Community > Posts By > sexymichy220
humm one of my favorites subjects......I do believe they beings more
advance, and intelligent than us, out their some where in others galaxies.....I really hope so, they are out their, looking at us and feeling sorry for us, I hate to believe if tomorrow we blow out this planet, their will never be anyone else in the galaxy. |
humm I am still don't get it....maybe I am blind where is this see
message botton locate it at? |
humm are you talking to me honey? because that what I hate about this
thing unless you mention the name to whom you are talking too, I can't tell if you are talking to me. MB |
Hey guys my cousin send me a invitation for this 3d instant messenger
is wait better than yahoo and hotmail, you get to choose your own avatar character, clothes, scenes, you can kiss, touch,flirt, even have intimate encounters with other members, check it out and let me know if you like it. have a wonderful day the webside is MB |
I wanted to share we you all friends this song I found that other day in
the internet.......the other day I was at my sister house and she show me the dvd movie, and the reason why her husband daughter decide it to have her baby.......after I finish watching the short documentary I can't say I blame her,I was in tears....I will never forget what I saw I wish you will see it all, so you can see with your own eyes, how our babies are really kill in a abortion, maybe then we will stop and think and used proctection before having sex....this babies didn't ask to be here and to be kill piece by piece.....all the pain........if only the doctors killing them could hear their silence cry.if only their mothers can see how they try to survive, run away for being cut in pieces and no where to run maybe just maybe they will stop. I think life is not fair at all, I along with so many womans we are not bless with a child and how they are wanted, wish for, and they are other womans that just don't care. they get rid of their flesh and blood like a piece of trash, just because they were not wanted or our a burden. This is dedicate it to my niece Paulina,the world would have miss such a wonderful talented and sweet girl and for my nephew kenneth my little and intelligent boy, my thanks to their mothers to allow them the right to be born. Jesus walked upon the earth, on the shores of galilee, he'd say to his disciples, Let the little children come to me, I wonder if up in heaven, Do you suppose we''ll see litle children asking What was I supposed to be, chorus What was I supposed yo be, What were my eyes supposed to see, And why did I taste of death before I even drew a breath, Laid my head at my mother's breast to sleep Oh Jesus. Chorus Was I to be a prophet used im the ministry, A dotor who wouls find a cure for some terrible disease, Even if I'd been born imperfect why could't my parents see, that I'd been born imperfect that I'd been make perfect when you came back for me oh Jesus chorus OH Jesus What was I supposed to be, I guess we will never know, that only thing was left of all this babies, was little parts of their bodies, a arm here, a leg their,some were find in the trash completed....and we could ourselves humans, smarters than the animals......guess again... |
click in the posting you are intresting in. once you put on a post you
just click it ,,,,,,,,at least that is what I do...... hummm wonder is their is away to read your answers in your mail......anybody else have a answer? |
i agree with honey .......cut their pee wee out. and about their souls
going to hell I think is straight to hell no stops and no mercy.......unless they really are sorry, but if I were God I will not forget this things, because they are not human beings. Childrens are precious and God greatest gift to any woman, not all if us our that lucky to received this gift from God. I don't know what I would do to one of this bastard if they would touch a child of mind, I guess will have to forgive me for killing and helping the world get rid of so much evil. |
am i too young?
