Community > Posts By > FullMetal

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Mon 09/25/06 10:11 PM
In case you haven't heard , the man running this show has stated that a
chat room would probably be the next feature to happen after the friends
list. However, we have no idea when this could happen, so the forum
boards will have to suffice till then. Or will it?

I was thinking maybe, if others are interested, we could pick a time and
meet online in a private Yahoo chat room made by one of us. just a nice
way to further get to know the members of the board, and maybe even a
practice run for when we finally do get a chat room here. So what do you
guys think? Does the idea have a little merit, or does it just suck all
the way around? -=x

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Mon 09/25/06 10:01 PM
" I like a lot of the new bands out today as well, just
cant remember their names! lol Who does that song getting down with the
sickness? Great song"

Disturbed, I do believe. -=x

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Mon 09/25/06 09:57 PM
ROFLMAO @ OJ Dr. Suess! That was bloody awesome! I am so printing that

I remember seeing the verdict on the news...I was at some bar during a
convention when it came on the news. I damn near choked on my vodka!
Gotta love California justice towards the famous...Just ask Robert Blake
as well. -=x

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Mon 09/25/06 09:47 PM
LMAO! I just knew this would be here!

But yup, I totally miscalled that game. I don't know what happened to
Vick and the defense...Bad gumbo, too much partying in the French
Quarters, freakin' voodoo curse...I have no clue. Ah well, if the
Falcon's had to get stomped, at least it was by my other home team. -=p

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Mon 09/25/06 09:36 PM
Rammstein is metal? I always considered it more industrial...Well, at
least they were before their latest offering. "Mein Teil" is pretty
damn metal, IMO.

I enjoy my metal, among other genres. I like some of the more well known
stuff like Tool, Fear Factory, Danzig, old Megadeath and Anthrax, A
Perfect Circle...And then there's the more not so known stuff like
Charon, In Flames, Entombed, Dozer and other stuff. -=x

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Mon 09/25/06 09:07 PM
lol! Those were pretty funny...Guess I'll share one.

So this married couple goes to their local zoo, and winds up standing in
front of a gorilla cage. The woman, who's wearing a very tight and short
dress, seems to catch the gorilla's attention as he starts to get
agitated and beat on his chest loudly.

The husband notices this and decides to have some fun, telling his wife
to tease the gorilla a little. The wife agrees and after looking around
to make sure they're alone, lifts her blouse and flashes the gorilla
with her rather well endowed chest. After seeing this, the gorilla gets
even more excited.

The husband then encourages his wife to up the ante a little and the
wife says OK. She then turns around and slowly bends over to touch toes,
her tight very short dress rising up and showing the gorilla her sexy
botom that is barely covered by a pink thong. This serves to greatly
arouse the gorilla and drive him crazy, as he sports a huge erection and
tries to tear the bars off the cage.

Suddenly, the man grabs his wife, opens the cage door and quickly tosses
her into the cage with the horny gorilla and locks the door behind her.
As his wife looks between him and the gorilla, horrified and puzzled, he
sneers at her and says "OK, let's see you tell HIM 'Not
tonight, I have a headache'!" -=x

no photo
Mon 09/25/06 08:23 PM
" The last couple of guys I did meet from online, I was
actually barefoot when I met them. So I guess I solved the shoe issue
for myself."

HA! Well, that probably would work well for women, as they tend to have
small feet. Now if I went to meet someone with my big size 15's
shoeless, that probably wouldn't go over well. -=x

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Mon 09/25/06 07:30 PM
"Just so you know I'm not a total heartless biatch..I didn't let on it
was about the shoes....


Hmm...This makes me wonder if a woman has ever broken up with me
secretly because of my love of dark clothing? Well, hells bells! -=x

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Mon 09/25/06 07:27 PM
Aw, Wendy...You're sweet, and cute, too! I'm sure you'll have no
problems with luck meeting someone on here, I'm betting.

Heck, if you weren't so much younger then me...Well, you know. -=D

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Mon 09/25/06 07:22 PM
"So you mean to tell me guys, if you were with a woman that wore
something distasteful to you that you wouldn't be turned off by it?


