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Topic: Is mankind still evolving equally as a whole person?
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Wed 03/28/12 12:40 AM
Edited by WholesomeWoman on Wed 03/28/12 12:41 AM
I believe the universe is billions + years old thus the creation theory to me does not fit into my belief system. The discoveries of Hubbles Space Telescope (google it) confirms by facts.

I believe more so in the Evolution theory however, and then would not mankind be still evolving equally as a whole person - Physically? Intellectually? Socially? Mentally? Spiritually?

If in parts ... what do you percieve mankind to look like in a thousand years time? Can you form a picture based on what is happening today?

xeshm21's photo
Wed 03/28/12 01:19 AM
3 points for you
1 This website more then likely is not the best place for such discussion.

2 More then likely your going to have religious people start posting on this thread that try to start a fight.

3 I would think that both technology and medicine would slow evolution although it is an innate process in all living things. More then likely gene-therapy and similar process's would have a greater affect on humanity as a whole both long term and short term.

PS dont put any stock into anything I put up here as I do not believe I have a strong understanding of the subject. Spirituality is not evolution by the way since that is a religious belief and evolution is purely physical.

NorthernBoy9's photo
Wed 03/28/12 06:27 AM
More and more "scientists" are saying evolution is absolutely impossible. They don't want to say there is a god or which one is the right one, but when they look at what they know now in science, there absolutely HAD to be an intelligent force DESIGNING these things. They are much to much complicated to have happened by chance. These are scientists in many different disciplines.

Look at DNA, statistically the probability of a single cell living by chance, complexity of an eye, etc etc etc.

A lot of secular universities will not teach evolution any longer.

Google it.

no photo
Wed 03/28/12 06:28 AM

I believe the universe is billions + years old thus the creation theory to me does not fit into my belief system. The discoveries of Hubbles Space Telescope (google it) confirms by facts.

I believe more so in the Evolution theory however, and then would not mankind be still evolving equally as a whole person - Physically? Intellectually? Socially? Mentally? Spiritually?

If in parts ... what do you percieve mankind to look like in a thousand years time? Can you form a picture based on what is happening today?

I think overall we're evolving equally as a whole, although there are some people who have exceeded past this current threshold. We have evolved much further in technologically, more then spiritually.

xeshm21: Spirituality isn't the same as having a religious belief. You have to remember that everyone has different religious beliefs & there are people who can tell the difference between this. A person may believe in God & regularly goes to church but that doesn't mean he/she really has a spiritual bond with God. Perhaps they might but could be on a different level as another person sees it.

For an example some, are vegetarians only. It could be an imbalance in their brain activities or it's something that God is telling them it's not right for them by making that person deter from animal food products. (I don't know all the facts on vegans but im giving this as an example)

I have dealt with many Christians on the subject that some people are capable of working together without the burden of making everything at a cost value such as working together in an environment without having to deal with evil in the world. Which is another form of spirituality. There are people who are not on the same level as everyone else & they allow themselves to consume without giving anything in return.

I think the biggest hurdle we have to evolve life is the lack of understanding of things. The way we are raised is a huge impact and the 'rules of the game' are unable to change unless a major impact were to affect us globally. For example we're facing a worldwide crisis where people are struggling to pay bills & are constantly battling with fear that they're going to lose their jobs (some people are secure enough they don't need to worry) & i see this as an opportunity to combine our resources to build something better. However, some don't see this and others are too involved in other things they don't have time to stop and see the true potential we have. We have evolved greatly techologically, but spiritually we're still having difficulties. Religion is part of the problem, but it's there to help keep order to chaos.

Kimoboy's photo
Wed 03/28/12 07:17 AM
Poorly worded question...a whole person is an individual. Mankind is the label given collectively to all humanity which is living or has lived in the past.

RKISIT's photo
Wed 03/28/12 07:38 AM

More and more "scientists" are saying evolution is absolutely impossible. They don't want to say there is a god or which one is the right one, but when they look at what they know now in science, there absolutely HAD to be an intelligent force DESIGNING these things. They are much to much complicated to have happened by chance. These are scientists in many different disciplines.

Look at DNA, statistically the probability of a single cell living by chance, complexity of an eye, etc etc etc.

