Community > Posts By > diserli_gears
First date sex
what two consenting adults agree to is fine, if they enjoy meaningless sex all the power to them
But realistically you dont know each other, the attraction may be strong but so what? You dont really know each other. If you are the type of person that values sex , intimacy and long term committed relationship having sex on the first date isn't your thing. Because you believe that intimacy is best enjoy after a bond is established. I personally dont value someone a potential long term partner If she is willing to have sex on the first date or two especially if we were out and drinks were involved. I would have serious trust issues with her if she is out with friends whether its a girls weekend or vacation somewhere, and she meets a charming guy that has the gift of the gab. On the other hand if that is what two people want I say go for it and God bless you. |
I meant that it is common in the US for people to wear the flag of 'taxpayer' as if it gives their voice, needs or opinions more significance than others. Being a taxpayer is not a characteristic of value or merit, just of income status. nobody is saying different, but what some tax payers dont like is seeing their tax dollars go to people whether corporate welfare, bailouts or social welfare and watch them abusing tax payers money. yes, people always judge, it is what the brain does to come to conclusions and make associations.
but you dont like it when it judges certain people of lower socioeconomically status. I hate to break it to you we all get judged by some one or a group that doesnt like us, hate us or wants to kill us. |
Honest men
Seems that most women are not interested in honest men!! They want someone who will tell them what they want to hear not what is real. some of these women are not attracted physically to the honest men they seek.. its sort of 6 of one , half dozen of another. |
Getting more common
Edited by
Wed 06/27/18 08:37 PM
Donald Trump Refuses to Condemn KKK, Disavow David Duke - Time speaking of video, I like at 6;40 he stares down a KKK supporter/klansman as cops were taken him and then gives a speech about the old days where law enforcement would have acted quicker to boot his arse out but cops are too afraid of losing their pensions Donald Trump: Blame on both sides for Charlottesville violence ... and this makes him a Klan member?? really?? In 1927, Donald Trump's father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens If he's not a Klansman, albeit a secretive one, then he should stop talking and acting like one. He's certainly wearing the uniform of one. Ummmm, that has nothing to do with Donald, you guys ( Democrats) had a Klan leader in Robert Byrd, a real live ex Klansman. |
No, you are completely ignoring what I pointed out altogether. Go back and actually read, please. This thread is based on the idea that the reason we need to make illegal aliens a top priority concern, is because BEING ILLEGALS, is what caused these horrendous crimes to be committed. I support all laws being enforced, including those against foreigners overstaying their welcome here. What I am opposed to, is flat out defective reasoning, such as this thread is based on. this was your post Just a quick sampling. Apparently, in addition to getting rid of all illegal aliens, following your logic, we should also get rid of all native-born citizens. am I correct? you were saying following ( I dont know the posters name) logic that he or she said America should get rid of all illegals because of the notion that they commit violent crimes and you gave us a sample of American born citizens committing heinous crimes too and asked should the authorities get rid of them too? I am saying its a strawman argument because one has nothing to do with other, according to that report there is an estimated 25 million illegal aliens ( that is what they call them) or if you prefer undocumented immigrants in America and the GAO report showed 2,891,668 were arrested Two types of crimes, immigration and criminal ( page 21) 2)comparing crimes done my Illegals to Natural citizens is intellectually dishonest, because you cant deport a natural citizen but you can deport someone in America who entered illegally, that was my point. 11% according to the GAO commits crimes and that is the focus of those who are against illegal immigration, and where most of them from? Mexico, I know Trump said it, but the GAO backs up what Trump said. Facts. |
Non Responsive Women - Why?
Here is the reality.
Good pictures get attention your profile will have 30 seconds to impress her and grab her attention. If its blank she will move on, if its too long unless she is attracted to you she will move on If there are certain trigger words, FWB, Nice guy, hang out, open minded etc, she moves on. Your message is generic, copied and pasted, sexual, a yawner or creepy she moves on. Women receive 4x the message men receive, and if the woman depending on the age group is attractive she is getting 10x the messages. She doesnt have time to read all the messages in full or read messages that are so long and like an interrogation that she is requesting her lawyer to be present just to reply. |
the percentage people on the forums is small, but most seems to be real people on the forum side.
on the dating side not so much, its a free site and with it attracts all sorts best of luck. |
Getting more common
Edited by
Wed 06/27/18 04:57 PM
Toody, he was being facetious
Democrats think they are hilarious . Canada was/is a gateway for the Russian and Greek Mafia(s), as well as Chinese triads.
