Community > Posts By > OpenMindOpenHeart
You are quite welcome lulu24. I don't always talk. I listen and observe as well.
was=race sorry for typo
Knox in this instance your idea of "reverse racism" is a misnomer based on the definition of racism. Racism is the belief that a particular was is superior to another. In American society it is blatantly obvious who runs the country and who holds the purse strings otherwise there would be no such thing as minorities. As far as the people that you mentioned saying whatever they want and getting away with it I would have to say that those people certainly have a hell of a lot more money and power for the most part than your average American and that could be why they are given a pass. Does that make it right? Absolutely not.
This may be a little bit off the topic of Dog but within the same thought- Why is it that everyones first defense to not being a racist is "I have friends that are black."? We all know that there is a big difference between being an aquaintance with someone that you may be ok with sharing a meal or conversation with and actually have that someone live in your home with you or date/marry or have children with someone in your own family.
It is also annoying that somehow Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have become the national spokepersons for all of black america. These two have a habit of saying some of the most asinine things ever.
The word B*tch is used all of the time but that doesn't mean I would call my mother that just because I was angry. The whole idea that Dog said the word because he was angry is ridiculous. He even said on the tape that this is a word that they use all of the time and he doesn't want someone to hear him saying it and selling it to the tabloids and ruin his career. That says to me the he is like most cowardly racists and he would rather seethe hatred in private amongst his friends but not in public where it will hurt his pockets because he knows that Americans of all races like his show.
I as an intelligent black female has not ever and would not ever use the word toward another person black or otherwise. I think even amongst young black people the word is over used and shows a form of ignorance to some degree. People need to expand their vocabulary.
I actually considered myself to be a fan of the guys show, however, I think everyone should listen to the tape on msnbc. It wasn't just an angry rant, he actually said if his daughter Lisa or his son Leland brought home a N***** he would say F*** You. That is racist.
yup I shot myself
**Ouch** Glad you're ok. You have to be more careful because those middle fingers can really come in handy.
first time
That's so sweet Kater. Lots of luck to you both.
"Birds of a feather..." OrangeCat
A.K.A. Blank Social Calendar
Feeling good. It's always a comfort to know that I can go back to bed whenever the urge strikes me.
Good morning. I think we would all sleep better if we had someone to snuggle up to and maybe steal the covers.
A little crazy I can handle as long as he's crazy about me. Obsessed on the other hand is a deal breaker.
Good morning
Good morning all.
Need home remidies
I've never used it but a lot of people swear by mucinex. Must be pretty good stuff.
Need home remidies
Try a saline solution or a mix of regular salt and water and stand over the sink or toilet and rinse your nasal cavity. It helps if you have a small teapot or a hair color bottle that has never been used.
You shouldn't have to worry about that for long anyway. Especially if you're in college.
Hairy palms is what mothers used to tell their sons they would get if they kept "pleasuring" themselves.