UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Mon 11/12/07 02:41 PM
There was frost found this morning
On the window of the truck
In the driveway
It was a shadowed reminder
That again time
Is still on the move
Memories of sunshine
Falling on sand
And the whitecaps out to
Where the ocean began
You’d better keep
These warm memories
Somewhere close at hand
OR say via con dios
And catch the next
Jumbo jet for Ocha Rios
And we can hold our arms wide
While the airplane does glide
Into Montego Bay
And unbutton our shirts in the 80 degrees
They are having that day
And the wait on the bus wasn’t
So much a fuss when the
Driver put the Red Stripe in my hand
And in two hours
I’m going to build some castles
In somebody else’s sand
It didn’t take long
To get the other folks loaded
Our baggage stacked to the sky
And we sang Margaritaville
Over and over as the miles went by
We were all on our way
And starting to feel better
And could ignore that our bus driver
Was a Jamaican Bobsledder
And thank goodness we didn’t hit
That cow that was
Hanging out on that road
And the brake pads that nearly
Rearranged our load
Were we all on time that was borrowed
But we were on island time
When our feet hit the ground
There was frost found this morning
On the window of a truck
In the driveway somewhere
And with my toes in the sand
Ain’t this just what I planned?
And thank God I’m not there

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Thu 11/08/07 06:50 AM
Thank you :)

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Thu 11/08/07 06:47 AM
Thank you

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Tue 11/06/07 05:49 AM
Did you ever stop and think
About the magic in our lives
How things have been so cloudy
And then sunshine arrives
Is it only me that finds
Your spirit on the wind
And with every song of every bird
I find you once again
Some days I feel so stretched
Around the globe
And need to softly nibble
And blow on your earlobe
And kiss your cheek
And gently touch your soft
Warm neck and lick it like
I know you expect
And hold you tight
Us face to face
And live in your eyes
While we embrace
And feel the precious
Beating of your loving heart
Against my own
And I will never
Let them part
And as I look around
At all the stuff here
That I do
And how it seems
So empty
Without you
When wintertime
Is over
March has marched on by
And April tries to start the spring
I'll fly the friendly skies
My heart is so excited that
You're not so far away
And I wonder what's
The first thing that we'll say
But it won't really matter
For I'll finally be with you
And my heart will be in blossom
As my hands reach out to you
And that first kiss
Is something
That keeps this man hanging on
It's all I dream about from
Every sunset till the dawn
I find you sophisticated
And I find you a loving soul
But I always always find you
And you make my heart so full
It can't be anyway but perfect
Nothing this right could go wrong
And you always make me smile
And in my heart you keep our song
So pretty soon the day will be
When we can finally be together
I love you now girl of my dreams
And I'll love you forever

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Tue 11/06/07 04:04 AM
I was not far in Ocho Rios

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Mon 11/05/07 04:44 PM
Thank you ladies :) Sweet as ever. Can anyone suggest a name for it?

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Mon 11/05/07 06:49 AM
Thank you, you are a lady to your fingertips :)

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Mon 11/05/07 06:37 AM
Though it was cause for
Some small consternation
And might have taken
Away concentration
I sat down with the parchment
And the pen held between
To scribe onto the keyboard
Appearing bright on the screen
Any thoughts that might snap these
Dregs that have captured my mind
To dig deep inside me
And see what I can find
Everyday I receive love from
Friends I have discovered
But it seems lately like
I can’t get my response uncovered
Like the paper delivered
Landing right on the drive
But until it is read
The writing can’t come alive
And the minstrel can’t
Keep his strings all in tune
And the bard has been missing
Since yesterday noon
Perhaps there are bars on the windows
In the walls that surround me
And my spirit contained
Away from all that’s around me
It’s been hard to break free
And ride the crest of my wonder
And the time I spend chasing
This curse that I’m under
The answer is near
But for these rose colored shades
I might be dealing all hearts
But all I’m seeing is spades
And Sam Spade is never around
When I need something lost for awhile
So I’ll kick things around until what’s lost is found
And relax my poor face with a smile
But hark, through yonder window shines
Nothing but drops of rain from the sky
And I’m away from my
City by the bay and the pace
And around here no one passes by
I suppose that I’m just feeling sorry for myself
Whether or not I have cause
I’m not sure if it’s what I see
Around me or me
It’s not ruled by a firm set of laws
If I have made you frown
That’s really not my intent
It is just that here on the screen
The only place I can vent
And long gone are the days
When I’d find something to get high on
But it’s nice that you give me
A soft shoulder to cry on
I’ll be back to myself
With the coming of dawn
Not morose in the night
Primed to keep moving on
But tonight I can’t find
A feel for the place
Maybe I just need a hug
Or an endless embrace
But there’s
One thing that
This songless singer can see
Thanks for
Even a little
For me

