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Wed 11/07/07 02:49 PM
Hey, I held the door open for some girl the other day and do it all the time. I'm a gentlemen too bad.

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Wed 11/07/07 02:46 PM
Oh damn still that sucks. I don't feel bad for him he's probably richer then I'll ever be haha. I just thought he added a lot to ecw and was one of their few good guys.

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Wed 11/07/07 02:39 PM
uh yea how bout no

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Wed 11/07/07 02:36 PM
I have a soulpatch.. first time i ever decided to do anything with it

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Wed 11/07/07 01:58 PM

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Wed 11/07/07 12:01 PM
The problem with ECW is Chris Benoit. After he did all that stuff ECW lost it's one established star and now has a bunch of Mid carders running it. Not that it's bad I like BDV, John Morrison, Cm punk and Elijah Burke. They also shouldn't have released Marcus Cor Von.

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Tue 11/06/07 08:43 PM
the funny thing isn't NPH gay?

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Tue 11/06/07 06:23 PM
would u call someone u "liked" using their phone? or would u use that phone as an excuse to not call?

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Tue 11/06/07 02:49 PM
it's neil patrick harris!

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Tue 11/06/07 02:47 PM
yea except i'm not going on a date so I guess i'm lucky? Haha

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Tue 11/06/07 01:42 PM
She is a convicted felon of 20 murders, a psychopathic rapist, and a stalker extraordinaire. Damn I bet on the wrong horse.

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Tue 11/06/07 01:37 PM
I can't wait til the giants win and all you cowboy fans will be choking on your words. You won when the Giants sucked in YOUR stadium. The giants are on fire right now in THEIR home stadium. Romo will be sacked at least 7 times and the Giants will win.

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Tue 11/06/07 08:25 AM
Well, it's hard to find anyone on here unfortunately. The problem with a dating site is everyone is from so many different places that it's next to impossible to find someone from where you are unless you live in New York City or any large city filled with singles who don't have time for dating.

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Tue 11/06/07 08:09 AM
Well, Delhomme got injured so it's David "i get sacked more then potatoes" Carr and Vinny "older then dirt" Testeverde. Tavaris Jackson is the WORST qb in the league and the Vikings have not 1 good receiver. I believe they are the 30th ranked passing offense. Jackson their qb has like a 49 completion %. Peterson runs the show in Minnesota by a large margin.

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Tue 11/06/07 08:06 AM
Yea.. I really liked him. He played the villain role to a tee and really made you hate his scumbag worthless ass

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Tue 11/06/07 07:17 AM
well if she has porn pictures and i have to wait to get with her that would be a little weird. haha i figure if she had porn pictures shes an easy one haha

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Mon 11/05/07 09:54 PM
No.. she goes to college... and she has prom pictures in her profile...

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Mon 11/05/07 09:34 PM
yea lol then i'd block her or give her a wrong number haha

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Mon 11/05/07 09:31 PM
I enjoyed raw tonight. Stone cold was hilarious and the D-X match was great. Survivor series is shaping up well as always but that Khali/Hornswoggle match just makes me wonder why Khali went from main eventing to squashing a midget. I guess they finally realized he sucks. I think edge is returning at SVS hence the poster. I really hope so because edge rules.

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Mon 11/05/07 09:28 PM
Well, we talk on AIM a lot. Hours a day.. but i believe her now because she took her cell phone out of her away messages. They used to always say "cells good" now it just says leave a message here. Plus she was whining about being naked before cuz her cell phones broken and that her parents are jerks for not buying her a new one. So, unless shes a complete psycho I believe her..

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