doesnt_play_well's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:23 PM
lol u go girl...*snap snap snap*

doesnt_play_well's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:21 PM
let her know who vrought her into the world and who can take her back j/k

doesnt_play_well's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:19 PM
i want to be a writer so badly

doesnt_play_well's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:15 PM
ohio or it

doesnt_play_well's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:11 PM

doesnt_play_well's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:10 PM
go to a health online thing and show her everything that could go wrong.......leave little notes with the disease names on them to remind her of it(i.e. in a lunch when she goes to eat she sees it) and most of all keep telling her you love her....i starte donce for the attention til i realized i didnt need it and my mom loved me too....try that and good luck

doesnt_play_well's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:08 PM
wassup welcome

doesnt_play_well's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:05 PM
wow blunt

doesnt_play_well's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:02 PM
i like it too and i also find that style harder than most to express whaty u truly mean

doesnt_play_well's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:01 PM
They married before i was ever born
thats all thre was to know
they'd live happily ever after
build the perfect home

eight days later i was born
my father held me tight
he looked into my eyes
and i drempt into the night

but as his grip began to loosen
i could feel him slip away
and little did i know
that this would be the day

not even one year of my life went by
and all i did was cry
my father grabbed me by my throat
he couldnt, but he tried

what was going through his head
i will never know
but he layed me down in my crib
and told my mom he had to go

by the time that i was two
i would never have guessed
that my father leaving
would rip the heart from my chest

and before i knew it
it became more rough
every other weekend
just wasnt enough

but he never calle dme
and he'd never smile
he promised he'd only be gone
for a little while

on the weekends when we saw him
he had more anger than was worth bearing
then his mother told him i wasnt his
and from that day he stopped caring

he took all his anger out on me
no matter what i did
he never did realize
i was only just a kid

a few bruises later
the cops came to my house
i stayed in my room
i was too scared to come out

they gave him a second chance
to prove he was a dad
they didnt see how many chances
he had already had

so they eventually let him go
and all he did was laugh
he had escaped the system again
without even a scratch

and then he looked at me
with that decieving evil grin
and i knew from that day on
it was only about to begin

by this time i was only three
and i had more scars than i could count
i had no p[ride and i had no joy
but i definatly had doubt

its probably hard to imagine
how hard it was to cope
living through everyday
crushed at every hope

but i became the person i am today
without a dad at all
and evertime i turned around
he was there to watch me fall

he pushed me off my bike one day
and shoved me to the ground
and then he looked me in the eyes
and dared to ask why i wasnt around

well im eighteen now
i havent seen my dad in a while
he didnt even call on my birthday
and yet somehow i still manage to smile

when i look at my scars in the mirror
all i see is hate
i didnt see even as a child
he was torturing my fate

yet everyday i manage to move on
and still continue to live
even though i cant face the man
that i refuse to forgive

but everyday i wish i had
just a little more affection
that maybe could replace the hole
of my fathers rejection.

doesnt_play_well's photo
Wed 11/14/07 08:29 PM
wow i thought more people would post then this

doesnt_play_well's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:58 PM
that was pretty cool

doesnt_play_well's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:51 PM

doesnt_play_well's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:48 PM
takers? meaning?

doesnt_play_well's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:31 PM
why is it this way
not a word not a sound
lingering in my silence
no hope to be found
and yet something gives me words
to speak from my silence
to rise up and say
"use your common sence"
so i wait for mr perfect
as painful as it is
with nothing left but silence
my heartbeat and his

doesnt_play_well's photo
Tue 11/13/07 08:41 PM

watch that

doesnt_play_well's photo
Tue 11/13/07 08:39 PM
that was discusting

doesnt_play_well's photo
Tue 11/13/07 08:36 PM
can someone link me to the vid?

doesnt_play_well's photo
Tue 11/13/07 08:35 PM
cant find it all i can find is reactions

doesnt_play_well's photo
Tue 11/13/07 07:56 PM