UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Tue 10/23/07 10:10 AM
No one liked this epic poem?

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Tue 10/23/07 10:09 AM
TY :)

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Tue 10/23/07 10:08 AM
Thank you LAMom :)

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Tue 10/23/07 10:06 AM
Thank you BRM :)

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Tue 10/23/07 10:05 AM
Thank you

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Tue 10/23/07 10:03 AM
Wow, thank you everyone! You are all so sweet I feel like a candyman


UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:45 AM

When in the first
Of a new days
The rose
Gazes at the
Sight through
A sleepy eye
And elegantly tastes
The morning dew
As it begins to
Under the
Approaching light
Of day
It is a sight
To behold
Every time your
Beauty fills
My sight and
My mind and
My heart
I recall
The rose and
The morning that I
Was privileged
To lay nearby
And share
This intimate

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:06 PM
Thank you My that was a long one, wasn't it?


UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Mon 10/22/07 05:43 PM
The Dance

As my weary head found pillow
And the days end found its’ tail
The piano softly started
As my eyelids posted bail

It was a melody of ragtime
Played with heart, this lively tune
And I pushed on through the swinging doors
Into my dream saloon

The floor was like some time now past
Planked wood once lain with care
Stained with beer and broken glass
A bar with stools for chairs

A piano in the corner playing
Tables lined with playing cards
A grand staircase to the upper floor
A wooden Indian standing guard

The light was from a chandelier
Candles shone through dusty glass
Reflections from the whiskey bottle
Where I thought my night would pass

One boot was on the rail
And the other on the floor
Each time the bottom of my glass
Appeared I’d pour some more

I tipped the glass back one more time
And set it on the bar
I walked across the creaking floor
And tuned up the old guitar

I sat on the piano bench
Six strings upon my knee
When pick was found I strummed
The sound changed the sight for me

For as my eyes looked out
Without a doubt the vision there was true
Atop the grand old staircase stood
My vision which was you

You were a sight by candlelight
A vision all in satin
My eyes were starred, my mouth ajar
The night was filled with violins

Your eyes like open windows
Beyond which lay a lovely sight
Your silken hair a waterfall
Reflecting stars of candlelight

Your poise as graceful as a dancer
As down the staircase you did glide
I could see the fire of passion
That you kept alive inside

And I can’t forget your silhouette
No lovelier dream could exist
Nor the moment when our hands met
And my skin by yours was kissed

My day was long but here was strong
A moment without faults
And my night was filled with wonder
As the music turned to waltz

No room for step was needed
As we moved about the floor
We had discovered our own cloud
My feet would touch the ground no more

My senses were enraptured as
I held you in my arms
With each step I fell much deeper
Under the spell of all your charms

Faster still the music played
We a plaything to its pace
But to me the world was in my arms
As we danced about the place

With each step I gazed in wonder
Your beauty had me quite hypnotized
And the softness of your touch a dream
My fingers soon realized

You smelled of flower petals
And had the softness so to share
As lovely as the finest rose
None grown could be as fair

We moved as two who moved as one
Each note took us its place
My arms were warm with you beside
My eyes upon your face

My heart watched with a smile
Every pretty pirouette
My arms held you with hunger
As tight as our dance let us get

I was lost well inside your magic
And our own orchestra played on
This time, this place, this dance was ours
A moment never to be gone

The world had changed from one
With gravity and one with weather
As my time spent dancing with you
Made my step light as a feather

With the sound we chased this special place
Where our paths had intersected
Where we checked our guns there at the door
And let our hearts in unprotected

And in our embrace I watched your face
Your eyes, your soft lips smiled
And I felt your hands on my back
They felt warm and soft awhile

Your eyes met mine in hunger
As the dancing fed our need
You a dream in Satin and
Us a dream guaranteed

With a night above the floor behind us
The orchestras tune now but a hiss
As we stood before each other
You raised your eyes to give me a kiss

I placed my fingers on your cheeks
And held your face close to mine
As my lips met yours to devour
A kiss sweeter than sugar or wine

The timepieces all had stopped frozen
In place like the way that my heart didn’t beat
Yet my pulse was to race as we held our embrace
As this time and this dance was complete


UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Mon 10/22/07 02:27 PM
The clock had since stuck midnight
When my dream began
In technocolor, dolby sound
All just for this simple man
But more than memorex could be
With emotions and sincerity
I held my dream tightly to me
Searching all the passion two souls can
My dream has silky hair above
Two eyes filled up with fire and love
A gaze as soft as any dove
A smile that fills the night
Skin as fine as silk and mist
Lovely nipples harden as they're kissed
A sexy figure not to miss
So enchanting in candle light
To taste her kiss was heaven
As kissing was beneath her face
I could feel our hearts both beating
As we lived in an embrace
Lovely thighs around the nectar
That was like sugar on my tongue
We devoured all we had to give
Until a new day was young
And I couldn't find depression
That had reigned the world began that eve
The darkness that had ruled the sunset
Had been taken far from me
All I knew was my own paradise
And the princess waiting there
Whose arms took me to heaven
As their touch was light as air
And as I returned to earth
All I could think was I want more
And so the angels will find me
Knocking on heavens door

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Mon 10/22/07 07:00 AM
Why thank you MsTeddyBear2u, you are too sweet!

