Community > Posts By > EasternSquirrel

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/28/11 05:14 PM

I believe that whatever will be will be and that's good enough for me.

If there is no spiritual essence to our reality then this is true for everyone no matter what they believe.

If there is a spiritual essence to our reality then this is true for everyone no matter what they believe.

I also believe that if there is a spiritual essence to reality then clearly we are it.

Tat t'vam asi.

I see no point in creating an external Santa Clause type of God who individually decides who to condemn and who to bestow with gifts. All that does is create yet another unexplained entity. Moreover, if such an entity could exist, then why not two of them, or more? Why not infinitely many? After all, if it's possible for one to exist, then why would it not be possible for infinitely many to exist?

I personally feel that mankind's desire to reduce everything to a single God is just a reflection of our own desire to try to keep things simple. Even the Eastern Mystics prefer to think that all is ONE because ONE is an easier concept to grasp than "Infinitely Many". laugh

There are times I had given thought to our being a "collective".
It could be possible.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/28/11 10:29 AM
Doesn't really matter what the definition of "karma" is.

But things do have a tendency to come around full circle.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/28/11 10:25 AM

Understand the meaning of "image" and "likeness"?

Once that is understood, then you can begin to see the bigger picture.

Historically, (documented).. we have to take a written word and dicern wether or not there is any truth to it.
There was someone who proved that WE are capable of being more than we are led to believe.

Who proved that?

I'll answer your question with a single word. Crucified.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/28/11 10:17 AM
why am I still single?

why not?

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/28/11 10:13 AM

14 years... and then attention from others ...
sex is just sex ....

I smell death knocking on your door.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/28/11 10:08 AM
Edited by EasternSquirrel on Thu 04/28/11 10:09 AM

..let's just say..if i were God..the world would probably be more F**ked up than it already is...smokin

I'll give a loose quote from a commedian ...
"Anybody who can create a world in 7 days and nights; make it rain for 40 days and nights; rain fire and brimstone from the skies to destroy two cities; roll back the waters long enough for a tribe to pass and then let it rush back in to destroy an entire army.... has got to be a fun guy".

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/28/11 10:03 AM
Edited by EasternSquirrel on Thu 04/28/11 10:04 AM
It was written and the spirit testifies to the truth:

"...a new name will be given you..."

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/28/11 09:43 AM
It is true that we cannot rise above the "father".
But, it is given to us to be like him.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/28/11 09:37 AM
Edited by EasternSquirrel on Thu 04/28/11 09:37 AM
This is what I believe.
That we are designed to be greater.
That we, "after his likness and image" are destined to be the co-creators of worlds out there in a universe that's waiting for us.
We are gods in training. We are the Children who are trying to learn how to be like him. To deny this, is to deny what our creator intended and deny the one who learned and tried to set an example for us to follow.

It was written in testimony, "...and you shall do all that I have done, and more...".

That is the matter of faith and believing.

There was one (according to scripture and testimony of faith),
who proved what we are capable of, yet the generation of his time did not understand. Still throughout history, generation after generation persists in misunderstanding .... keeping out of reach that which was born in us since the begining.
True, we cannot rise above "God" whose true name is unfathomable.
But we are given a gift to receive freely ... not just "salvation" ... but something far more wonderful.

What is a messiah, but one who shows (or lights) the way. His people could not understand this. Many still do not.
God is not unreachable, but rather lives within his creation.
There can be no better teacher given to us.

One of the first revelations I received was this question:
"if you could walk on water too, what else would you do?"
Then later on, I began to understand the scope of that meaning.
How magnificent!

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/28/11 05:41 AM
Edited by EasternSquirrel on Thu 04/28/11 05:44 AM
"nobody comes to the father except through/by me"...
If anybody really understood what he was saying.....

I know exactly what he is saying.

Example: all these things you will do, and more ....

Most people have no idea and no clue.

Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle ....

It is so true.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/28/11 05:34 AM

1 In the beginning WAS THE WORD ,



I didn't see that in Genesis

in Genesis it states that

"In The Beginning" God created the Heavens and the Earth

nothing about the word....perhaps it's a misprint

You're in for a shock if you read the greek text.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Thu 04/28/11 05:31 AM
On the title, my first thought is of the Moody Blues and their song by that title.
Ever listen to them?

EasternSquirrel's photo
Wed 04/27/11 10:21 PM
Edited by EasternSquirrel on Wed 04/27/11 10:24 PM

Peter_Pan wrote:

Get a clue man, you are guilty of all the things you accuse Christians of, yet you deny any responsibility for your own words...

The "Christians" I refer to are the AUTHORS of the Bible. Not the modern day followers who use that label.

As a label for modern day followers the term is utterly meaningless, because everyone uses it to mean something entirely different.

