Community > Posts By > sherry_2

sherry_2's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:57 AM

I don't see a problem with age long as they are both adults. Personally, I believe that age is a frame of mind; I've met some 30 somes that act like they're "over the hill" and then some 50 somes that live life to the fullest!
No accounting for age! You know that ole saying..." you're only as old as you feel..." still goes.
yep yep.....and 30 year old women who act like they are ready to give up the ghost. My mama always says "the older the grape the sweeter the wine" and I am getting sweeter all the time :smile:

sherry_2's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:51 AM
People start letting you pull your car into the mainstream of traffic and give you the wave or nod.laugh

sherry_2's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:48 AM

I`m not a student, but I like nurses...Does that count? bigsmile

Is there anybody in there, just nod if you can hear me:wink:
rara you are still nuts!!!!! love to see your posts.
And yes that sabbatical lasted all of what 12 hours LOL

sherry_2's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:44 AM

LOL..age NOT a problem???

OK, that means no one would say chit if I (just turned 42) was dating a 20 year old??? BULLSH*T!!!! I'd be called everything from "craddle robber" to many more things...and most of the guys would just think "that LUCKY SOB!!" LOL

I just say this because MANY do have issue with it, but most have thier particular "definition" for it.

Age DOES play a factor in most situations over LONG TERM.

So whatever YOU and your partner are comfrtable with is FINE. To hell with what anyone else thinks, because its none of thier business anyway.

So live HAPPY! bigsmile
You are soooooo right. I myself prefer younger...much younger men...and the looks I get...I say screw em they are just wishing they had the "balls" to do it. LOL

sherry_2's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:39 AM

Like almost everything else, cold is relative.

60 - Brazilians and Saudis put on sweaters (if they can find one)

50 - Miami and Costarricense residents turn on the heat

45 - New England natives go to outdoor concerts

40 - You can see your breath
Californians shiver uncontrollably
Minnesotans go swimming

35 - Italian cars don’t start

32- Water freezes
Beer goes down easy

30 - You start planning your vacation to Costa Rica

25 - Ohio water freezes
Californians weep pitiably
Minnesotans eat ice cream
Canadians go swimming

20 - Politicians begin to talk about the homeless
New York City water freezes
Miami residents plan vacations further South (Hopefully, not Costa Rica)

15 - French cars don’t start
Pets and small children insist on sleeping in your bed with you

10 - You need jumper cables to get the car going

5 - American cars don’t start

0 -Russians put on T-shirts

-10 German cars don’t start
Eyes freeze shut when you blink

-15 You can cut your breath and use it to build an igloo
Arkansans stick tongue on metal objects
Miami residents cease to exist

-20 Pets insists on sleeping in pajamas with you
Politicians actually do something about the homeless
Minnesotans shovel snow off roof
Japanese cars don’t start

-25 Too cold to think
You need jumper cables to get the driver going
Football players put on long sleeves

-30 You plan a two week hot bath
Swedish cars don’t start

-40 Californians disappear
Minnesotans button top button
Russians put on sweaters
Your car helps you plan your trip South

-50 Congressional hot air freezes
Russians close the bathroom window

-80 Hell freezes over
Polar bears move South
Patriots Fans order hot cocoa at the game

-90 Politicians put their hands in their own pockets

laugh laugh laugh


sherry_2's photo
Sun 12/16/07 07:31 AM
Edited by sherry_2 on Sun 12/16/07 07:32 AM

My my my this thread got some folks fired up.