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Sun 10/21/07 07:20 PM
Fascinating. (Thankyou Mr. Spock) Turning the delicious experience of a relationship to a contest with a winner and a loser.

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Sun 10/21/07 07:15 PM
Hi. Over the course of good marriage and the better and worse of dating for a while now, my observations have sort of given me a few guidelines.

Number 1, honesty. Give it. Expect it back. And you know, honesty is not always a pretty flower.

Number 2, if a relationship affected you to the point that with in the first week of a new relationship, you are looking for flaws, maybe as an out, re-examine what level you want things to be at, IE dating now and then or is this the one. And discuss it. Then see number 1.

Number 3, get the big stuff on the table within the first two weeks. Doesn't have to be every detail, but if there are to be surprises, some folks don't like surprises. Did I mention I work for my ex? That kind of thing.

Number 4, if it seems too good to be true, at the very least be wary. Somethings are meant to be. Other things only seem like they were meant to be.

It isn't really hard to know that some people have different expactations (a new way to spell expectations)of a relationship. A relationship can last for years, my parents are in their fifty - first year of marriage, or a relationship can be as short as going to get the morning paper and saying hello for the first time to someone passing by on the street. Bear in mind that most people, especially the male ones, are more coward than lion, and this can make them controller or user types. it can also make them too timid to speak their minds.

I wish you the best of luck. Remember, have faith, believe in hope, don't forget to embrace the little parts of the day and enjoy it even when you are alone.

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Sun 10/21/07 06:48 PM
Awaken on a Monday morning
The fog has set without a warning
Where did I park the damn boat anyway
But after coffee's several passes
Though your mind is moving as molasses
So begins another weeks first day
You chuck the lines and start the outboard
Back on up and thank the good lord
There's wind enough to let you use your sails
You clear the mooring and the docks
Set your course for distant rocks
And hope the pumps below will work and bail
You've made it past the harbor mouth
And know your course is heading south
You kill the prop and as the sea slides past
You struggle with the slipcord knots
And slip the cover from its slots
And run that big old mainsail up the mast
The wind is now just like a lover
Fills the sail and you rediscover
The power creaking from the wooden bow
And with a kiss from Neptune's daughter
Your craft does fly across the water
A living beast that rides the depths below
With the wooden ships wheel in your hand
Once again you make a stand
To capture the very winds that make you move
Part man and partly buccaneer
The wind and sun help you to steer
And once again the laws of the sea you prove
A sea lion jumps there off to port
As if your boat to try to court
You tack to starboard just his path to free
And there off in the distant view
Where the flock of seagulls flew
Floats your marker, gently bobbing in the sea
With rudder lean and breeze released
Your tack to starboard has increased
And you make it look like a walk in the park
You have something none can see
A proper ocean strategy
And hit the turn at just the proper arc
With hands a flying and back relaxed
You hit the lines and move them back
And prepare to duck when the yard arm starts to go
You've done this feat a hundred times
Your motions fluid, your call, it chimes
Sailor,Prepare to jibe JIBE HO!
You slip the corner smooth as silk
And though the wind it tries to bilk
Your line handling quickly writes the check
The wind is soon right off the scale
And oilcloth billows at full sail
And throws a mighty shadow on the deck
Behind a pair of Bole shades
You watch your own show of escapades
Your race is with the very sea you sail
The sun is high, azure the sky
As you watch seaweed streaking by
It's safe to say the check is in the mail
Your grip is tight upon the wheel
Your rudder taut behind the keel
Your flag is whipping as the wind flies past
You fight the breeze yet feel secure
For providence had you procure
A shiny silver coin beneath the mast
The morning fog has all burned off
For the Golden Gate your cap you doff
And wave a single hand for those spectators
Then your attentions on the task at hand
As you yourself have your craft manned
And it is you who will alone face yourself later
You stand over decks of teak
And know the feeling that you seek
The way the sun and wind are worn upon your brow
The freedom's priceless that you find
Like Drake did on his Golden Hind
As the ocean water slides beneath your prow
There is no thought of yesterday
And tomorrow's not yet made it's way
Your mind is focused quite completely on the now
The sea surrounds you and your boat
Just like a castle in a moat
A pirate lives again within your skin somehow
And with a patch upon one eye
Your dagger strapped upon your thigh
The Jolly Roger flying high above your mast
You dream of treasure found by plunder
And all the ships that got pulled under
When roamed the pirates on the briny sea so vast
Again you see the sea lions jump
And feel your heart begin to thump
As you spot the ribbon marker up ahead
Your craft is hungry on the sea
And glides through whitecaps gracefully
And seems to know the way to go as if it's led
As you shoot past the finish line
It's time for smiles and cold wine
Another trophy check sure to find a banker
Before too long you'll race no more
And you'll hop onto the shore
And leave your craft to pull upon its anchor
Still, each time the ocean fills your gaze
Your heart will drift back to the days
When pirate captains sailed with an iron will
And with the brisk wind on your cheek
You'll chase the freedom that you seek
And always find that special ocean thrill

