Community > Posts By > mixtee

mixtee's photo
Mon 12/27/10 01:05 PM
That is so true especially in those developed countries. Thin women complain about eating too much fat as if it was the devil itself. In Africa we like being fat, not excessively of course. The problem is we attract what we try to avoid, and this is a channel of insatisfaction that affects physically and emotionally

mixtee's photo
Sun 12/26/10 11:52 AM
Yes a true christian has all the tools to recognise another. No need to shout it as if you are the fake one. Faith acts, period! If you can't tolerate people then ask yourself if you are worthy to be called: christian meaning follower of christ.

mixtee's photo
Fri 12/24/10 07:36 PM
Merry christmas

mixtee's photo
Thu 12/23/10 12:16 AM
Everybody want the truth but not all truth are to be told because not everybody use the appropriate channel, tone, manner, time,... . Lies or honesty are both needed sometimes to create fiction (a fantastic world), to create a smile, a hope. It is the intention that makes the difference, but never forget "to lie is evil" viva la vida

mixtee's photo
Wed 12/22/10 11:58 PM
You must be very special to do such a special act. She is not alone and you are not alone as well. God is doubly with you now. Thank you for making me believe in such Love. STAY BLESSED, IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME, AMEN.

mixtee's photo
Wed 12/22/10 11:43 PM
I agree with your personality crisis. i just do not think we should hate life but love oneself despite circumstances. That is knowing that we are but vanity as David and his son Solomon said. And we will realise that after those burnt offerings, Jesus Christ came to take our sins away once and for all, there is no condamnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, we are no more under the law. That is where you find strength to fight depression: you take the cover off the truth of God, discover and enjoy Real Freedom, Peace,POWer to go on.

mixtee's photo
Wed 12/22/10 07:54 PM
There are different kinds of food, so we cook it differently according to our taste or culture, but there is only one God, the way he presents himself to you take it as such. Why do people look for Ben Laden, budah or...? Abundance of knowledge is risky for ourselves. GOD IS NOT A MAN, his thoughts are not our thoughts neither his ways our ways ISAIAH 55:8

mixtee's photo
Sat 12/18/10 08:20 AM
I would chose friendship because it is the best foundation in each case

mixtee's photo
Sat 12/18/10 08:17 AM
There is no love without friendship. Either from friend to friend ,from parent to children or from husband to wife. I personally see Jesus Christ as a friend who loves me for who i am (strength and weaknesses) before seeing him as a loving Lord. But there is friendship without love when you carry hidden evil intention

mixtee's photo
Wed 12/15/10 01:28 PM
A romantic relationship makes you feel how much worthy life is and you tend to become half of who you were if the other is not around. It spreads to you environment:children,siblings,colleagues,neighbourgs...

mixtee's photo
Wed 12/15/10 01:15 PM
Have a child and see if because you love him you will give him whatever he want,if you do not punish him if he does wrong, will you allow him to kill himseld with a knife? Or take too much sugar without broshing his teeth and sleep? He is free indeed but because you love him you make boundaries and the more he makes you proud the more you reward him. Whosoever the Lord loveth he correcteth,sometimes it is painful but later i always see why because the positive return on investment comes to me beyond what i can even think or ask. Pray for wisdom,you will see life differently i was lije you.

mixtee's photo
Wed 12/15/10 01:15 PM
Have a child and see if because you love him you will give him whatever he want,if you do not punish him if he does wrong, will you allow him to kill himseld with a knife? Or take too much sugar without broshing his teeth and sleep? He is free indeed but because you love him you make boundaries and the more he makes you proud the more you reward him. Whosoever the Lord loveth he correcteth,sometimes it is painful but later i always see why because the positive return on investment comes to me beyond what i can even think or ask. Pray for wisdom,you will see life differently i was lije you.

mixtee's photo
Wed 12/15/10 12:57 PM
As a latter saint so i use the book of Mormon. Before coming to this earth we were in the spiritual world with our heavenly father DC 138:55-56 and we are not becoming demon after death we are going to the celestial,telestial and terrestrial kingdoms decreasing in rewards respectively DC 76,131,132:19-24 and 137 all in the book of Mormon. Thank you i know you know the answers but wanted people to share it by discovering it themselves. GOB RIChly bless you

mixtee's photo
Wed 12/15/10 12:26 PM
God allows good and bad to make our free agency to work. On Tv with Joel Osteen, a pastor from lakewood church, gave so many example today on so many bad things that end up being for our good and i know a lot.ex: a heavy rain fell where a concert should have taken place.two days later they found a huge bomb under the ground supposed to kill thousands of people. Wars and famine help othes cherish and treasure life and be grateful for the food they have, we understand to which level a human can go and carry innocent people like Hitler in Germany. It exists to reaveal the bad side in you and me no matter how good we think we are. We take care of things depending on how we see the opposite situation:life and death,war and peace,food and famine,spouse and widow,parent and orphan, ocean and desert etc... I hope you like the answer

mixtee's photo
Wed 12/15/10 11:00 AM
I would love to know more about its use. Can someone help me?