Community > Posts By > diserli_gears

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Fri 06/29/18 06:43 PM


You'll never know, until you live it.

The innovation of video technology, apparently didn't convince everyone of the inequities in American society.

And you wonder why your country is divided? its people like you that keeps the racism crap alive.

Inequities in the American Society? please.

Well then you are admitting that a large portion of the African American crowd are stupid? because they cannot get ahead

Meanwhile, Barrack Obama did
Meanwhile Oprah did
Meanwhile Robert Johnson did
Meanwhile Ursula Burns did
Meanwhile Bobby Jindal did
Meanwhile Mia Long did
Meanwhile Tim Scott did
meanwhile Ben Carson did
and thousands others

how do you explain the success of those people in your inequitable American society?

Notice I didn't include one sports, actor/movie star, celebrity in there.

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Fri 06/29/18 06:34 PM
who is he talking about ?

Who is going to get pardoned?

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Fri 06/29/18 06:33 PM

Well there are videos of HAs beheading people that pissed them off.

Care to see one?

Oh wait... Altar boys don't behead... WTF was I thinking?

and that brings me back to my original questions

how many murders have the H.A committed in 2017 compared to MS 13?

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Fri 06/29/18 06:31 PM

We get World news here dear !!! laugh

ha, I know, I should have known better Toody, of course you folks do( the well informed do), I guess Im used to dealing with the likes of certain Marxists posters have no clue about Canada or to be honest they dont care to know anything about their neighbours north of them.

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Fri 06/29/18 06:26 PM

Well some here, claim that they're "altar boys". At least as compared to MS 13.

And maybe they are, on her home world, but I thought we were talking about planet Earth.

I see that we have to explain it like we are explaining things to an 8 year old who wants to eat Candy before dinner.

Greeneyes didnt claim they are alter boys, he said they are alter boys compared to the MS13.

As in they ( the H.A) are not as vicious as MS13.

If I walked by a Hell's Angels club and they are standing outside, 99.9% chances are I will not be harmed, harassed, shot, stabbed etc, unless I provoke them

The same thing cannot be said if I walked by a house with MS13 members standing outside, Im taking a chance and the odds are 50/50 if Im lucky that I will survive.

That was the point.

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Fri 06/29/18 05:31 PM

Oh wait I had a post of something like that while back diserali .

wow, okay, I didnt know the folks in the states heard about it.

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Fri 06/29/18 04:42 PM
others have posted what she said.

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Fri 06/29/18 04:41 PM

No, hadn't heard that! I t is so sad people take others lives over
Something like that !!!

yeah, some loser driving a rental van drove down one of our busiest streets in Toronto and just hit people, it shows you that you dont need a gun to kill people anything can kill people.

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Fri 06/29/18 03:45 PM

7 yrs ago the shooter made a threat to the news paper , there is where a woman he liked on social media worked, but she turned him down.

so another loser that got turned down goes mental?


off topic,

dont know if youve heard in my city a few months back some azzhole mowed down people driving on the sidewalk before he was taken down and all because he cant get a date.

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Fri 06/29/18 03:43 PM
yeah double huh?

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Fri 06/29/18 03:34 PM
love covers all genders, including the 59 genders that are available today.

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Fri 06/29/18 03:20 PM

If I were a flag maker, I would not CREATE a flag for someone who was going to use it at a flag burning. I would still sell them the available flags displayed for everyone else though. That would go for ANY customer trying to buy it.

If I were a vegan baker, due to pacifist standards, I would not create a vegan cake for someone that was going to serve it at a pig roast. That would go for ANY customer trying to buy it, whether a fellow vegan or a carnivore.

If I am a Christian bakery owner, I would not create a same sex wedding cake for a same sex wedding. That would go for any customer trying to buy it, whether Christian, atheist, straight or gay.

I think venue is often tied to the reputation of the vendors involved where small businesses are concerned especially, so WHERE a creation will be served/associated with, would be important to me.

I feel that is different than just not offering ANY service to a person because of who they are or what they believe in though.

Im actually speechless , wow
Im Im Im Im Im..... speechless, are you being sarcastic?

I can see you've never been in business, A flag maker??
There in the business of selling flags,Im sure they dont care people do with it once they bought it

Same thing with a vegan , how would they know what the customer is buying the cake for? seriously are you pulling our leg here?

As for the baker who is a christian, well it goes against their religious beliefs

Ive often wondered this, when a Muslim buys a Subway franchise , you know what subway makes right? sandwiches called "subs" why is it okay for them to remove ham, bacon and pork from their menus because of their religious beliefs?

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Fri 06/29/18 01:51 PM

Did you know that Charles Manson never actually killed anybody? Never held a gun. Never held a knife.

oh and Stalin and Mao too.

see how ridiculous that is ?

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Fri 06/29/18 01:04 PM
I did, why do you think I posted Irreverent and asked what your point is?

posting stuff that goes on between rival gangs proves what?

You might as well post things that goes on between the Gambino family and the Colombo family too in New York, except its irrelevant.

I get what you're trying to do, just because Greeneyes posted that in his area Hells Angels keeps themselves.

And many do unless rivals show up and usually when rivals shows up its not to inquire how they are doing they are their to kill.

The same cannot be said for MS 13, they are vicious and homicidal , how many murders have the hells angels MC been responsible for in 2017 compared to MS 13?

that was the point.

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Fri 06/29/18 12:56 PM

Did you know that Charles Manson never actually killed anybody? Never held a gun. Never held a knife.

so what? he was the mastermind behind it, he orchestrated the murders and sent his followers out to murder people, the feds called them "Mission killers" and he is responsible.

Its like when the Feds convicted John Gotti on murder charges along with other RICO statutes, he orchestrated the murders and in the eyes of American justice he is just as guilty.

the Fact that he never physically committed the crimes is irrelevant

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Fri 06/29/18 09:57 AM

What makes you think I was talking to you specifically?
While your opinions in this thread may have had some influence on what I wrote, so does others opinions.
Plus, what makes you think by offering my own opinion, that I dismiss or attack yours?
According to the thread view count, there are other people reading this thread.
One last thing, I am not concerned with your view of me. My contentment does not hinge on your approval.
Be well citizen...

I didn't say you were Tom, I was just addressing your post, nothing more nothing less.

its a open board, Ive never sought to offer approval or want others approvals, so Im not sure why the need to lash out like that.

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Fri 06/29/18 09:51 AM
It has nothing to do with bigotry Ms.Soufie

It just shows how divided your country is when it comes to politics.

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Fri 06/29/18 09:41 AM

said WHAT on Twitter exactly?

what she is saying in public, is there for you to see if you check for yourself.

she has said people in her district got tired of a person who doesn't look like them representing them or send their kids to school in her district or live in the district , a Irish catholic man

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Fri 06/29/18 09:37 AM

How much do you really "support" Trump?

With everything you know about Donny J, would you trust him alone with your teenage daughter?

I support him over Hillary Clinton.

As in to trust him around my teenage daughter if I had one, yes I would, would I trust him around my wife? Hell no.

I wouldn't trust Bill Clinton around any of my female relatives, spouses either.

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Fri 06/29/18 09:32 AM

Does anybody else out there hate this ********? What happened?

what was the word the was blanked out by the asterisks?