A lot of secular universities will not teach evolution any longer.

Google it.
Doesn't mean God it could be an alien bacteria from a astroid or comet that hit earth,more than likely a comet cause it has water.See intelligence is so over used.Bacteria could be the start of everything,cells do multiply and inorganic and organic matter is made of atoms.Hell protons aren't intelligent or are they?

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Wed 03/28/12 07:41 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 03/28/12 07:43 AM
Certain species have remained mostly unchanged for millions of years (Sharks are one example). They fit there ecological niche and no environmental pressures are available to select new genes over the older ones that just plain old work.

Trying to see humanity and the changes in our genetics is kind of like being the size of a single marble chip in a mosaic, and trying to see the image the mosaic forms.

Genetic Testing (until very recently) has been very expensive.

So the question, while poignant, is not one that I think we have the data to answer properly right now.

Two main reasons, we would need data sets of human genes for hundreds of years to have even an inkling at possible changes over time. Humans live a long time (compared to bacteria, or small mammals)and changes would only accumulate over many generations.

Evolution is defined as Changes in Allele frequencies over time. To the poster who says scientists believe this to not be an accurate statement or that it does not happen, all I have to say is pockycock. Evolution among all scientific fields of study has the most evidence and currently is better understood than almost any other field of study. It is the unifying theory of biology, it brings together all other fields of biology and makes sense of our findings in EVERY SINGLE FIELD. No other human endeavor has come close to this level of accomplishment.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 03/28/12 02:16 PM

Poorly worded question...a whole person is an individual. Mankind is the label given collectively to all humanity which is living or has lived in the past.


Mankind is indeed an 'entity'.

and that entity has not yet begun to grow evenly.

One half of the entity (labeled 'Male') subjugates the other half (labeled Female) by virture of controlled education through religious organizations.

Unless equality is established in the Female portion of Mankind...

Mankind itself will continue to spin its wheels and run arround in circles...

or thump its chest at itself until the day men destroy the whole in a fit of temper.

xeshm21's photo
Wed 03/28/12 06:09 PM
I am curious as to what wholesomewoman has to say about this. Did this topic spin out of control and away from what she had in mind when she started this?

no photo
Thu 03/29/12 12:05 AM
Edited by WholesomeWoman on Thu 03/29/12 12:45 AM
My apologies, a few things came up and I was busy in the last day or two.

What do I have to say, first of all, mankind came into being or as an entity whether, evolution played a course in it or not in who is a person collectively, humanity.

Humankind, whether male or female, in their state is wholly who they are, by what is physical, mental, social, spiritual, intellectual ... shaped from birth individually and/or collectively over time by "environment" raised in and given "intelligence", both factors, to be evolving by changing times. My topic question, thoughts, arose from the previous thread on the topic of "Creation vs Evolution".

I want to add, the word mankind to be taken in context to all humanity living and of the past, nothing other, and, I should be more mindful of feminists to which my apology if found offensive and to dismiss agrument, replace the word "mankind" with "humankind".

Thank you, I found so far your replies and thoughts interesting and with some clarification by improper use of terminology, it is good to bring out corrections, thank you. I know do there will always be theories forming with new ones replacing or dismissing old ones by new knowledge, facts ... .

The topic question arose most likely form what has been occupying some of my thoughts in the last while by findings ore images of Hubbles Space Telescope, slong with, a little bit of my sci-fi enjoyment and, curiousity of what others think. Life is about continual learning and we learn from each other, and/or others bring new insights to other people views. What is wonderful about humankind, is the quest from earliest times, to explore, discover, find,... to figure out or find answers to life's mysteries, questions.

I recall years back on CBC radio talk shows, a series hosted Theologists and Scientists, turning to each other in scholarly quest to share each others' knowledge in order maybe to understand, pice to fit puzzle pieces to see the grand picture to life questions ... . My observing conclusion as a listener, all disciplines emerged from one point and now I see disclipines meshing their findings, studies to figure out life questions. Mankind is making doing a circle, coming back to the beginning.