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Sun 10/21/07 03:27 PM
Nicely said.

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Sun 10/21/07 03:22 PM
Well, Robert, for heavens sake, send some over and I will read it to them! JK, thanks Bro. Stay tuned - Tomorrow I will post my tribute to Monday mornings and the San Francisco Bay


UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Sun 10/21/07 06:44 AM
As I gaze into this window
That sits here in front of me
It’s a picture of the sunrise
O’er the Caribbean Sea
And the colors run together
From the ocean to the skies
Like the colors that I saw
When I looked in your eyes
I saw candlelight reflected
I saw the shining morning dew
I saw the promise of tomorrow
With a timeless gaze at you
I was carried on the night wind
To a special place I knew
Where the sands and tide embrace
Full moons silhouettes gleam blue
My feet found that old trail
Up from the parking lot
The moonbeams lit my path ahead
Toward the summit that I sought
I was up and by the lookout
Where the seal’s cry is heard
And I passed by the trail fork
With out a solitary word
I could see the final rise beyond
And felt that old time emotion
I’d been here time and time before
High above the living ocean
My cares fell off like water drops
And were taken by the wind
My hair was tossed and time was lost
As the night breeze kissed my skin
I could see the coastal markers
Keeping safe the nighttime strays
And I listened to the music
The tune the harbor signal plays
It took moments, nothing more
As I came to realize
I had traveled far in time and space
From just looking in your eyes
And when our fingers first
Arrived, the touch I can remember
How it felt so soft and warm
There in the cold that trails December
How soft your skin and then within
How warm a place to find
How I lost place in your embrace
Time didn’t seem to mind
It was quite special to me sharing
With a warm and pretty soul
Who like me has seen some roads
That took out a healthy toll
And our lips pressed together
As we began our slow goodbye
Your kiss the most delicious
As my pulse began to fly
I was with you by the ocean
Beneath that same old moonlit sky
Arm in arm held tightly
Stars on the water passing by
Perhaps standing upon the very sand
That lives in my heart each day
Or on the water in a sailboat
As the waves helped us to sway
The fireworks like shooting stars
And I caught them in my mind
And made a wish on everyone
Not to leave this time behind
And the colors I still find here
And the tastes and the sensations too
Of a moment spent like falling leaves
In the spell I found in you
As I gaze into this window
That sits here in front of me
It’s a picture of the sunrise
Over the Carribean sea
And the colors run together
From the ocean to the skies
Just like the ones I saw
When I looked in your eyes

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Sat 10/20/07 03:55 PM
Thank you for the complements and the warm welcome.

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Sat 10/20/07 11:53 AM
Is it only beneath the moonbeams
They come out to dance
The spirit inside
That’s been taking a ride
When ever we take a chance
And the look in our eyes
And our tingling skin
Our satisfied sighs
And looking for them again
Holding hands on a moonlit trail
That leads to sweating emotions
And deep breaths of scents
Backed by the sounds of the ocean
Is this finally the place
That ends a colorful chase
That begins anew
Everytime that
The last one ends
Can we still be friends
Does the flight of the seagull
Show us the way
That inhibition can float away
And bring us closer to
Something we can hold on to
Till the dawns early light
While the seagulls in flight
The sand is still warm beneath us
And seems to provide us
A connection that was not there before
Pressed so much closer
Than together
This is a feeling that never
Completely closes the door
To the house that we left there
Atop of the highest dune
With the incoming tide
Approaching the high
With a salty taste
Of the sea in the sky
And the sensations filled with the last
Of the day and the night is on fire
While the flames of the sunset have passed
There's no stopping, the flames growing higher
Do we find much more
Than an open door
While we roll in the sand
Or lay on the floor
Do our minds really touch
The way that I feel like they do
It's gotten so I feel like I'm
Still inside when you are away
And it's a powerful thought that I've got
To begin with everyday

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