Community > Posts By > diserli_gears

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Sat 06/30/18 07:28 PM
Edited by diserli_gears on Sat 06/30/18 07:53 PM
welcome and what does the topic "7" mean?

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Sat 06/30/18 07:01 PM

three evil things that poisoned America.

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Sat 06/30/18 06:58 PM
my friends 3 year old smiles and hugs

T-bone steak


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Sat 06/30/18 06:54 PM
so what are you saying Miss Harmony?

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Sat 06/30/18 06:33 PM

I can go by what the history and my knowledge of the human condition is ... and by the stories I have and others share with me ...

If George Holliday hadn't been playing with his birthday present, Rodney King would have been just "another n****r claiming to have been beaten by the police.

Sad thing is, today people don't even believe their own eyes. Video is useless.

whatever... how many times has Barrack Obama been beaten by the cops, what about his father?

What about Ben Carson? Bobby Jindal? Sheriff David Clarke, dare I ask Eric Holder?

Of all the athletes how many of them were beaten, I know a few claim they were.

Police have been people in the past, think Democrat Bull Conner doing his Buford Pusser routine.

I wonder how many black people Sheriff Pusser beat during his time?

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Sat 06/30/18 06:28 PM

There are people here that would protest Superman getting a green card if he were a real person. rofl

"As soon as you let d@mn Kryptonians in, next thing you know, we're gonna be up to our ears in Martians"!

sweet Jesus.


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Sat 06/30/18 06:27 PM
except some of the things they call "racist" today are not racist comments

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Sat 06/30/18 06:25 PM
six of one , half dozen of another

You've had bad experiences and Ive had pretty good experience
, what do you expect me to say?

Depending on where I go in the States they seem to figure out Im Canadian from my supposedly accent,most people treated me well in America.

But then again I dont have a chip on my shoulder like some Ive actually seen.

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Sat 06/30/18 06:20 PM
Edited by diserli_gears on Sat 06/30/18 06:22 PM

I just think Washington should make the democrats pay for the illegals expense while in this country. Especially since they. Are for this miess!!
Those that are not on welfare themselves that is.

And the Democrat party will be broke within a year maybe two.

but good Idea though.

how about that Hillary and Bill how about you let go some of that cash you saved up in your foundation you bunch of cheap bastards

What about you Uncle Bernie, I hear you have 3 houses, any one of them housing your undocumented immigrants?

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Sat 06/30/18 06:19 PM
My sister, brother, Both parents, grandparents and one of my friends all black all driven in the states and has never been stopped , no my brother was stopped in Florida picking up my grandparents once and that was because his tail light was cracked.

I can only go by my experience and those close to me experiences.

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Sat 06/30/18 06:10 PM
Does my experience count Ms. Harmony, as Ive driven in the United States, Canada, England, Germany and Ireland.

Ive only been stopped 3 times in America and 2 times in Canada, speeding was the culprit

Ive been driving for 30 years, so does my experience count?

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Sat 06/30/18 06:07 PM
I think its fashionable to call every thing racist today .

I dont but I cant speak for everybody.

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Sat 06/30/18 05:59 PM
yes in the land of the politically correct

oops , no politics in this thread

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Sat 06/30/18 05:59 PM

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Sat 06/30/18 05:52 PM
everything today is racists or some kind of phobic.

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Sat 06/30/18 05:32 PM
we will see if he gets convicted

or will you people riot if he doesn't get convicted?

I see the prosecutors are hungry for the limelight, be careful on what you wish for

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Sat 06/30/18 04:45 PM
They are that desperate for votes?

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Sat 06/30/18 04:36 PM
Tell Democrats to come to Canada and see what gun control does

NOTHING... people still find ways to kill people
and the criminals uses the guns to commit crime not law abiding people.

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Sat 06/30/18 04:31 PM

Yeah, cops shooting people in the back, had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Cops shooting criminals in the back suspected of having a gun involved in an earlier shooting right?

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Sat 06/30/18 04:30 PM
why do they keeping calling them immigrants, they are illegals

I hate the politically correct term "undocumented Immigrants"
no, they are illegal aliens.

You enter into a country illegally you are breaking the law.

why is it so hard for Democrats and the left to understand?

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