I was bascially interested in hearing from others in how they see human beings, evolving to what image or wholeness in a thousand yeas. What will humankind look like? For, in our lifetime alone, exponentially due to technology we have taken off the charts knowledge wise. If you are a reader of sci-fi books and/or Sci-fi movies, a decade or two later after the book or movie can out there is a touch on reality to the fiction sometimes. Some people do see down the road. Thus I wonder what do you see?

Hubble images expanded my horizon on matters of life existence for surely humbankind does not only exist on planet earth. The universe in its vastness is uncomprehensiable. Probability has its say that yes there is other life, other humankinds out there, who knows. Maybe mankind/humankind evolved in other galaxies on planets for chemical elements are to be found "universal" thoughout its vastness and consistent in their findings. Another, probability is Earth will die out (not in the near future, like millions of years down the road) like a stars burns out or get bombarded by other materials or sucked into a black hole. Who will know Earth's fate, we do not.

I was just wondering how you see humandkind to be like in a thousand years, what would the humanity look like?

Bravalady's photo
Thu 04/05/12 07:05 AM
On the evolutionary scale 1000 years isn't even noticeable. I mean, we number years from the birth of Christ 2000 years ago. Were those people evolutionally different from us? I don't think so. Not to mention the older stories, the Iliad/Odyssey, Moses and the Egyptians, the Chinese. They were Homo sapiens just like us. For evolutionary changes you have to be thinking in terms of 100,000 years.

I have read way too much science fiction to have an original thought about what humans may evolve into by the time the sun burns down. I do think it's more likely that we will take charge of our own shape a la Lois McMaster Bujold's quaddies.

no photo
Thu 04/05/12 02:33 PM
When we test for genetic changes in bacteria, or other such organisms which reproduce quickly we tend to do so after more than 1,000 generations at the low end, and 50,000 generations very common.

Just imagine 50,000 human generations.

20 years per

Low end 20,000 years

High end 1,000,000 years.

So if we started doing an average mapping of genes 20 years ago, we only have another 19,980 more years till we can expect at least some noticeable changes lol.

BTW this is just napkin math.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 04/05/12 06:57 PM

I believe the universe is billions + years old thus the creation theory to me does not fit into my belief system. The discoveries of Hubbles Space Telescope (google it) confirms by facts.

I believe more so in the Evolution theory however, and then would not mankind be still evolving equally as a whole person - Physically? Intellectually? Socially? Mentally? Spiritually?

If in parts ... what do you percieve mankind to look like in a thousand years time? Can you form a picture based on what is happening today?

In a thousand years we will be at peace but facing rising tides of violence and confusion.

We will have built a civilization of vast greatness (because men and women will be equal in all things).

In that time when confusion comes again... Also will come the Advent of the Mother to end the Cycle of Eve and put mankind on the next step in our evolution.

Yet there will be another also that traveled far and returned in imagined triumph...

Mankind will split into two branches.

One will journey into a new reality the other will cling to this reality.

Totage's photo
Thu 04/05/12 07:06 PM
Is mankind still evolving equally as a whole person?

No, not equally. All life forms on Earth are ever evolving though, the Earth itself is ever evolving. Not everything is evolving equally though.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 04/05/12 07:38 PM
I really can't picture what humans will look like in a thousand years if they/we survive. But hopefully we will have learned how to stop poisoning our environment and/or have found a way to travel to another planet that can sustain us.

I know I saw that women were going to be fatter in the future because women who have rounder hips and more fat are producing more children in our time and their offspring seems to be healthier therefore making the lineage carry on.

no photo
Fri 04/06/12 05:52 AM

On the evolutionary scale 1000 years isn't even noticeable. I mean, we number years from the birth of Christ 2000 years ago. Were those people evolutionally different from us? I don't think so. Not to mention the older stories, the Iliad/Odyssey, Moses and the Egyptians, the Chinese. They were Homo sapiens just like us. For evolutionary changes you have to be thinking in terms of 100,000 years.

I have read way too much science fiction to have an original thought about what humans may evolve into by the time the sun burns down. I do think it's more likely that we will take charge of our own shape a la Lois McMaster Bujold's quaddies.

no photo
Fri 04/06/12 05:55 AM
Thank you BravaLady, can you tell more on on people taking charge of our own shape via la Lois McMaster Bujod's quaddies. Thanks

no photo
Fri 04/06/12 06:23 AM

Certain species have remained mostly unchanged for millions of years (Sharks are one example). They fit there ecological niche and no environmental pressures are available to select new genes over the older ones that just plain old work.

