Community > Posts By > EasternSquirrel

EasternSquirrel's photo
Mon 04/25/11 01:03 PM
Edited by EasternSquirrel on Mon 04/25/11 01:26 PM
(on that first post) What is the address of that cave he lives in?

(on another post) If a woman tells me that she can have any man she wants ....
I'll tell her to go get him, and by god leave me the hell alone.

The last time a "girlfriend" said to me, "all you want is sex" ...
she received a rude awakening when I never touched her again.

Having also served in the military, I've seen a lot too... but nothing like the horrors our fathers faced during the second world war. This life is a push button cake walk by comparison.
We change because we learn to adapt. If we don't adapt, we're buried.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Mon 04/25/11 01:00 PM
How do I handle rejection?
1. Avoid it.
2. Shover her off a cliff. (jk)

I'll live to see another day. Big deal, it wasn't as though my world would crumble .... because I wouldn't build my entire world around her.
I had other more important priorities to deal with.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Mon 04/25/11 12:52 PM
Edited by EasternSquirrel on Mon 04/25/11 12:54 PM
Perhaps I misread a post in there somewhere ....
she's virgin and been around a few times????????
That's bs and it stinks.

Chalk it up and preserve yourself before you con yourself into doing anything you're going to regret.
I sense there is a hell of a lot more going on behind the lines than you realize.
Don't be ignorant. You're not going to change her behavior anymore than you can force the sun to rise or fall.
Buck up and start being smart.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Mon 04/25/11 12:45 PM
Establishing, developing and nurturing a friendship must be first, foremost and always the foundation. Anything more significant must develop mutually from that.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Mon 04/25/11 12:34 PM
Edited by EasternSquirrel on Mon 04/25/11 12:36 PM
I often questioned my own sanity, until I met some friends who by telling about the people they've seen, made me realize just how sane I really am.

Going on the above remark,
people tend to hurd just like lemmings. One goes over a cliff, the others will often follow to their own doom.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Mon 04/25/11 10:57 AM
Why in blazes would an idiot assume he's going to get a piece just because he paid for a date?
He'd be better off just buying a hooker and saving a waste of time and money.

Footing the bill for an evening out, does not entitle anybody to anything and anyone who assumes that is acting more like a primate. It is supposed to be a courting courtesy. Graciously offered and graciously accepted...nothing more.

If the evening out is to be "Dutch Treat", then it should be agreed upon before hand and that is usually relegated to simple "friends" going out. It does not necessarily constitute a "date".

In this age, a woman may ask a man out for dinner/date (or whatever you want to call it) and it's perfectly legitimate. It does not insinuate in anyway that someone is seeking an intimate encounter.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Mon 04/25/11 10:40 AM
Easter is a perversion of the crucifixion.
The mere name of easter was derived from the name of Astarte, a goddess of fertility.
Don't take my word for it. Look it up for yourself.

Look deeper into the matters of faith with your spiritual eye and seek that answer in the spirit of truth.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Mon 04/25/11 10:31 AM
We are designed to be gods.
This world is a training ground for the shape of things to come.
The choice is yours,
remain here and be totally useless and forever bogged down in ignorant quagmire ... or reach for your destiny out there among the stars.
There is a universe out there, full of wonder ...
just waiting for those who have the vision and belief to reach for it.
I don't expect you to understand this,
however the evidence exists and it has existed for millinea.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Sat 04/23/11 11:21 AM
What I want has some conflict with that old scripture of, "I shall not want" ....
I have no "want" if it comes down to that.
I've heard the saying, "don't want what you have and can't have what you want". Seriously, it fits too many people.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Sat 04/23/11 11:16 AM
Qualified for the "job" is similar to saying, "I can roll bread".
If you want to get their attention and get to the next possible
interview step, ask them a question that they have get back to you about.
But, make certain the question is relative to the position you seek.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Sat 04/23/11 11:12 AM
My days off?

I'm always off. <- retired.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Sat 04/23/11 11:10 AM

I initially was looking for someone on this site but gave up on that silly dream. Now just here to post on the forums once in a while.

Hmmm...that is sad.

Nope; not sad just being practical. I have my health, my work, my hobbies,and my music. I don't need anything more.

Can't ask for much more than that.
I'm here because I heard there were nuts. I'm not disappointed.
If I meet someone special, that's great. If not, that's okay.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Sat 04/23/11 11:05 AM
(quote from Conan the barbarian).

Really, happines is a state of mind.
You can often find it within yourself if you follow the road map.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Sat 04/23/11 10:58 AM
That's easy.

Scuba diving.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Fri 04/22/11 03:11 PM

Of course men are intimidated by educated women but I will in fairness say not all men; just the insecure ones. Much like many are intimidated by an independent woman.

well I am screwed then...LOL laugh JK

I am very independent and have realized that I can not make a relationship work with a man that is not independent! I like intelligent men that can challenge my thoughts and carry good conversations as well!

This is the reason I just gave up on the dating. Would rather be single the rest of life than to play dumb and dependent.

Jeeez, who ever taught, instilled or implied you had to be?

EasternSquirrel's photo
Fri 04/22/11 05:16 AM
Cell phones (etc) have their usefulness ... except when in a dead zone ... which usually happens. (A dead zone is where you cannot receive any signal).
What's the point of "texting" from any location when voice would be a far better option? bad, bad, bad move.
But logistically, it's one of the worst ideas to come around in a long time.
The CRASHES (not accidents) have caused too many deaths.
The creators of those little devil's idle hands forgot to include 2 very important features that would make it just a "little more safe" ... VOICE RECOGNITION SOFTWARE AND TEXT TO SPEACH.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/21/11 01:43 PM
Your first love should be learning to love yourself.
You cannot find it anywhere else and nobody is going to give it to you.
Others who seek love from outside themselves for fulfillment will never find it, and all too often drain the one who gave all they had to them. In the long run, they're still destitute and continue on an ocean without any rudder or wind in their sails.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/21/11 07:05 AM
"Real" is a loose term especially when it comes to being "online".
It's an avenue to become aquainted with people from all walks of life. But, don't expect everybody to be completely transparent.
Word for the wise:
Gamers will play their games.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/21/11 06:57 AM
1. My parents taught me about love. They remained together their entire lives and passed away three months of each other.
2. An illustration came to mind one day for me about what true love is. It was a skeleton couple sitting on a couch, still holding hands.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/21/11 06:51 AM
Edited by EasternSquirrel on Thu 04/21/11 06:53 AM
QUOTED: "if you are friends with someone you met online and you go for lunch is it a date or just friends? if you end up getting closer to someone and you went out to lunch with them in the past wouldnt you consider the past lunches dating?....... thats what i mean with the relationship talk :)"

It's just lunch and it's a testing ground to discover wether or not you two will 1. Mesh, 2. be compatable.

Take time to listen what the other person is asking or talking about.
What kind of questions are they asking?
What are they talking about?

If someone lives within an hour of driving, that's not considered long distance by today's standards. Sounds to me as though the person might have an attraction to somebody close by and cannot get their attention, so they're compensating ... but being narrow minded.

If they're telling you "it's too far" ... you're getting the brush off.