hummm 19 seen to me to young, you haven't allow yourself to explore more
what is out their in the world, date a little more longer and if after awhile you still feel the same way and you believe you have finally found your true lifemate, then settle down get least that is my opinion. |
for me is the lyings and the unkept promises, but what really piss me up
is to be dump and not be told why...some men are cowards......they should have enough pants to tell you straight "you know what I find someone else" or " I change my mind you are not what I was looking for" that way I could move on with my life and stop wasting my time with a fucking jerk that is obvious does not know what the hell he is looking for or want" Another thing the I hate is when they make you feel like you where the once after their asses excuse my french, when they were the ones that look for you and instant message you. I never look for them, they are the ones that do so....and then when they change their mind or didn't like me in person, and I ask what happen? they make it sound like I was the one after them. |
What I learned from my ex is that "If you have to stand on your head to
make somebody happy, all you can expect is a big headache". And that his mental abuse, his bad wishes for me, never work.......that he will always be a lonely, selfish, bastard. that he wouldn't know a good thing if it hit him in the face....I learned to survive to stop puting someone elses feelings before me, and that is a guy dump me he is the loser for leting go someone like me. |
Uptight People
hey jimmy, I totaly understand where you coming from. my ex
husband,whatever he was?used to be like that too. he also was wery selfish, the kind of person that was always firt me, second me, third me, and fuck the rest excuse my french....I was nerver able to tell him what I was feeling, because he will just make fun of me.....So in the end I divorce him, I am not advising you to do the same, but a relationship without a good commuinication and honesty is like sex without no foreplay.. Wish you good luck .......maybe is you will make you listen to you for two may work for you. |
Cheap Cell Phones
thanks jimmy I was looking for another cell phone.
take care MB |
trices you are not only cute, but smart........humm I agree with you.
take care MB |
je je je je public you are so funny, you just make my day thanks. and
you also give me a headache, I only got the part of your ex girfriend anything else is just confusing, but hey you did have some intresting point their. Hell will freeze over I think before I have sex with my ex.....I would like to see this in person. |
Anyone not looking for love?
hunn good question..........I am looking for Love,friendship, and to
pass the time.....not in the order a course.....I thing some poeple are lucky and do meet their lifemate like my sister and they been marry for 6 long years and still in Love, and some people are not the lucky like me, but hey you never know who you will find here And about the sex part.........yeahhhhhh half of the men here are here for that. |
well mitch be my guest the information I quoting here was from the bible
the guy in the book in the back got a long list and index of scripture from the bible so you can go and look for them yourself from the bible.... and yes I do believe someone has try to change for their own purpose that word of god from the bible.....whoever it is, the punish me they will received it will ten times worst than anything we have seen or are going to see. |
really wendy? I didn't know that when I was checking the bible to
compare it to what the writter was saying I read that our souls and bodies stay together until judment day....unless you are one of the choosen one he has already choosen and your name is already written in the book of life, you will be taken away then in the rapture only your clothes will be left behind along with those that are not in the list. Those left behind will have to face the antcrist and wait for judment day and the coming of Jesus in the second coming. At least that what I read and been told. |
me too deede.........I rather be in the light than in the dark beside I
hate summer imagine and try to stay away from the sun, imagine me sorrounded with fire not good at all.....I don't want to be left behind either, when comes to get his choosen ones......have you seen the "left behind" series? is great. |
Meeting people
humm so that is how you look for people here..
intresting thanks MB |
I just finish reading "23 minutes in hell" by Bill Wiese and comparing
his notes with the bible. Guys is really scary whether we believe it or not hell is real and according to the bible is Somewhere upon of the earth their is a shaft.the entrance of this shaft leads down into the heart of the earth where hades exists. Hades is often translate "Hell" in the bible. Hell does exits is in the center of the divide in two parts in one part is where everybody who died goes to....and deep deep down is for the sinners. Hell was creat it for satan and his angels to sufer, but now is also where all the sinners go to suffer eternaly.if where our bodies shall be tormented in every part in the flames of hellfire.the pains of hell fire will be thousand times more horrible and tormenting.Their is no water, no food, no light, only pain and demons to torment you, cell and bars, pits and caves,,,,no sleep, no one to speak to. they are nake it and all you can hear is screams,laments, people crying, trying to escape from those pits , and different degree of punishments,some people sufer more than others according to their sins. It is really scare me guys, I sure would't want to go their so I am enclosing a prayer just in case you want to accept God in your hearts. "Dear God I confessI am a sinner.Thank you that Jesus took my punishment upon himself when he died on the cross for my sins. and the rose from the dead, defeaning death. today I repent and place my trust in jesus crist alone for my salvation. in jesus name i pray......amen |