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Mon 11/05/07 06:07 AM
For a long time
The wind has been blowing
Against the direction
That we want to sail
And like a child at play
Without even knowing
We are determined and growing
As we head for the day
We just refuse to drop anchor
And we let the currents drive
We are learning to sail
And learning to be alive
And how to love all around us
To feel more than we touch
Letting God's love surround us
Expressing joy for so much
This ship that we live on
Is a mighty sea craft
Not unstable and frail
But at the worst storms can laugh
And though some days might reveal
Things not quite as we expect
We sail strong with the breeze
And have never once wrecked
And though the map is confusing
Our compass always reads true
And we find our destination
Once this fog we pass through
All of the hard work
That seems at times all in vain
And the sunset awaits us
As the night comes again
But we will look all around us
As the dawns new day comes
And salute to each other
With a cold drink of rum
And the gulls will surround us
And fill the sky with their song
When we see off this ship
That we are where we belong
To the heavens above
As we have loved so completely
A love as pure as a dove

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Thu 11/01/07 09:05 PM

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Thu 11/01/07 08:39 PM
Thanks. I love writing but i'd rather be back in my city by the bay sailing, or eating an emperor norton


UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Thu 11/01/07 08:36 PM
Though a rose
By any other name
May or may not quite
Be the same
An ocean still has
Tides when called a sea
And we go back
So many years
Through endless
Of smiles and tears
But there’s so much
In these thoughts
Of you and me
And the daydreams
In my head they’ve been
A picture of
The moment when
My gaze will
Fall on you again
And your vision
Fills my sight
Anticipation of my delight
My sword will be raised high
And not my pen
To see your
Lovely silky hair
Your gorgeous face
And lips so fair
And fall into
The colors of your eyes
To kiss the softness
Of your neck
Not just an average
Sort of peck
But the sort of quick
Five minute kiss
That sighs
And caress your shoulders
Again to touch
Your arms and hands
An endless clutch
Your breasts pressed tight to
Me in our embrace
And later like
A priceless wine
To make love
Our bodies intertwined
And taste your
Nectar pressed
Against my face
To squeeze again
On your behind
And feel your legs
Encircle mine
And feed upon the
Hunger of our desire
To feel your love
As one with mine
As on each other’s
Love we dine
And set the entire
Spinning globe on fire
To feel your breath
Upon my ear
As dawn or dusk
Is drawing near
Is what really keeps
Pulling me on through
And to know that
In that very time
As sure as these
Stanzas rhyme
I’ll echo in your own
I love you too

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Thu 11/01/07 08:18 PM
Seven Sails I saw

