Community > Posts By > bl0ndevamp

bl0ndevamp's photo
Mon 02/19/07 11:15 PM
where places are actually open at this time lol

bl0ndevamp's photo
Mon 02/19/07 08:25 PM
like they'd believe me, they think you make **** up

bl0ndevamp's photo
Mon 02/19/07 08:19 PM
thanks every buddy, I got into some bad battery acid and got it on part
of my hand and part of my arm, I flushed it with water, it feels like
shoe leather right now lol oh well, guess one way or another some people
get mauled

bl0ndevamp's photo
Mon 02/19/07 08:11 PM

bl0ndevamp's photo
Sun 02/18/07 07:48 PM
If so, how did you think it was, what could they have done better? I
didn't think Dave Boreaniz should have been in it, I mean, him, a devil
worshipper, I can hardly believe....

bl0ndevamp's photo
Sun 02/18/07 07:18 PM
yeah it's even greater when they're dead and gone, they're more famous
than ever! lol

bl0ndevamp's photo
Sat 02/17/07 07:34 PM
boohoo! stern! boohoo hoo!looks like danilynn wasn't yours to begin with
and you get nothin! cause she's goin to adoption. bury the retarded (yet
gorgeous) ***** anna and get it done overwith!

bl0ndevamp's photo
Thu 02/15/07 07:13 PM
every buddy who's sum buddy

bl0ndevamp's photo
Thu 02/15/07 06:56 PM
good, sexy......

bl0ndevamp's photo
Tue 02/13/07 09:34 PM
How do you make a brunettes eyes light up?
Shine a flashlight in her ears.

What do you call 25 brunettes standing ear to ear?
A wind tunnel.

What does a brunette say when you blow in her ear?
"Thanks for the refill."

Why did the brunette climb over the glass wall?
To see what was on the other side.

How do you drown a brunette?
Put a mirror at the bottom of the pool or stick a scratch and sniff
sticker at the bottom of the pool.

How do you amuse a brunette for hours?
Write 'Please Turn Over' on both sides of the paper.

Why don't brunettes like to make Kool-Aid?
They can't get all the water in that little package!

Why can't brunettes make icecubes?
They can't remember the recipe.

Why do brunettes like their hair color?
It doesn't show their dirt.

Why did they quit selling brunette Barbie dolls?
Parents felt the dandruff might be contagious.

Where do brunettes get their hair for a transplant?
From their underarms.

How did Revlon come up with it's bruntte hair color?
By studying what oil spills did to seaweed.

What's the difference between a brunette and the trash?
At least the trash gets taken out once a week.

bl0ndevamp's photo
Tue 02/13/07 09:23 PM
Why does it take longer to build a brunette snowman?
Cause you have to hollow out its head.

Why do brunettes always smile during lightning storms?
They think their picture is being taken.

Why can't brunettes dial 911 on the phone?
They can't find the 11 on the phone.

What is eternity?
When 4 brunettes meet at a 4-way-stop-sign-intersection.

What is the fastest way to get a one-armed brunette out of a tree?
Wave at her.

How do you get a brunette to laugh at a joke on Saturday?
Tell it to her on Tuesday.

What do you call a bruntte who dyes her hair blonde?
Artificial Intelligence.

What do you call a dead brunette in a closet?
The 1995 Hide and Seek World Championship.

Why did the brunette tip-toe past the medicine cabinet?
So she wouldn't wake up the sleeping pills.

Why did the brunette get thrown out of the M&M factory?
She kept throwing out all the W's.

Why was the brunette staring at the orange juice container?
Because it said from "Concentrate".

bl0ndevamp's photo
Tue 02/13/07 09:08 PM
What's black and blue and brown and laying in a ditch?
A brunette who's told too many blonde jokes.

What's the brunette's mating call?
Brunette: "Who's next?"

Why do brunettes wear training bras?
It's cheaper than changing their bandaids every day.

What's the real reason a brunette keeps her figure?
Cause no one else wants it.

What do you call a brunette in a room full of blondes?

What do you call going out on a date with a brunette?
Brown-bagging it.

Why didn't Indians scalp brunettes?
The hair from a buffalo's butt was more manageable.

Why's the brunette considered an evil color?
When was the last time you saw a blonde witch?

What do brunettes miss most about a great party?
The invitation.

Who makes bras for brunettes?

Why are brunettes so proud of their hair?
It matches their mushtache.

bl0ndevamp's photo
Tue 02/13/07 08:49 PM

bl0ndevamp's photo
Thu 02/08/07 05:32 PM
yeah...that is so sad, ya know, the whole time her lawyer/hubby was
there when her son died, and now her? doesn't that sound kinda odd?

bl0ndevamp's photo
Sat 02/03/07 07:50 PM

bl0ndevamp's photo
Sat 02/03/07 07:40 PM
i don't know what the new area code is gonna be yet, but it's supposed
to take affect this year, it will only be for one half of west va

bl0ndevamp's photo
Sat 02/03/07 08:23 AM
Yeah this year, in west virginia, they are splitting it up into 2
sections so, that we will have two area codes, so that means alot of
people's phone numbers will change and we'd have to dial the whole
entire thing, which sux!
They are trying to pass a law for whoever gets their driver's license
will have to pay $100 for it, lets hope that they don't pass it.

bl0ndevamp's photo
Thu 02/01/07 04:19 PM
but YOU CAN lily

bl0ndevamp's photo
Wed 01/31/07 06:51 PM
good deal

bl0ndevamp's photo
Wed 01/31/07 04:34 PM
hi! how many people here are freaky tonight? lol