not they will open up voting for a something. Once you open up the floor for voting you open up discussions and all sorts of stuff. It can take a lot of time. So if enough people are against it for it not to pass why waste all that time?

so, if enough people would vote no, why have a vote?

how about to have it on RECORD what people actually voted,,,,,

The vote to not vote is on record.

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