I saw them filled with wind

A ship out on the ocean

Setting forth again

And how basic was the need

Of all the elements there

The sea was the road

The sun was the load

And the fuel was the air

Seven sails I saw

With a great mast conducting

A canvas symphony

Hung by rope from a brass ring

I can’t say why I was so captured

By one of natures simple sights

But far inside my heart and soul

Were stirred up some delights

When this pen meets the paper

And the wind does blow

My words spill out like a waterspout

On to the parchment below

I’m not always certain

What I’m trying to say

Reinforcement and repetition

Seem the rule of the day

But the gossip seen within my eyes

I write on this pad in my style

If I can show someone the seven sails

Maybe what I’m doing is worthwhile

Seven Sails I saw

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Thu 11/01/07 08:07 PM
It was an early time to sleep
But we’d worn out the mattress pad
From our rare weekend together
Making good use of time we had
And as my chest would rise and fall
You listened to my heartbeat crawl
We slept entangled still as one
Until the morning roosters call
You gazed at me through sleepy eyes
So lovely in the mornings light
And your kiss was just as sweet
As it had tasted all last night
And like a kitten in the sun
We stayed and stretched all to and fro
We were reluctant now to spoil
The warmth of the afterglow
Rose petals scattered on the bed
And on the nightstand were some more
And the candles had burned out
And lay in pools there on the floor
And the trail of scattered clothes
We’d worn last night at least awhile
And the dishes in the sink
Champagne bottles empty now
And the ice cubes that remained
And hadn’t melted yet somehow
And the incense in the air
Mixed with the flowers and the breeze
And the perfume that you wear
Brings out the animal in me
And the fire that we shared
Between our bodies hot to touch
Between these satin sheets we wear
I kissed the softness of your neck
And felt your body chill
And your lips pressed to my own
And gave me that familiar thrill
These days come far too seldom
And with the thought come the sighs
And hope I do that time will bless
Me with the finest of surprise
To find you here when I return
Wearing only bedroom eyes

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Tue 10/30/07 05:33 PM
I live at the gym, but am fighting a belly I know comes from all the fun but wrong foods. Am going to try to S. Somers plan. Has anyone tried that?

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Tue 10/30/07 03:48 PM
If You See Me Speeding

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:01 AM
Okay, I have been exercising and working out for over a month - the weights, the treadmills and other torture devices. Arms and chest are getting bigger BUT I have a bunch of fat between my shoulder carriage and my hip bones that needs to go. Suggestions on diet or eating plans? I used to think I didn't have to worry, but now......

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Sat 10/27/07 07:22 PM
Thank you

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Sat 10/27/07 12:32 PM
It always begins
As once upon a time
A soft fairytale as told
By the heart of a mime
To be so moved by a photograph
Seeing a smile of sunshine
With a feminine laugh
And a beautiful face
As soft as the light of the moon
Two eyes with the smile
Of the shade on a
Hot afternoon
Knowing like the bottle
Brought in from the tide
A special message
Could be waiting inside
I find myself wondering
When daydreaming colors my face
What wonders are waiting
Inside her warm embrace
And I can scarely imagine
The contentment and bliss
The skies erupting with passion
With the touch of her kiss
And my fingers massaging
Skin quite so soft as this
Caressing soft hair by
The candlelit glow
As we watch the number of
Stars in the night sky grow
And the shooting one
Opens the door
And as your lips find mine
We ignore
And as a rose with no thorns
Is just half
I find a map there to you
From your photograph

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Sat 10/27/07 12:26 PM


In Jamaica the sunrise

Begins not long after closed eyes

But the eyes that are closed all miss out

It begins like a dream

In the eastern West Indies

Like gentle currents become waterspouts

There in the hours of predawn

When the whole world is peaceful

Comes the egg which first fosters the morn

Then for a moment that’s endless

If you keep your heart open

You can see a Jamaican day born

First there are soft steel drums

In the first purple feeling

Over an ocean with the history of time

Next like a timid young flower

Slowly petals fall open

And colors grow like the dance of a mime

But we are still just beginning

The transcendence still young

And emotion not yet in the scene

Like a rip tide can carry

The earth to the depths

The power of the sunrise falls between

And with the mighty strength

Of two great unseen hands

A majestic sun hurls its light in the air

Just a few potent colors

Teasing imagination

But yielding more rainbow with time

Hours pass unconsidered

During this gentle birth

With each moment like music just so

Until the realization

That the morning has come

From the womb of the night did it grow

And every second,

Every moment was captured alive

Just so as the open eyes see

In your mind, in your heart

Where your own spirit starts

Now it lives as a fond memory