Community > Posts By > lilbug

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Mon 06/28/10 10:07 AM

So yeah, I hung a little curtain on one little window! noway So...I get the chair, the bracket, the hammer. Bracket in hand, picked up the nail and not once, but three times, dropped it and had to get off the chair and look for it! I finally get the first nail in and onto the second and I kid you not, I dropped it! I finally get it nailed in and gave it one last smack with the hammer and hit my finger! I thought well, at least it's in. Moved the chair to the other side, bracket in hand, picked up the hammer and there is blood streaming down my arm from where I smacked my finger, got a real nice little blood blister. Off the chair, cleaned up the blood and back on the chair again. Got the bracket in. Got the curtain rod, attempted to hang it and the bracket and nails flew out of the wall into the middle of the room. Spent 10 minutes searching for them. Got the right bracket in, proceed to hang the curtain and notice I hung the bracket on the left......upside down! noway Well, at this point I just fell the floor in a fit of laughter! Everything that could possibly go wrong, did! Curtain is hung though...I'm NEVER taking it down to clean it!! :tongue:

Gotta go get a Band-Aid for my finger.....sad

Ya know you aren't supposed to hit your finger with the hammer, right?


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Mon 06/28/10 10:04 AM
So yeah, I hung a little curtain on one little window! noway So...I get the chair, the bracket, the hammer. Bracket in hand, picked up the nail and not once, but three times, dropped it and had to get off the chair and look for it! I finally get the first nail in and onto the second and I kid you not, I dropped it! I finally get it nailed in and gave it one last smack with the hammer and hit my finger! I thought well, at least it's in. Moved the chair to the other side, bracket in hand, picked up the hammer and there is blood streaming down my arm from where I smacked my finger, got a real nice little blood blister. Off the chair, cleaned up the blood and back on the chair again. Got the bracket in. Got the curtain rod, attempted to hang it and the bracket and nails flew out of the wall into the middle of the room. Spent 10 minutes searching for them. Got the right bracket in, proceed to hang the curtain and notice I hung the bracket on the left......upside down! noway Well, at this point I just fell the floor in a fit of laughter! Everything that could possibly go wrong, did! Curtain is hung though...I'm NEVER taking it down to clean it!! :tongue:

Gotta go get a Band-Aid for my finger.....sad

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Mon 06/28/10 09:30 AM
OP deactivated.

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Mon 06/28/10 09:21 AM
Your profile looks great. A good many folks don't bother reading profiles, many of them are scammers. They're not interested in what you say in your profile, but rather, whether or not you might be someone who might be vulnerable to being scammed.

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Mon 06/28/10 09:09 AM

Actual message I got (not from anyone on this site), with names altered to protect the idiot, uh, innocent:



I got a writing from dating site. And they said me about your email. They also tagged that you are searching for a partner. I was fond of your profile so I wish to initiate dating with you and know you bette. We could exchange photos each other. What do you think about this?

My email is ************* .

and I will reply you happily and I will send some photos too.
My name is ***** and i am from Turkey.


[Insert obligatory "turkey" comment here]

Sooo...when ya meetin? :tongue:

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Mon 06/28/10 09:00 AM

I always open doors for women though. In a way... it's a little weird. Kinda like saying, "Hey, you go first in case there's something horrible inside."


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Mon 06/28/10 08:56 AM

Actually, I am a bit uncomfortable with it and kinda suspicious about it. If the guy is only doing it to impress me and it's not part of his usual make-up, then I don't find it flattering at all. Some guys do those things only for the sake of others witnessing them and thinkin he's such a great guy, but in truth he's a horses' behind. I would rather open my own doors and pull out my own seat and have you treat me nice all the time and because you want to, not just to get my britches or to impress others.

I've been wondering when a reply like that would come along... for me, it's just the way I was brought up, I do it for my Mom, my sister, and any lady I happen to be with... How do you know if he's just being nice or not? I'll admit, I have had hostile reactions to it a time or two and I really didn't understand why...

Well, I wouldn't say I'm hostile, just suspicious. Some of the sweetest guys I know never did/do any of these things, while some real jerks I've known, did. So, while it might out of's a false impression if isn't sincere.

You know if he's just being nice or not if it doesn't continue over time, if it stops then it was all just for show.

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Mon 06/28/10 08:48 AM

Example opening the car door, pushing in the chair, ect. on a first date. Women do you find this approach uncomfortable?

Actually, I am a bit uncomfortable with it and kinda suspicious about it. If the guy is only doing it to impress me and it's not part of his usual make-up, then I don't find it flattering at all. Some guys do those things only for the sake of others witnessing them and thinkin he's such a great guy, but in truth he's a horses' behind. I would rather open my own doors and pull out my own seat and have you treat me nice all the time and because you want to, not just to get into my britches or to impress others.

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Mon 06/28/10 08:16 AM

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Mon 06/28/10 07:31 AM

Damn I finally got to wash my 2 broken toes!! YES!!!:banana:

Damn! Bless your heart!

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Mon 06/28/10 07:31 AM

Hey cutie Happy Monday too ya!!flowerforyou


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Mon 06/28/10 07:11 AM
Mornin damn friends!!flowerforyou

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Mon 06/28/10 07:03 AM
Mornin'! flowerforyou

Hi ya ((Charles!)) waving

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Mon 06/28/10 07:02 AM
Mornin everyone! :heart:

Hope everyone has a great Monday and a wonderful week!flowerforyou

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Mon 06/28/10 07:00 AM

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Mon 06/28/10 06:59 AM

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Mon 06/28/10 06:59 AM

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Mon 06/28/10 06:49 AM

Buy a new coffee pot!!!:angry: Mine is slow as Christmas. Started it an hour ago and I'm still waiting for my first cup!

Quoting myself,lol!

I DID buy a new coffee pot!! :banana: Put coffee on this morning, took Buttercup out and when I came back the coffee was THAT's what I'm talkin' about!! :banana:

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Mon 06/28/10 06:47 AM

Isn't it strange to add someone as a favorite BEFORE talking to them?huh

Oh and the guy doesn't speak English. I just messaged them.huh

I view the Favorites as a sort of 'weeding out' process. Going through profiles, selecting those one might be interested in contacting at a later time.

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Sun 06/27/10 05:21 PM

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