Community > Posts By > MissJane

MissJane's photo
Tue 01/01/08 01:02 AM
Well HNY to you too ... atlhough for me it was last night ... you guys are so behind the times (or maybe Im jsut ahead of myself!)


Howdy and welcome to 2008

MissJane's photo
Tue 01/01/08 12:59 AM
Now I have to ask - cause I just dont know ...

WTF is



MissJane's photo
Tue 01/01/08 12:52 AM
Well thanks Chevy ....

Yes I am a tad on the far side of the world from most of you guys ... but hey, a girls gotta chat!

Happy New Year (nice pic BTW)

MissJane's photo
Tue 01/01/08 12:49 AM
And that would be too true if I had cabana boys and foot massages ... but its raining, raining raining and Im over it

MissJane's photo
Tue 01/01/08 12:48 AM
No - no one to keep me warm unfortunately! Hence the need for a good wine!

MissJane's photo
Tue 01/01/08 12:47 AM
The only thing I can say it what out for the 'best foot forward' thing - no matter how much people say they dont play games, most of them put on their sunday best and give you what you want to hear, and in the cold hard reality of everyday life, things just aren't that rosy.

But, I am a romantic, and I havent given up on love yet - I am just more timid and careful about it!

Good luck!
Miss Jane

MissJane's photo
Tue 01/01/08 12:45 AM
Well, according to my travel agent, my holiday ended on Sunday ... I was on a plane and outta here, back home in my own lovely bed......apparently the weather had other opinions on the matter, and I am still her. Stranded you could say until the weather clears, or until they figure out how to land a bigger plane on Norfolk Island.

I want to go home- I have a great holiday, but now, i am absolutely over it,and I want to go home.

So you know how I feel ..... enjoy every moment, while you are here, but as soon as you turn and head for home, you just want to get there? Well that's how I feel.

If I am lucky, I may get a plane tomorrow - but at the rate we are going it could be Thursday.

(Acutally in all seriousness, we have a great hosue to stay in, I have a glass of fantastic white wine on my table, and I am talking to you guys, what more could a girl want?!)

MissJane's photo
Tue 12/04/07 06:24 PM
bbq sauce / or relish if you prefer

MissJane's photo
Tue 12/04/07 06:18 PM
Hi Darren,

I was over your way in May ... should have known it would rain it was Wimbeldon week! Still beautiful place if you travel around a bit.

Welcome to the site - I am new at this stuff too, but everyone here is friendly!


MissJane's photo
Mon 11/19/07 11:38 PM
Im here to make friends, and have lots of chats with people, and learn about me, by listening to the tales of others, and seeing what fits, and what doesnt.

Any thought that makes you think ... if you know what I mean ... helps us grow as us.


MissJane's photo
Thu 11/15/07 11:18 PM
Traps aren't always laid by others though, sometimes we position ourselves so they have no other choice, or we just place them in a position where we let them do it to us!

Although scalded on many occasions, I still have faith in the basic human race, I just need to work on my own boundaries!

MissJane's photo
Thu 11/15/07 11:16 PM

sometimes wee can be a bit slow.... but we come round eventually.

Have fun in here, add to the posts, or email people you feel you may have something in common with.

We're all pretty nice

MissJane's photo
Thu 11/15/07 11:14 PM
Most people that are abusive are nice most of the time. The problme is that abusive people are lashing out due to an insecurity about themselves.

I have been in abusive relationships before, and it deosnt matter how many timesd they say sorry, it will happen again, and again, and again.

If the girl is also experiencing her own tendencies towards violence becuase fo the person she is with, she seriously needs to get out of the relationship and then take time to sort herself out and get whatever help she needs.

Violence is a vicious circle
It just goes round and round

MissJane's photo
Mon 11/05/07 03:09 AM
I think we can all agree with that ..... but it's so easy to slip into and maintain that stance. Maintain the equilibrium, stick with what's comfortable, even if it is abusive and self-destructive, its a continuity of same.

So, can you give me the magic answer that will stop me from doing the same thing again?


MissJane's photo
Sun 11/04/07 02:46 AM
I cant handle thongs ... and I really dont want to see Jess's arse in one either!


MissJane's photo
Fri 11/02/07 02:57 AM
Now Jess .... be nice!

MissJane's photo
Fri 11/02/07 02:56 AM
I think scotch would be a better shortening of your name!

I always did like a good scotch! (with coke of course!)


MissJane's photo
Fri 11/02/07 02:51 AM
Everyone I have have chatted with so far has been very nice - Im sure you'll find the same thing!

MissJane's photo
Fri 11/02/07 02:50 AM

I'm a neewby too, so I know how nice it is when people say hello.


MissJane's photo
Fri 11/02/07 02:46 AM
Actually she doesn't go away ... and life would be alot sadder if she did!

Welcome to the site - I'm pretty much a newby too, although I'm new at this whole thing, not just this site, so welcome.

And I hope you make some nice friends. I am beginning to.


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