Trying to see humanity and the changes in our genetics is kind of like being the size of a single marble chip in a mosaic, and trying to see the image the mosaic forms.

Genetic Testing (until very recently) has been very expensive.

So the question, while poignant, is not one that I think we have the data to answer properly right now.

Two main reasons, we would need data sets of human genes for hundreds of years to have even an inkling at possible changes over time. Humans live a long time (compared to bacteria, or small mammals)and changes would only accumulate over many generations.

Evolution is defined as Changes in Allele frequencies over time. To the poster who says scientists believe this to not be an accurate statement or that it does not happen, all I have to say is pockycock. Evolution among all scientific fields of study has the most evidence and currently is better understood than almost any other field of study. It is the unifying theory of biology, it brings together all other fields of biology and makes sense of our findings in EVERY SINGLE FIELD. No other human endeavor has come close to this level of accomplishment.

Thank you for napkin math, from your other post ... interesting.

"Evolution ... the Unifying theory of biology, thanks, I would like to look into this more.

Thinking about human cloning and down the road a couple hundred or more years from now, combined with hearing cloning is turned over to the Engineering field out of the hands of (Bio)technology, I wonder if mankind is not tinkering with human destiny or evolution with modifications or alteration to human genetics or DNA coding ... would the calculations of "napkin math" would not apply.

A thought, if there is mating for reproduction between a non-cloned woman with a cloned man that has new/different to what is the norm alterations to his coding. Woman having reproductive ability with offspring having their own DNA coding from both sets of parents, I am wondering if modifications to the human species would exponential excel in evoluntary growth or changes?

no photo
Fri 04/06/12 06:31 AM

I believe the universe is billions + years old thus the creation theory to me does not fit into my belief system. The discoveries of Hubbles Space Telescope (google it) confirms by facts.

I believe more so in the Evolution theory however, and then would not mankind be still evolving equally as a whole person - Physically? Intellectually? Socially? Mentally? Spiritually?

If in parts ... what do you percieve mankind to look like in a thousand years time? Can you form a picture based on what is happening today?

In a thousand years we will be at peace but facing rising tides of violence and confusion.

We will have built a civilization of vast greatness (because men and women will be equal in all things).

In that time when confusion comes again... Also will come the Advent of the Mother to end the Cycle of Eve and put mankind on the next step in our evolution.

Yet there will be another also that traveled far and returned in imagined triumph...

Mankind will split into two branches.

One will journey into a new reality the other will cling to this reality.

Interesting, I see two realities exiting in the world today. There are those who believe in a spiritual realm and live in the world but are not of the world and those who live in the world or physical realm. Realm or the word dimensions and science has proven a 3-D world and others claim a 4th dimension. I wonder what is this new reality you mention?

no photo
Fri 04/06/12 06:59 AM

I really can't picture what humans will look like in a thousand years if they/we survive. But hopefully we will have learned how to stop poisoning our environment and/or have found a way to travel to another planet that can sustain us.

I know I saw that women were going to be fatter in the future because women who have rounder hips and more fat are producing more children in our time and their offspring seems to be healthier therefore making the lineage carry on.

Dragoness there is a Dr. Paula Hamilton, a medical doctor and scholar of Oxford in the UK, who has written books, backed by scientific studies and other researchers findings, states obesity is on the rise, similiar to what you have found. In January 2012 I watched this documentary of Dr. David Suziki of her findings. It was interesting.

Obesity on the rise in the world even with exercise and healthy food eating practises due to environmental factors as a culprit. Factors such as chemical additives to our food source by the food industry being used in beverages, foods; processed and synthesized foods. Pollution also contributing by tainting the air, soil, and all water sources from groundwater to oceans.

So I guess not only women obesity but men too will arise from then altered genetics i.e. over generation and generation to the next generation. DNA slowly is being altered naturally due to the environment we are living in and can see "napkin math" that was mentioned in another thread stating human evolutionary change to be very very minimal over a long time.

Thank you.

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