Community > Posts By > olderthanilook

olderthanilook's photo
Mon 11/12/07 05:28 AM
Long hair? hmmm... I am what i am and thats all that i am...
Love it or leave it. Woman like RocknRoll, then they will like long hair period! Besides some gals say they don't like long hair then they meet you and its not an issue my case anyways..

olderthanilook's photo
Wed 10/31/07 10:42 PM
very original constuction in this poem. Got a grip on the mood,scene and reason with meaning. Write something off the wall my friend,i feel a masterpiece in the future! great poem!

olderthanilook's photo
Wed 10/31/07 11:12 AM
You can't base fatherhood on a stereo type phylosophy. Not all fathers are the same as others are. Resonsibility,careing,moral attitude and the willing to talk with your children is the definition of a good father. There are dads that have none of these qualitys and others that disown even wanting to be a father.Vardlokkur is 100% right,we are percieved in a bad way because of what society sees as a general, fathers don't care.I do and thats what is important to me and my children.

olderthanilook's photo
Wed 10/31/07 10:53 AM
Thank you everyone,gypsy is on the mark perhaps since ive had that same comment for 20 years now, off and on LOL...cya in forums i hope!!

olderthanilook's photo
Wed 10/31/07 10:48 AM
Happy holloween all.

olderthanilook's photo
Wed 10/31/07 10:40 AM
thx for all the good comments. I'll be reading all of yours as well. If you dont write, try it and see what happens ...

olderthanilook's photo
Tue 10/30/07 05:24 PM
Born to the road,his chains grow tight . He wears them with pride,true to the flight. Steel grasping his side momentum endured,winds call his name with glory o earth bound rage. Like one in the steed of total embrace,Commanders and generals try to keep pace. Holds true to the life he leads as a man,back to the road his soul doth demand. This wondering spirit feeds to the fold,a constant reminder his truth will be told.

RVMII..this is for you.

olderthanilook's photo
Tue 10/30/07 04:57 PM
An exceptional construction of poetry put to the heart. Bravo CCP, well done.

olderthanilook's photo
Tue 10/30/07 04:50 PM
Very nice TxsGal3333.I am sure it is in the rain as well, Or how i see it anyways..

olderthanilook's photo
Tue 10/30/07 04:38 PM
A very comfortable poem. cheers!!!

olderthanilook's photo
Tue 10/30/07 03:17 AM
Hum didi da,toodle di doo. Dinner,concert or fun club,oh what do i do? Shrink,shrank and shrunk or oogly, googly slam dunk. Guess the best or was it a mess? Take it easy have a rest! If you look real close,you will find in this post. Decisions can't be the same,sun ,night or even rain.So pay close attention in what you read,for in there words you will see. Likes and dislikes will lead your way,then plan ahead for a wonderful day.

mine mine mine,all mine!!!!

olderthanilook's photo
Tue 10/30/07 02:59 AM
hmm, flirting and best friends? She wants something but it may not be a relationship..Besides i wana go out with you has no origanality? Not an interesting invite,and don't risk too much right now. Find out her true motives before you dive into a relationship. Nomatter how it seems your connecting, it takes more than just flirting and common interests. My two cents....

olderthanilook's photo
Tue 10/30/07 02:23 AM
Theres realy not enough info to answer the question here. If only one of you have love however, than you must move on. What was there will probably not be there again after so long. Can't make anyone love you,so start an awsome new life,new place,new attitude and a new or even in some cases an old love will enter your life once again. Strong independence is the key. Good luck!

olderthanilook's photo
Tue 10/30/07 02:11 AM
Somewhat new here 2 weeks on i think,how did i forget to say hi????LOL...well hello anyways..I am a dad taking care of two boys,thought it was time i look for a Gal to share life with as well. Look forward to friends and friendly chat here as well. So i will see ya,meet ya or chat with ya perhaps.

olderthanilook's photo
Tue 10/30/07 01:51 AM
Blah, when gay was said it meant a lame state. Everyone has there own opinion so to each there own. Bearman you are excelent with that humor and winx keeps it real woohoo!! Ladynluv2be keepin it alive with open arms. Hey MO is the gateway to the west too ya??????? I can't believe i have to wait another week for my extra hour in the day!! ouch!! oh well i'll live. LOL......

olderthanilook's photo
Thu 10/18/07 05:48 AM
Reading a book or writing a letter :)

olderthanilook's photo
Thu 10/18/07 05:32 AM
southeast MO is in the house!! booya!! Hello all,will help keep MO alive here :)