In fact, modern day "Christians" usually don't even agree with each other.

Actually, the "bible" is a compiliation of many manuscripts. It's not entirely written by "christians", but rather by the spiritually inspired. The languages are ancient aramaic, egyptian, Latin and hebrew to Greek. Thank the Nicene Council for screwing it up. They chose what books to include and what not to include. Charlemeins choice was for only Mat. Mark, Luke and John. Typical neo-roman emperor (and megalomaniac) attempting to unify everyone under one banner.
If you take a close look at the greek text of the new testament and attempt to translate it, you will notice many words that are familiar to our language, but you will also begin to notice what resembles a jigsaw puzzle that was compiled from many different puzzles (because of the differences in regional dialects spanning about 1000 years). Gotta hand it to them for trying.
There would come a time when the title "christian" would be considered a curse.
There was a breakthrough when the dead sea scrolls were found and that one entire book of the scriptures was found contained in one of the jars (I believe it was the book of Isaiah and that's old testament written in ancient hebrew). That was the most complete "singular" translation ever found and that shed light on a lot of things.
You would be surprised at what you discover when you begin reading the scriptures in Greek. ... seriously.

As for hell ... "hell" is the grave. The common misconception is that we're doomed to burn, yada yada yada ... WRONG.
The fire that is never quenched refers to the permanence of the destruction. ("the wages of sin is death" ... not everlasting life, especially in the 'torture chamber' as alluded to by the holy rollers and evangelicals). The everlasting fire means total and complete destruction. No deposit, no return.
Take a look at a funeral ... who's weeping and gnashing their teeth?
It's the people who are living that are doing it for the dead who were lost from them. You see it happen all around the world today in every culture especially around disasters. But even though they may be lost to the living, they are not entirely lost. They were already bought for a dear price. But who is to say we "sleep" until then.
But rather that we transition through a door to a much greater adventure.
Death is death .... it is not eternal life. Don't be deceived.
To claim that we're not "saved" is a deception.
We were already purchased for the price of blood and we await the time for redemption. (You know, when our ticket gets called in).
THAT salvation comes when it's time and not before.
There is something in there that defines who WE are and what we are meant to be. There is something more to Yeshua than we realize and that those things (miracles) documented Post mortem ... that there is a clear message for those who are willing to "listen".

Look it up with your own eyes if you don't believe me. Better yet, learn to read greek and you'll see it more clearly. Keep your eyes open for everything, because you'll begin to read things that will astound you. Those are many things that present day religions fail to teach.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Wed 04/27/11 05:26 PM
Edited by EasternSquirrel on Wed 04/27/11 05:29 PM
I did get a photo of a spirit. No, it wasn't a dark and menacing figure. She appeared more like a lady in white with blue robes. She was very faint and standing next to a door and looking down at a young girl who was peering into the abandoned store.
The odd thing was, when I snapped the shot .... there was nothing there in that spot. She showed up after the film was developed.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Wed 04/27/11 05:23 PM do you know that if you wereto find someone ,or they were to find you that they would be messing it up ..and not enhancing it..either way navygirl i hope things go well for you..take care...smokin

I just prefer not to be involved with anyone. I want to come and go as I please; not have to call when I am late; not pretend that I can't do something to stroke a guy's ego, not have to go to places I can't stand to make him happy, and I just refuse to compromise. So yes, a relationship would mess up my life not enhance it. I learned that 20 years ago. I hope things go well for you too. Cheers.

You got your head screwed on straight. Bravo.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Wed 04/27/11 07:26 AM
Understand the meaning of "image" and "likeness"?

Once that is understood, then you can begin to see the bigger picture.

Historically, (documented).. we have to take a written word and dicern wether or not there is any truth to it.
There was someone who proved that WE are capable of being more than we are led to believe.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Wed 04/27/11 07:15 AM
only the one on my forehead that says, "what was I thinking?"

EasternSquirrel's photo
Wed 04/27/11 07:06 AM
It is unlikely that you'll ever really find what your heart desires by lurking on the internet. Get out there among people and start living your own life.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Wed 04/27/11 07:03 AM

I have thought of doing that, but my webcam is terrible and I haven't quite got the hang of the camera on my new Droid X phone.

Try using a regular 35mm or digital, either with a built in
10 second timer .... and a tripod. Works wonders.
I'd recommend the 35mm though since it renders a much higher resolution when run though the digital photo editor.

EasternSquirrel's photo
Wed 04/27/11 07:00 AM

If I am paying for a sitter, it would be nice for a man to pay for my dinner....frankly I am getting tired of going out to eat on dates though. Men want skinny girls....and yet they continue to feed us...let's go kayaking it so much more fun...and it's only $10....

Now you're talking! :thumbsup: