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Sat 11/03/07 09:27 PM
So I should just throw everything I want out the window?

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Sat 11/03/07 09:24 PM
I don't care if i'm second best. It doesn't matter to me.

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Sat 11/03/07 09:21 PM
yep. you're right if those people are asking why they're ugly or if they are then obviously they have absolutely no confidence. who wants someone who thinks they're ugly especially if its a girl. i really dont think reassuring a girl every 5 mins that shes not ugly is fun i used to do it with this girl who was really pretty i just think she enjoyed hearing that she was beautiful

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Sat 11/03/07 09:14 PM
Well, no she told me it was someone else. Maybe she doesn't like him anymore cuz she said he hurt her emotionally so maybe I'll give her more time. I guess I don't know I just don't want to fall for someone who's gonna be like other people i've fell for in the past. I've had girls tell me for weeks they're thinking about going out with me then say oh the entire time i didn't want to date you i just felt bad saying no.

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Sat 11/03/07 09:06 PM
I asked how you're suppose to feel. Sad?

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Sat 11/03/07 09:04 PM
i like jerk wad but asswipe is better and btw i ws making fun of the girls who beg for messages then dont respond cuz if they didnt want to be single they wouldnt

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Sat 11/03/07 09:02 PM
how are you suppose to feel when you think someone likes you and they tell you they like someone but the person they like doesn't like them (meaning they dont like you)?

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Sat 11/03/07 08:59 PM
i prefer asswipe, it's like my favorite thing

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Sat 11/03/07 08:36 PM
nah i really dont care ive emailed like 40 people and like 3 responded but the 3 who have are really great. people being rude doesn't bother me i just find it hilarious all these girls ***** about being single then don't respond to guys who are interested.

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Sat 11/03/07 08:32 PM
maybe if people weren't such rude assholes (the ones you email) they wouldn't be single haha

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Sat 11/03/07 07:28 PM
g-unit in this mother****er

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Sat 11/03/07 04:46 PM
My experiences are that it's not really that good and if the person is logged in but not on the actual site they won't even get your instant message. You're better off befriending someone and hoping they have yahoo/aol/msn because the JSH messenger really isn't worth the time.

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Sat 11/03/07 11:29 AM
I go out a lot. School, work, hanging out with people and still I have problems meeting girls explode

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Sat 11/03/07 10:49 AM
I thought this movie was awesome. Very action packed and I liked the plot with all the corruption.

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Sat 11/03/07 10:03 AM
I play gears, halo 3, madden and mlb 2k7. I've had many other games in the past though.

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Sat 11/03/07 10:02 AM
i'll play you tonight if you want just make a game or invite me or whatever i'm probably gonna be playing games all night unless I go out which I doubt

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Sat 11/03/07 10:00 AM
Umm you are wow I never said 2 mins I said she talked to me for 2 mins and then left maybe if you had reading comprehension you would have actually understood the situation.

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Fri 11/02/07 09:25 PM
Well, what if all they get is sex or a hook up and no money is involved and the guy wants to take it further and they ignore? Let me guess most women still think the guy is a pig and the woman is just not interested

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Fri 11/02/07 09:19 PM
So what about women that do this? Are they pigs too?

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Fri 11/02/07 07:19 PM
not now but anytime u want add me as a friend and ill play gears.. tomorrow night if ur up 4 it darkassassin108

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