After confering with my attorney, I have been advised to invoke my fifth
ammendment right to remain silent and not answer this question in fear
it might incriminate me...-=x

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Mon 09/25/06 07:17 PM
Well, I thought 'Hero' was a little bit better then 'Fists of Legend',
and I liked 'Fearless' better then 'Hero'. Then again, it could be the
fact that Jet Li does this amazing scene with a three section staff, and
I'm always impressed when someone uses it well. I remember when I was a
kid and wanted so badly to learn to use one, and tried. Needless to say
after battering myself with it for a few weeks, I gave up and decided to
learn kendo. Its much safer and we wore padded armor during
competitions. -=x

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Mon 09/25/06 07:10 PM
God Of War was a pretty decent game, although it was a bit on the short
side. As for the nudity, you should have seen the beta they had before
it got shown to the ratings board...Yikes!

IMO, best game would be Halo 2...Fast paced, action packed and I've won
almost over $12,000 playing it in competitions. -=x

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Mon 09/25/06 07:07 PM
On the movie front, Jet Li's 'Fearless' was excellent and would highly
reccomened it to any action movie fans out there. -=x

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Mon 09/25/06 07:02 PM
A knew a woman's shoes were very important to her, but I had no idea the
guy's shoes were equally as important...Jeez, we guys are screwed twice
over due to women and shoes! -=x

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Mon 09/25/06 06:44 PM
I'm not a woman, but I am kind of interested in the responses to this
topic. Not that you asked a guy, but as one my opinion is that marriage
after only two weeks of knowing someone is begging for disaster. You
can't possibly know enough about someone in that short period of time to
even begin to think about trying to spending the rest of your life with
them, IMO.

On the other hand, things probably wouldn't be too dull in the more then
likely brief marriage time. I mean, after such a short period of time
and getting a chance to really learn about someone and what makes them
tick, you'll be constantly surprised by new and sometimes annoying
traits, habits and general quirks that in most cases lead to a final
destination in a divorce courtroom. -=x

no photo
Mon 09/25/06 05:58 PM
"Yeah I noticed your picture. I think it's cool though."

I know, right? Thank you, Glamour Shots! -=x

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Mon 09/25/06 05:55 PM
I've met a couple people from online before. One was a positive
experience and we had a shot at working out, but I was east coast, she
was west coast and we both had jobs that forced us to stay put for more
then two years. So rather then let a good thing die a slow, lingering
death by long distance over so long, we decided to part as really good

Now my other experience? That wasn't so good. She swore up and down she
was a recent divorcee, therefore single. So I come to stay for a few
days and when I first get there, everything is good. Then that evening
when we're sitting around talking, this guy just walks in and doesn't
say a word, but gives me thing crazy evil glare before heading to the
back room. I ask her is that some room mate she forgot to mention and
reluctantly she tells me that's her husband and they aren't really
divorced yet. So I ask her isn't kind of weird to be trying to get
involved with someone else while the husband she's seperated from is
still living with her, right? And then she tells me that to be honest,
they aren't really seperated either, and then has the nuts to ask me if
I would tell her husband that I'm just a friend and nothing more that
she met from online. I told her that was no problem because she would be
lucky if we were ever even that much after her deciet.

So, for my efforts of trying to find a good woman to maybe have a real
relationship with, I instead got treated to a very, very awkward and
tense 4 day visit then ended with the husband finally being fed up and
flat out accusing his wife on cheating with me, and her instead of
smartly denying it decides to admit to it, thereby causing a very
colorful domestic incedent that had the local police visiting the house
and almost dragging me off to jail with the fighting couple. Oy

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Mon 09/25/06 05:31 PM
Depends on how you define luck, I guess. I've met a few people I could
easily see being friends with, so I'm lucky in that aspect. As for
someone to date or have a relationship with? Well, I only joined last
week, so I'm not surprised that I haven't had much luck on that front

Then again, it could be my pic...-=x

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 07:18 PM
The Friends addition is a good idea, but Chat being next is great news!

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 03:53 AM
Bwa-hahahahaha @ DeeDee's story!!!

Oh man...That was right bleeding hilarious! -=