Damn Snowbacks! not sure what a snowback is, can tell me or show us which country doesn't have organized crime syndicates? |
looking for BBW in abudhabi
Where I find I don't know can you help me how is it that you think any of us can help you? do you want us to give you the names and numbers of Larger ladies? Because that isn't going to happen. And I dont know a single soul in abudhabi let alone know where it is. |
Is There a Place Called Hell
Ive never said I did, nor will I
I will help a vet anytime and I have. just talking about the hypocrisy you claim Christians have |
I am not 'the left' and 'the right' are not victims. Did I misspell the word or call names? No. Like I said, maybe my keyboard got stuck. I understand hypocrisy as a part of flawed human nature. I understand the need for Starbucks for those who crave coffee. I Believe in the possibility of Russian collusion because 12 DIFFERENT AGENCIES have confirmed russians involvement(the number may be off, I dont recall exactly, but more than one or two random for sure) and several of Trump's family and friends have been PROVEN to have been contacting Russian officials. 12 different agencies? uh huh. and the senate intelligence committee says different. |
Getting more common
well they are smart enough not to sneak into Canada eh?
why? they cannot get welfare, or free healthcare because the government is smart enough not to issue health cards to illegals or drivers licenses. they can work under the table but the first winter here and they will be gone. Apparently we do somethings right. If illegals are caught here they are immediately detained and deported. another plus. |
Getting more common
Im guessing , this is a reason to have the wall built? no.
its okay. but people can always justify why they should feel entitled to judge others ... cant they? sorry, I meant I dont know what you mean by this A. I am a US citizen (taxpaying status is a mark of income status, not as citizen value) People always judge others, you cant tell me you dont or haven't. |
Personally we shouldn't have to worry about statistics ..if they're here illegaly..kicked them out..end of story.. exactly, they broke the law coming to America illegally . 2) their gang MS 13 falls under RICO statutes. I wonder why there isn't a task force like what the FBI had for the 5 crime families of New York . |
A. I am a US citizen (taxpaying status is a mark of income status, not as citizen value) I honestly dont know you what you mean by that? |
wow, condescending too, who are you to value what others do shoe on the other foot huh? and how was it condescending? I was pretty clear from my last post, who are you to value what others do? I have been a housewife and a girlfriend. what SOME people do is not known just by outside observation, kind of the point when people make 'condescending' judgements on others who receive assistance simply because they may own items, or have an appearance that is nicer than one might expect.
well, lets see when you have someone on welfare living like someone who is working earning a living wage , you dont see a problem? No , not all welfare people are living life, this is about those that abuse the system. I know you're going to reply back with " how do you know they are abusing the system" And most of us will counter with" they have toys" as in material things they shouldn't be having, yes who are we to say what others should have as material possession? well the answer, we are tax payers. yes. lets be realistic. Lets be realistic about how there really is not much MOTIVATION at all to be on welfare IF one can find a job that pays them a living wage to survive on AND has an environment and support system that will aid them to that end.
Of course most of us are not motivated to be on welfare because we have self worth, I rather work 3 dead end jobs vs being on welfare, I rather live at home with my parents vs going on welfare But that is me, I can say that because Im a single guy without kids, I know I cannot say that if I have young children, and that is where I believe welfare should come in , once its established that one has fallen on bad times or an abusive spouse left,died or in prison. I think that is what welfare should be for, instead of volunteering when on welfare about an internship of some type. |
Its a free site, it is what it is.
I find more people on the forums real, and there are some really attractive ladies too. Probably stick to the forums, even though there are some scammers and spammers on the forums but they seem to get weeded out . The mods do a decent job eliminating the whack jobs,scammers and spammers. welcome to M2 |
Newbie here
two replies and one date?
dude you're doing better than 99% of the men on here Congrats. whatever it is you're doing keep doing it. |
Human beings are different, nobody is the same. We all have preferences, based on experiences we made. That's why I said, we can't love everybody. But we should accept those, who are different from us. And leave them be. ![]() |