Like I said earlier, if there is a pasture filled with women over 40, can someone give me directions?
The pasture you are looking for is in Ohio. And 40???? Please ..... you are just babes in the woods...65 here and having the time of my life....I know what I need to know, don't have baggage to carry around, don't need or play head games, and I AM HAPPY!!!!! Is this what getting older is all about or what???? :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: SHERRY

sherry_2's photo
Sun 12/16/07 07:19 AM




flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
Nice to know there are a few men like you leftflowerforyou HAVE A GOOD LOVE DAY YOURSELF FRANK:heart: SHERRY

sherry_2's photo
Sun 12/16/07 07:04 AM

i saw pics on the news from the weather up there..its sure pretty, but being i've been in fla almost all my life, i wouldnt know how to deal with that weatherlaugh i'd like to visit it one day, but would never live in way...laugh flowerforyou
It's pretty until you can't get out to get something you forgot to pick up at the store...or until it starts getting slick and you fall on your ass a couple of times...not so pretty then laugh

sherry_2's photo
Sun 12/16/07 07:01 AM
I have already dug my car out once...and said forget this...took it over and parked it in the covered parking garage. It was bad yesterday...but it is worse today...blowing a lot here in Lima now. Oh well, hot cocoa and popcorn and movies sound great for a lazy snowed in Sunday.:smile: :smile:

sherry_2's photo
Sun 12/16/07 06:48 AM
Edited by sherry_2 on Sun 12/16/07 06:57 AM

If you raised your you would be wrong. read on...
The 13 th amendment did not end slavey... why well read on....

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Section 1. "...except as a punishment for crime.... "

Whats your thoughts?

You know thing like this get me, so I would like you to elaborate on this if you don't mind. What is your point?

So what would you suggest we do with criminals? I personally think the death penalty should be used much more than it is. JFI most states have outlawed chain gang activities, due to bleeding hearts that sympathize with criminals.
It's never gonna go away....EVER......and as far as the death penalty goes.....Let me be the one to push the needle in please....or to turn on the electric on Old Sparky or whatever, too much money and time is wasted in keeping the scum of the earth in prisons where they get 3 squares and a cot and tv and other things that our HOMELESS don't. They are just parasites in my eyes, and should be put under a hell of a lot sooner....what about the victims? They don't have the option of getting up in the morning and having breakfast and laying around watching tv and being ALIVE. Sorry this hit a nerve. We are way too soft on the creeps in prisons here. Get rid of em and be done with it.

sherry_2's photo
Fri 12/14/07 02:15 PM

To be honest, what he spends his Christmas bonus on is really none of your business. It is his money!! If he is in the red, that is his problem. I think the only time you should worry about it is IF he asked you to borrow money. Until then, I don't think you should worry about it.
Why would you dump him over something that you can not control and you have really no reason to want to control? Its his money and its his bills!! If its really bothering you, talk to him. I do think he will probably tell you to butt out, I know I would tell someone exactly that who was being nosey!!
Could not agree more..I hate it when someone gets into my personal business...If you are not paying his bills it's NOYB and until asked MYOB.

sherry_2's photo
Fri 12/14/07 11:46 AM

C'mon now...Does it really suck that bad to be single? Better to be single than w/ some fruitcake nutjob,I say.
I love being single...I would rather spend time by myself than go out with someone and be bored to tears. Besides..I can do what I want..when I want..without someone *****in' at me. Life is sweet!!!!:smile:

sherry_2's photo
Thu 12/13/07 10:54 AM
Is there anyone from Lima or close to it?

sherry_2's photo
Wed 12/12/07 10:16 PM

i work graveyard,, so im getting paid to be here
Nice work if you can get it...LOL..

sherry_2's photo
Wed 12/12/07 09:55 PM

Come on over to my drink forum...
LOL recovering alcoholic....probably wouldn't be my thing...but ty for the offer

sherry_2's photo
Wed 12/12/07 09:54 PM

umm,, nope not an owl,,, but i stay up all night,, that count
works for me!

sherry_2's photo
Wed 12/12/07 09:43 PM
Am I the only person that says up late? It is about 1am in Ohio and there is nobody to talk to.

sherry_2's photo
Tue 12/11/07 07:39 PM

yesterday i had one: 89 yr old man looking for sexy woman for humping...i swear i am not lying
OMG... I know what you mean...K....they say the dumbest s###.....but let an older woman try that...Burn me at the stake...NOW....LOL...BTW Lex you are still one of the funniest guys on here.

sherry_2's photo
Tue 12/11/07 11:00 AM

sherry_2's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:32 AM

I get lots of replies because I'm nice, cordial, and amusing. are all that and a bag of chips.