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Topic: am i too young?
BrOwN_EyEz87's photo
Fri 09/29/06 04:54 PM
do you think 19 is too young to get married?

no photo
Fri 09/29/06 04:56 PM
NO in some cultures people get married at ten..WILL

BrOwN_EyEz87's photo
Fri 09/29/06 04:57 PM
good to know...and how do you know they are the right person for you...

hosstin18's photo
Fri 09/29/06 04:59 PM
ok how you know that the on ei sthat you get a warm nice feeling like ur
in a nice bubble bath and if he is everthing you want in life and if he
can take word out of ur mouth and can be a dream come true listen to ur
heart it wont lie

Jimi366's photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:04 PM
My wife was 19 when she married me!

BrOwN_EyEz87's photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:06 PM
thats so sweet...i just wanna stay in love with that person forever...

Loves2Please's photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:07 PM
,I say no,,cause you still have alot to look forward to in life ,,what
if hes not the one for you,,and you dont find that out till you get
married,,you will kick yourself in the ass later,,but hey to each is
own,,im for what ever you want in life,,hey I been there and didnt care
for it to much,,till I find the right one this time,,im not thinking of
it any always,,Thomas....

hosstin18's photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:07 PM
well some people can make it people if people my age just jump into it
they will be diroviced by age 22 i have seen it happen and talke dto
grils who are dirvoiced at age 22 and 24

no photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:08 PM
i don't think it has as much to do with age as your maturity level and
commitment to settle down with only that person. some people that get
married young often find themselves wondering down the road what they
might have missed out on. congratulations if you met the kind of person
that would make you consider it but i would not rush into it. i think
you have to be sure that it is not that deep infatuation that we all get
when we first meet a terrific person. good luck

no photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:10 PM
forever is along time WILL

no photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:12 PM
i know hosstin, i'm 30 and have never been married but you would not
believe how many girls i meet that are divorced by the time they are in
their mid 20's

Kira's photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:16 PM
yes honey, i know from experence.

no photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:16 PM
like i siad forever is a long................time

no photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:18 PM
lol, or is it a

no photo
Fri 09/29/06 05:21 PM
what you said

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 09/30/06 11:56 AM
i dont believe so i dont think anybodies really ready at that young hell
you cant even go to a bar together lifes just gettin started and trust
me i moved out of my parents house when i was 17 and my son was born
before my 20th bday and the stress of young ones when your that young is
alot to bear marriage is a lot of work and unless you are totally sure
you can work with that person through thick and thin and you know they
feel the same. put it off for a lil while try living together first see
if you can take all the lil idiosyncracies of each others lives because
you are going to be that person for a while especially if you have
children and property divorce becomes a thousand times tougher once
those factors enter the ecausion.

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Sat 09/30/06 05:56 PM
hey hosstin18 are u high cause u cant spell worth a shit in a bucket
lmfao 420 my good man

laslobo's photo
Sat 09/30/06 06:26 PM
19 is not the right age to get married.Think further then just fun. do
you want to be mom at your 21st birthday?.

cookieie's photo
Sat 09/30/06 06:33 PM
I have 4 young men who call me mom... I have always told them... think
about the things you liked at 5, did you like those same things at 10,
or 15, or even 20?? needless to say... none of them are married and
they are now 21,21,22,24.

ysrider's photo
Sat 09/30/06 07:08 PM
It depends on the person, but I think at the very least you need time to
get to know a person beyond that feeling you have when a relationship is
new. For example, getting married before you even live with someone
seems like a big mistake. You don't get to see the things that are a
part of every day life when you date. If they are messy (which may not
show until they are done trying to impress you), or are you messy and
will that get on their nerves. Gas - human gas that is - does it offend
you? People don't share bad habits when they are still dating. You
tend to be selling yourself. When real life starts coming through, you
sometimes are with someone different than you thought.

I also think that from 20 to 30 years old you are still pretty young.
Most folks just got their independants. They are just free enough to
cut loose and discover things about themselves for the first time. You
need time to figure out you. I definately think if you get married at
19 you shouldn't be having kids for several years, and maybe until 30.
Controversial opinion for many I know - some folks say they want to get
the kids out of the way early and have time to be young again at 40. I
say from 20 to 30 you should be free to not have children and that way
you don't have to drag them through a divorce as you and your partner
grow and maybe change into different people then you originally were.

My two cents - and I am no expert. Just another guy with a keyboard
who's still trying to figure life out myself.


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